Sunday, September 20, 2009


It's interesting to see how different Noah & Hannah's "pretend" play is. Hannah has been playing with "pretend" objects for a couple of months. She likes to pretend she has pretend foods. noah used to get SO mad when Hannah shared her M&Ms with Mom, Dad and him and he didn't GET any M&Ms because they weren't real.
Lately, Noah's pretend play has been talking to objects as if they're real. When he wakes up in the morning, he says "good morning Bob" (Bob is his small stuffed dog), holds Bob in front of his face and says "Good morning Noah". When he wears his Lightning McQueen pajamas, he says "Good morning Lightning McQueen." "Good Morning, Noah. Ka-chow!"
Lightning McQueen is still Noah's favorite, and Hannah still loves Princesses. Noah often tells us "I'm a Prince!" While Hannah tells us that she's a Princess.
Noah is very good at spelling his name now. He can read his own name, and if a letter is missing or added, he will tell you it's wrong! Hannah isn't spelling her name out loud, but she's working on writing it. Her letter "H" is very good, and she's working on the rest of the letters. Unfortunately, she keeps thinking she has an "O" somewhere in her name, like Noah.
We've had a little bit of a rough week. Hannah woke up several times on Monday night, and after a trip to the doctor on Tuesday found out that she had croup. She finally slept through the night Thursday and had a good day on Friday, but Friday night Noah had a fever. He was a real trooper - he didn't cry or act whiney or sick. However, he had moments where he was feverish and very lethargic. Hopefully he's coming out of it, though his voice & cough are sounding a little bit like Hannah's did earlier this week...
Unfortunately, Hannah has decided that the phrase "I'm sick" carries a lot of sympathy. When she wants attention or wants something she fears she may not get (like a snack or orange juice), she says "I'm sick." Funny - when she said it, she was just laughing and joking with Noah, and when he left the room, she turned on the "I'm sick" whine.
Noah & Hannah have started to play the Wii since we set it up on the TV again. We have a game where you are riding a cow down a path, knocking over scarecrows. They love playing this game! They're still working on what the object of the game is, but they do know how to run forward and make the cow jump!
Hannah & Noah were very excited this weekend to go see their aunts, uncle, grandma, grandpa and cousins. We almost didn't bring Noah because he didn't feel well, but wanted him to be able to see his grandparents, aunts and cousins. Both Noah & Hannah were very thrilled when we got in the car, knowing we were going to Angie's house! They love Grandpa's car, and were excited to get to play in Grandpa's Mustang! (Though, they didn't get to ride in it this time.)
Have a great week!