We both helped with reader's theater in Sunday School, then had class. After class, we got to go to the nursery while Mom & Dad had a murder mystery meeting. They keep talking about Murder Mystery stuff - we really want to see this murder mystery that they've been talking about, but Mom & Dad said it's a party at church. They said we can help set up but the party is at night and it's too late at night for us.
After nursery, we got in the car & drove to a Perkins far away from our house. It was kind of chilly in there, so Mom went to get a jacket for us, and when she came back, Angie was in front of her! We got to see Angie, Grandma & Grandpa for lunch. I was so excited I RAN to Angie to give her the biggest hug. Noah was so excited to see them, too. He was really happy to see Grandma & Grandpa and Angie, too.
On our way home, we stopped at the store near our place bought new shoes. Mommy said she wants us to have really good shoes that won't fall apart this summer. They tie, so Mom said we aren't allowed to wear them until we learn to tie. These are our first tie shoes since we've started putting our own shoes on.
Yesterday, we had a busy day. We wore our green for St. Patrick's Day. Mommy & Daddy took us to eat at a new restaurant. They were playing irish music, and we danced to it while we waited for our food since we sat near the dance floor. It was pretty good, but we got so much food, we couldn't finish.
After eating, we went to Target to pick out a birthday party for Dylan. Noah picked a water gun, so I helped choose which gun to get. Then we went home to wrap it and left for the party. It was a long drive, but it was pretty fun when we got there. It was a martial arts party! I was too shy to go out on the mat with the boys at first since I was the only girl, but Mommy wanted to see me do my kicks & punches, so I went out and showed her. They instructors running the party showed everyone some blocks, kicks & punches, let us hit & kick some noisy paper, then we did a couple of obstacle courses before cake & juice. It was awesome! We were so tired when we got home, though, that we had supper and went to bed early.
Friday was a big day for us. We had our Minnesota reports! We've been practicing and getting excited all week. When we got off the bus, Mrs. Hanks walked us onto the grass and showed us signs of spring - flowers! They were purple and just poking through the grass near the school building.
Mom & Dad came to watch us do our reports. We did our circle time, crafts and gym time. (We had an uneven number of people when we paired up to play with balls, so I chose Mommy to play ball with me. A bunch of other girls wanted to join our group because I had mommy, but Mrs. Bodin said to say with our partners so I had Mommy all to myself! Noah played ball with Nicholas.) After gym time, we got to do our reports. Noah went first, then I went.
When we did our reports, we looked for information, then told Mommy what we wanted to say, she typed it on the computer and we read our reports. We made boards with pictures on them so we could point to pictures as we talked.
Noah lost his place just once when he read his report. Mrs. Bodin asked him some questions that he answered, but then he found his place and finished his report. Mom & Dad said he sounded like a politician when he answered classmates questions. Whenever anyone asked a question, he said "That's a very good question" and pointed at the person who asked.
Here's a link to Noah's report: http://youtu.be/oQsBC9HNe8k
He got to bring Honeycrisp apples to share with everyone. We ate them during our special St. Patrick's Day movie, and a lot of our friends thanked Noah for the yummy snack that he brought for his report. Daddy & Mommy searched 3 different stores before finally finding Honeycrisp apples, and Noah really appreciated it.
When it was my turn, I started shy & quiet, but I started getting louder after I started and gained confidence. I didn't lose my place when I read. And, Mrs. Bodin helped me answer questions - it turns out she saw Paul Bunyan and sat on his boot when SHE was a little girl, too. He knew HER name, too. Wow.
Here's a link to my report: http://youtu.be/0NoJt_jBW3Y
After we did our reports, we each got a Minnesota lisence plate

After school, Mommy drove us to Sue's to find out if she caught the leprechaun. We've always tried to catch him using a box, but today Sue used Megan's laCrosse net. We thought that would work! She caught his leg, but he escaped. He did leave us green beads and chocolate gold coins! That naughty leprechaun!
Friday night, we went to the new Menards. It was pretty nice! It has elevators, cart escalators and lots of cool stuff. We can't wait to go back.
Wednesday morning, Mommy & Daddy got us up early and we got to Sue's early. Mommy & Daddy had to go visit a different school. They said they liked it, so they said they have 2 schools to choose from for us to go to kindergarten. We can't wait to see what school we'll attend next year!
Monday night, we got to go to Daddy's volleyball game. Daddy picked us up from daycare, brought us to his volleyball game and met Mommy there! We got to play iPad while they played volleyball. Then Mommy took us home to bed. We were still pretty worn out from the time change over the weekend.
It was a pretty busy week. We're working on being good kids in the morning. Daddy has started a new incentive program - if we get up, get ready and get through our morning list without Dad or Mom hounding us, we get a quarter! We love getting to put that quarter in our piggy banks!
It's been a busy week. We're looking forward to a less busy week this week before Spring Break next week. Mom said Sue won't take a spring break - just school.
Have a good week!
We've had really warm days this week. We've been able to go outside at school and at Sue's, so we've been happy!
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