Wednesday, Daddy picked us up from daycare and made

Thursday, our aunt Angela stopped by on her way through the cities. She went to pick up our cousin Alexander from Grandma Lois, so we got to see Angela & play with Alex for a short time. We had pizza with them and played in the sandbox with Alex.
Saturday morning, we got up and played for a while,

After that Daddy brought us up through Minneapolis to see where the tornado had been a few weeks ago, and then he took us to eat! I almost blew it - I said I wanted chicken nuggets & not Subway, so Daddy started to drive home. But, he decided to take us to the VFW. We love the VFW! We can color pictures, dance and eat! Unfortunately, there were no planes taking off or landing out the windows of the VFW, but it was still fun. Daddy even promised us Dairy Queen blizzards when we ate all our food!
When we got home, it was raining, so we laid down for quiet time (we played princesses in our room. Noah was the beast and the prince while I was the princesses). After quiet time, we had our snack and mommy took us to Kmart. I got a big girl car seat! Mommy was showing me car seats on the internet and I told her I wanted the pink one, and I got it! I wanted one like Noah's but she said I'm too small. She said I need to weigh more so I had to have this one. I still love it! I have a big girl booster seat now. She put it in when I was asleep Saturday night.
This morning, Noah got Daddy's father's day gifts for him right when Daddy got up. We remembered it was father's day! We made gifts for him at daycare. Our morning didn't go very well, though. Daddy & Mommy wanted so find books to return to the library and we couldn't find them. We looked everywhere and even had to clean up the house to try to find the books. We finally gave up, so Mommy said no more library books since we've lost 2 this month and lost another one about a year ago. Bummer. We love going to the library and checking out new books.
When we finally got to take a break from looking for books, we made pizza. we put lots of sauce and lots of cheese on it! Mommy didn't realize this meant we had pizza 4 of the past 5 days, now. Good thing we like pizza. After eating, Daddy and Mommy took us to the Airport for an open house. We got to look at airplanes, watch them take off and land, and even saw helicopters. After that, we went home and opened half birthday presents. Mommy & Daddy said they wanted us to feel special with presents since our birthdays fall so close to Christmas, so we celebrate our half birthday. We got some fun little stuff (look & find books, Thomas the train, Rapunzel lip gloss, coloring books, new pajamas and a slip & slide!)

We wanted Daddy to open his presents right after we opened ours. We couldn't wait! We made candy boxes (WITH CANDY INSIDE!) for him. He loved them. We both wrote "Happy Father's Day" on our cards all by ourselves - Sue didn't write it for us. Daddy was so proud of both of us for that. Mommy also helped us get him a new computer monitor, which he was very happy about!
We couldn't wait to use the slip & slide (though Mommy had to mow the lawn before we could use it.) It was pretty cool, but we didn't know you had to run & jump. Noah laid down on the slip & slide at first and didn't move. He said "It doesn't work. I don't slide!" Mommy showed us how she ran, jumped on her belly & slid down the slip & slide. We still didn't quite get the hang of it - Daddy had to push us, which was still fun. After playing on it for a while, Daddy got the pool out so we could fill up the pool. We enjoyed that for a long time before it was time to go in and eat and get ready for bed.
It was a very busy weekend with our half birthday and father's Day. It was a good weekend, but we're exhausted. I'm very excited that I get to wear my new circle dress tomorrow! Mommy made me a new dress (she said it's the 3rd try to make something to fit me - I've been too skinny for the other 2 dresses she made) and I'm very excited to wear it to daycare!
Have a good week!
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