Thursday we got a package in the mail! We love getting mail.

Friday night started out great - we made waffles for supper! But the rest of the night wasn't a great night for us. Daddy went to the church to help with something all night, so mommy put us to bed. She worked until about 11:30 and then came downstairs to find Noah had puked in his bed. So, she changed his clothes and put him in her bed while she changed his sheets. She turned the light on low so she could see but it still disturbed me. When I finally fell alseep, she woke me up and told me Noah puked on my bed, too. Apparently it fell off his bed onto mine. Luckily, it didn't get on my Princess comforter, but I had to get new sheets and Mommy had to wash a bunch of my stuffed animals. She put me in her bed with Noah while she changed my sheets. I was ready to go back to my bed when she was done, but Noah slept in Mom & Dad's bed.
Saturday morning, Mom took me to skating. the boys stayed home because they were sick. Daddy had a bad cold and Noah puked again. Poor Noah. He just wanted to cuddle with mom before we left.
I did so great at skating! I stood up all by myself! Mommy was so proud of me! We went home and I quietly colored while Noah slept.
He woke up feeling much better. But, Mom let us chill out and watch movies while she worked on her work computer. We got to watch Beauty and the Beast. The beast was scary, but I so so happy at the end when they were kissing and he turned into a prince!
Today we had Sunday School. Noah was having a really bad day. He threw a few tantrums before Sunday school and wanted to sit on mom's lap at Sunday School. We had the coolest thing happen at Sunday School - it was two guys who were so funny! They told stories about Daniel and the Lions and Noah's ark - I loved it. At the end, they made balloon animals, but we were disappointed when we didn't get any. Noah got sad and had a tantrum when Sunday School was over. He cried really hard - he said he just wanted to go home and cried until we got home and he could cuddle with Mom in the big chair. Daddy got him to take a nap this afternoon, he slept for 3 hours and he felt much better.
We got a LOT of snow today! It started snowing when we were in Sunday School, and was still snowing really hard when we went to bed. We get to stay home with Daddy tomorrow because Sue and our school are both closed for a holiday. Maybe it will be nice enough to play outside!
Have a good week. We'll try to stay warm.
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