Wednesday, I had kind of a rough day. I was a little bit naughty at daycare, then came home and Hannah and I were fighting, so daddy put us in our bedroom. It didn't take long before we were out of our room! I was climbing on the ladder to my bunkbed and fell down, landing right on my big yellow (metal) Tonka dump truck. Hannah ran to tell Daddy I was bleeding, and Daddy tried to stop the bleeding. I got a really big cut right above my eye. We were on our way out the door to the doctor when Daddy got it to stop bleeding. I was freaked out - Mommy could even tell when she talked to me on the phone. I cried and couldn't even act tough for her. Even though Daddy got it to stop bleeding, he still decided to take me to the doctor. I didn't want to go, but he told me that after we go to the doctor, we could go to Subway, so I reluctantly agreed to go. I took my Transformers and Hannah took a baby and off we went to the doctor.
We went to a different Urgent Care office than we normally do, but they brought us into the little room really fast! They decided I needed stitches. I didn't know what that meant, but Daddy had used those words when he talked to Mommy. The doctor said it needed to be stitched because the skin was too far apart to heal right. So, they gave Daddy a cotton ball to put on my eye and hold for a while.
When the doctor came back into the room, she started to put stitches in my cut. The first one was OK. I was calm and it didn't hurt, but the second stitch hurt! I cried and screamed and tried to get away. They put something on my eye that burned, then finished stitching, but I just wanted to get away. Daddy and a nurse had to hold me down while the doctor tried to stitch my cut when I stopped to breathe. Hannah was freaked out by my screaming, too. I could see her pacing back and forth putting her hands on her ears, crying because she was scared of why I was crying.
When it was all over, we headed out for Subway, but I saw a McDonalds! I told Daddy I wanted McDonalds instead, so he told me that I could have whatever I wanted. Yay! McNuggets and apple fries at our kitchen table when we finally got home with drive-thru McDonalds food.
Because we were so far behind schedule, we were still up when Mommy came home from her game at 8:30. She was so happy to see us and hug us! I was able to show her my stitches and Hannah was able to give her the Valentine she made for Mom at Sue's. (Hannah wanted to bring it to the doctor, just in case mom came, but Daddy told Mom not to come, and told Hannah that Mom could get her Valentine when they got home.)

Saturday, we slept in. We were tired after the big dance! Daddy went snow tubing with the church and we had a big day at home.
We went to skating, and Hannah went right on the ice and showed off her skills from last week. She still has trouble standing up, but she was moving her feet really well! I told Mom I didn't want to go on the ice. I reluctantly put my skates on, and went on the ice, but I didn't have my best day. Mom keeps asking how I'm going to play hockey if I don't practice skating...shouldn't it just come to me when I have a stick in my hand?
After skating, we went to have our skates sharpened. Our teacher told Mommy it would help us, so she hopes it will help stop us from sliding around so much on our skates. While we were there, we saw all sorts of hockey sticks! It was awesome! I really want a hockey stick.
After we had dinner we went out to play in the snow! We played in the backyard for a while, then went sledding at Griffin's house. He has a really big pile of snow in his driveway that we slide down into his yard. It was such a nice day, we played outside for over an hour!
After sledding, we made cookies. We made GIANT hearts and stars, and even a few small hearts and doggie bones. They were pretty good - and mom let us try the dough BEFORE it was baked. It was pretty good, too.
Today was church and Sunday School. We were so good at Sunday school, then we were very excited to go see Kasey in the nursery. We made valentines for Mom and Dad. They're beautiful!
We went to a computer store, played with the cameras and took pictures of each other, then came home to play outside again. It was another nice day - and another day of sledding with Griffin. What a fun weekend we had!
We delivered our Valentines cards & cookies to Griffin tonight before we took a shower. We have taken showers this week instead of baths, because we're getting to be big kids! After we washed our hair, we put on our swimsuits and had fun in the tub. (Then after we got out, we went and gave daddy a big wet hug!)
We're looking forward to tomorrow. It's Valentine's Day and we're having parties at Sues and at school. YAY!
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
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