Monday was Memorial Day so we didn't go to Sue's house with our friends. Mommy & Daddy took us to Ron & Carol's for their big Memorial Day Party. Daddy couldn't play but he got to hang out and talk to a lot of friends. We were one of three sets of twins (there were 2 singleton kids and six twins there!) to play. We brought Ron & Carol a big volleyball! We all had fun playing with it. It was as big as Hannah!
Hannah hung out with the girls and played volleyball with them. I was disappointed when nobody wanted to play jump rope with me, but when I decided to play Hot Wheels, Deion played with me. That was fun.
It was a short week - before we knew it, it was Friday!

Friday night, Daddy had a talk with us about the clock. He told us that when the clock had a "5" as the first number, it was too early to get out of bed. If the clock has a "6" as the first number, we can get up and play or read quietly in our room and if the clock has a "7" as the first number, we can get up.
Saturday, we both woke us at the exact same time - 7:45 - and we got cinnamon bites fresh from the oven for breakfast! Yum. They were soo good.
Saturday was very busy. Mommy washed the garage (so she can paint it) while we painted with watercolors in the kitchen, then we went to Target. After shopping at Target we went out to eat. We got out of our car and had a picnic right by the railroad tracks at a drive-in. We got yummy food and cool sunglasses that flip up to regular glasses! Then we went to Malmborgs, sweet-talked the ladies working to give us new lollipop credit cards (we forgot ours at home) and bought some more plants before coming home to eat noodles.
Today, Hannah got up early - before 7 o'clock. Mommy said she could play in the living room so she didn't wake me, but when I got up at 7:20, Hannah was asleep in the big chair! We both got up and played quietly in the living room while Mom & Dad got up and got ready to mow the lawn. We were having so much fun playing, we didn't even get dressed or eat breakfast until Daddy asked if we were hungry at 10! We got to play outside with Griffin while Mommy & Daddy washed the deck. We played giraff-a-laff and dressed up in Costumes! Griffin & I were firefighters while Hannah was princess Ariel.
After dinner, we had quiet time in our room until surprise guests came!

By the end of the day we were so exhausted. It was a busy weekend - so busy, we didn't even get to take Cheyenne shopping. Maybe we can take her shopping tomorrow or next weekend.
Have a good week! Stay cool.
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