We were so excited that the first thing we did on Wednesday was show Mommy! She loved it.
Friday night, Mommy came to pick us up from daycare and told us we were going to a party. We love parties! When we got home, Daddy told us we would be going to Dylan & Trevor's house for the party. Yay! We love going to play with them! I got all dressed up in my red party dress, and we packed our pajamas in a bag and left. Mom said we had to stop and pick up a friend of hers at a bookstore on the way - we tried to guess who it was, but had no idea it would be ANGIE! So, we got to bring her to the party with us.
On the way to the party, we told Angie what we told Mom about school. We learned about walleye today. It's a big fish that lives in lakes. Noah was very excited to tell Angie about it.
We danced, played with nerf guns, ate yummy food and had a pajama party before we got tired and went home. I almost fell asleep before we got home. I'm glad I didn't because there was a strange truck parked in our driveway. We got in and found GRANDMA and GRANDPA in our house! YAY! We were so very excited, but very tired, so we went to bed shortly after getting home. (We stayed up until 10:30. We were so tired when we fell asleep.)
Saturday morning, we didn't have skating so we just hung out with Grandma & Grandpa. After lunch, we went skating at the park with Grandma, Grandpa, Mommy and Angie. Grandpa was the first to fall, though we all fell once or twice. We skated for over an HOUR, but we really made some progress in moving our feet by ourselves. (Our favorite part was when we got to skate between 2 adults. We got to go really fast and rely on them for balance, so it was awesome.) After we skated, we got to go to Target to pick out Valentines for our friends. Valentine's Day is next week, so we have to sign our valentines and get them ready to go.
Saturday after supper, Daddy told us we could eat the gingerbread house.

We went skating again this morning, but it was colder, so we only lasted about 45 minutes. It was fun, and we really did a good job. Noah skated a lot by himself! I got cold early but still got to skate with lots of help to get my confidence up.
After a yummy dinner, Grandma, Grandpa and Angie had to go home. Daddy told us we would have quiet time and then go to a movie. We've never been to a movie at a theater before. Noah didn't understand why we had to lay down - he wanted to go right away. But, we laid down, waited patiently and then left for the movie theater. Mommy and Daddy chose a theater that had tables and served food and drinks so we got hot cheese, nachos, chicken strips and waffle fries while we watched Tangled. I loved it. It was about a princess with long, beautiful hair.
This was our first movie in a movie theater. It wasn't stadium seating like Daddy liked, but it had comfy chairs that could twirl and tables for our food & drinks.
Noah didn't quite get the idea of the movie - he got there and said he wanted it to start now, and then wanted to leave because it didn't start when he wanted it to. Mommy took him for a walk, but came back when the movie started. It was really loud, but I got used to it. I LOVED the movie. I sat in one spot and nibbled on my food throughout the movie, but I was fascinated by it. Daddy said he loved looking at my face throughout the movie because he knew I loved it. Noah decided to have some food and drink his milk during the movie, too. He went back and forth between a chair in front of our table to Mommy's lap. I think he liked the movie, but he really wanted to see Spongebob. (The theater didn't HAVE a Spongebob movie playing today.) He had to go potty at the end, but was too interested in the movie to leave. When it was time to go, he said he wanted to stay and see another movie - but Mom and Dad said we only get to see one movie when we go to the theater. They had to clean out the theater for the next movie showing.
On the way home, Daddy told us how he was very proud of us for being quiet and good during the movie.
Mom said we're getting really smart. Whenever she uses a big word, we ask what it means. Friday, we learned what recognize means. Today, we learned a few more words. We'll keep learning lots of new things!
Have a good week.
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