Monday was our last day of preschool. We got to make hats, then daddy came to watch us step up on a pedestal, get a certificate of completion for preschool, then we had icees and got to be picker-uppers. Our teachers were so sad that our class was all going on summer vacation, but we gave them big hugs and let them know that we'll be back in the fall.


Thursday, we woke up to Mommy & Daddy carrying us out to the truck at 5:15 in the morning. It was the day of Daddy's shoulder surgery. We were supposed to stay late at Sue's and have Megan watch us, but the surgeon moved Daddy's time so he had to be at the hospital at 6 in the morning. I was very excited to be the first one at Sue's house! She did open early for us. We were very good for her, despite our lack of sleep. We took a short nap at quiet time and were rested for a fun day playing with our friends. Daddy was hurting a lot. We tried to be quiet for him and help him out whenever he asked for help. We got him pillows, his iPad, drinks and kicked the chair legs out on his recliner so he could sleep. He even took sat outside and watched us play, so we had supper outside with him.
Friday, Mommy dropped off AND picked up. We were excited, especially Noah. Sometimes Daddy does both drop off and pick up, but we only remember Mommy doing it once. We like when Mommy picks us up - she doesn't know why. She thinks it's just because she doesn't do it as often as daddy. We were big helpers to Daddy again.
Saturday, Daddy was feeling better so we went to Acme tool to pick up Grandpa's ladder, then to the furniture store to look at clocks. Noah wanted to drive around in the racecar cart, but Daddy was starting to get tired, so we headed toward home. We had to bring back library books, so daddy & mommy let us go pick out new books, then we went to the fabric store because Daddy wanted his sling to be softer so he bought stuff for Mommy to make his sling softer. I also got to pick out fabric for a dress! But, Mom said she was going to make Noah Spiderman scrubs first. She's got a lot of work to do!
In the afternoon, Griffin came over to play with us. We jumped on the jumpoline, swang on the swings, read books and played at his place, too. It was a fun afternoon until raindrops hit us. They didn't last long, so Mommy took us to the garden store. We got to help pick out vegetables and best of all, we got lollipops from the manager! We were tired after a long day.
Today, we got to go to church. Casey helped us make tamborines while Mom & Dad were in church. Then we got chicken and ate it at home. I wanted to go into the restaurant, but Mom said Daddy was tired and wanted to go home. So, we had chicken and then quiet time so Daddy could take a nap.

Daddy made hot dogs on the grill and Mommy cut a pineapple up. We even got to drink some leftover juice out of the pineapple shell. When we finished eating, we went to get gas so Mommy could mow the lawn. While she mowed, Daddy showed us that he got sparklers at the store! They were so cool!

Daddy told us to get our jammies on so we could have a bonfire! We love bonfires and have been hoping for one for weeks, but the rain hasn't cooperated. Finally, we got to sit around the fire (I got sent inside once because I was flipping my blanket and kicking at t

Now we're hoping for a nice day tomorrow so we can go play with our friends at Ron & Carol's Sandbox tomorrow.
Happy Memorial Day!
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