Sunday, May 15, 2011

Happy Birthday to Daddy!

It was kind of a rainy, chilly week. Especially for May!
Monday night, we came home and helped Mommy make beef stew. We helped add ingredients and stir it up. It was delicious! We don't normally like stew when Mom or Grandma makes it, but we ate it all up since we helped.
Tuesday, Mommy was gone so Daddy put us to bed. I was already asleep and Hannah was almost asleep when Daddy came and woke us up and told us to come in the basement. Daddy said the weather was bad and the sirens were going off, so he wanted us to go to the basement. We waited there for about 10 minutes before Daddy brought us upstairs to see the sky had cleared. We talked about severe weather (we had talked about severe weather at school & daycare, so we know what tormados are) (yes, I call them tormados-not tornados) and being safe before going back to bed.
Friday, Mommy picks us up. She brought us home to make birthday cards for Daddy! After we made cards and had a snack, we went to a surprise party for Juanita. We got to go jump on the trampoline with 4 other kids. It was so much fun! Mommy said we crashed into other kids and just laughed about it but when Hannah and I bumped into each other, we cried. When we came in to eat supper, I told Mommy "That was so much fun!" After supper, we played a little more before all the 4-year olds at the party put on jammies. After I put my jammies on, I sat with Daddy, Hannah and 2 other people at the campfire. I wanted to roast marshmallows, but before I could ask for some, I heard them singing to Juanita, so we went inside and had some delicious birthday cake before we went home to bed.
Saturday, we were very quiet so Daddy could sleep in. But, once he got up, it was a very busy day! We took Mommy's car to the mechanic (which upset me that we just left her car there) then we went to Menards. It was a fun trip - we got to go upstairs, take the elevator and check out grills. I even told the cashier it was Daddy's birthday, so she and the customer in front of us told him happy birthday. When we got home, we helped Mommy wrap Daddy's birthday gift and make dinner.
After dinner, we went back to get Mommy's car. The mechanic got her air conditioning to work again, so Daddy was very happy about that! We drove the car to Mommy's work to pick up a card she forgot, then we went to an art supply store. It was really a fun store. Our favorite part was the easels that we drew on with chalk. Daddy even bought us sketch pads to keep in the truck to draw on trips.
When we got home, we let Daddy open his cards and presents. I did a good job all day - only telling daddy he was getting a surprise. I didn't spill the beans about what he got until he said "Noah, I'll give you five bucks if you tell me what I got" Without hesitating, I said "Um, a chair!" He still owes me five bucks...
Daddy loved the chair! But, he had to fight Hannah for it - she jumped right on it. I was patient and didn't get a turn to sit in it until today.
It was a very good day!
Today, we let Mommy sleep in then went to church to help roll bandages. We ran around a lot because Mommy had to do a lot of set up to help us roll bandages. But, we helped so someone who is hurt in another country will have bandages because we helped. We lasted about halfway through church before going into the nursery where we were the only kids!
After church, we helped make white mac & cheese and had quiet time. After quiet time, we got to go outside and play. It was a nice sunny day, so we played on the swings and slide before getting our bikes out. We went for a ride around the block, and when we got back, daddy adjusted Hannah's bike and got me a new bike! (Daddy said it wasn't new, but it was new to me since I'd been riding a trike all day.) It's different to be on a 2-wheel bike that has brakes, but I'm getting used to it. I was a little upset because Mommy found a bell on a different bike that we outgrew before we could ride it. Hannah wanted the bell so Daddy put it on her bike. I want a bell, but we only had one. But, mom said we could either take turns or have no bell. I guess we'll just have to take turns.
After dinner at Subway, we took baths and then I wrote my letters using my stencil ruler until it was time to go to bed. It was a very busy weekend, so we were ready to crash. We hope Daddy had a very happy birthday.
We're looking forward to a field trip at school this week!

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