It was a very cold week. Mommy said she even had to play volleyball in the snow on Wednesday. Daddy was home sick with strep throat, too. Mommy & Daddy have been sick a lot this winter. We sure hope summer is here soon!
Yesterday, Mommy was at a Mom sale in the morning.While she was gone, Daddy took us to our last volleyball class. I wasn't listening very well, but ran a lot of energy off! After lunch, Daddy let us have new "quiet time" rules. We could talk and play but did not have to be on our bed, we just couldn't leave our room.
After mom got home, we went to get our hair cut. We both got our hair cut short - Hannah's is at her shoulder, mine is short for summer. Mommy thought I shouldn't have long hair anymore because I've been running around the house pointing pretend guns at mirrors (when I see myself with my long hair) yelling "I'll get you Justin Beaver!"
We were so good at the salon that Daddy bought us Subway cookies. But, we didn't go home and eat, we went to a sports store to buy a volleyball for us! We wanted to go upstairs in the sports store, so we got to ride the escalators up. We sat in a kayak, tried out the tents and tried out the camping chairs. Daddy found a really cool triple camping chair in our size. He thought it would be perfect for bonfires with our friends! He also found a double chair for he & Mommy.
This morning, Mommy was so proud of me. I woke up early and was very quiet as I played and ate my yogurt. Shortly after Hannah got up, I decided to eat the last piece of cinnamon bread for breakfast. Hannah was very upset and started crying, so Mommy sent her to her room to cry. But, I came in and asked Mommy if I could share my bread with Hannah. So, I went and asked Hannah if I could share with her. She was still crying, but Mommy lifted me up to her bed so she could take a bite of my bread. Mommy said it was very nice of me to share.
After church, we got to eat chicken for lunch. Hannah was so tired she almost fell asleep on the table, so Daddy put in her bed for quiet time so she could sleep. Mommy set up the tent in the living room and let me have quiet time in the tent! It was so cool - I had my blanket, John (my froggie pillow pet) and a book in the tent for quiet time. I was pretty good until I got tangled in the tent and Daddy had to rescue me. After quiet time, we had snack and we went bowling for the first time ever!

After that, we got to go grocery shopping to a new store. I don't think Dad planned on going to the bookstore after the grocery store, but I read the "book store" sign near the grocery store, so I told him I wanted to go to the bookstore.
It's been a very busy weekend! We're looking forward to our Spring Sing on Friday at school.
Until next week, have a good week!
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