Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

That Easter Bunny sure was busy this weekend, and so were we!
We had a fun week - Wednesday at daycare we got to spend all day watching the house next door get knocked down by BIG tractors. How cool! We are just excited to get outside and play, but this was a great bonus to see the house demolition. We are tired of being cooped up inside. We take every opportunity at home and daycare to be outside.
We got new swings over the winter, and we're LOVING the big kid swings at home.
Friday, we got to drive to Grandma's house. It was a LONG drive, but we were excited to see Grandma, Angie & Grandpa when we got there. Grandma & Grandpa still have just a little bit of snow left in ditches & shady spots, but the flooding around them is amazing to see. We don't live near any rivers, but we drove past several that are really full and spilling right out of their banks! Dani, Jason, Lauren & Ben came to Grandma's later so we got to see them, too.
Saturday, we went into town to the park where the Easter bunny had hidden a whole bunch of eggs - we helped him collect them and got candy for our efforts. Then, Mom & Dad let us play at the playground. After that, we went to Great Grandma's for dinner, then the Easter Bunny hid MORE eggs for us. YEAH!
After we opened all our eggs and got all the fun toys & candy out of them, Mom took us for a walk to look at tractors. Most of the tractors were different than what was in our neighborhood to fix our roads last year, but they were still HUGE and COOL! But, that wore Noah out because he fell asleep on Great Grandma's couch after that. There were so many people there, he was really tired to sleep through all that!
When we went back to Grandma's we opened more presents from our aunts, uncle and grandma & grandpa. And were so tired, we fell asleep right away when Mom & Dad put us to bed.
This morning, Mom and Dad told us they heard the Easter Bunny INSIDE Grandma & Grandpa's house last night - he filled our Easter Buckets with more eggs, a puzzle, cool new toothbrush and new umbrella for each of us. That tricky Easter Bunny HID our stuff from us so we had to look behind chairs and inside grandma's tent to get our stuff.
Great Grandma, Cathy & Jim came over to eat dinner at Grandma's today, so we got to see them today. After dinner, Daddy left on his motorcycle. We were ready to go home after he left. But, we had to make sure Mommy remembered Cheyenne! We think she was just kidding when she said she was going to leave our puppy at Grandma's, but we helped call Cheyenne and remind Mommy to let Cheyenne in the car. It was a long drive, but we were happy to get home and happy to fall asleep in our own beds tonight.
Happy Easter!
Noah & Hannah

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