Monday was nice outside, so we got to play outside when we got home from daycare.
Tuesday, daddy picked us up and he had braces on his teetch! We knew he was getting them, but we still have to get used to Daddy with braces on his teeth. After daddy picked us up from daycare, we went to visit our friend Jaxson, ate pizza and had a good time while Daddy worked with Jaxson's dad on a church meeting. It was a fun night to play with a friend (and his legos!)
Wednesday morning, we both got quarters for being good and getting ready in the morning without being hounded. Daddy gave us the option of saving our quarters in our piggy bank or taking them to soo bahk do and using them for a gumball. I chose to save mine so I can buy legos! Hannah chose to use hers for a gumball, so Daddy told her to put it in her pocket and save it. By the time Daddy picked us up from Sue's, Hannah had lost her quarter. She was very sad - she even cried, but Daddy said it was her responsibility to hang on to it, and she lost it. Neither of us got gumballs after Soo Bahk Do but we did get McDonald's because Daddy had to help with something for a little while at church. We played while he worked, then I got to ride back to our house with Daddy's friend Ryan.
Friday when mommy picked us up, Hannah asked if we could go to Angie's on Saturday. She said that Angie had to work, so Hannah asked if we could go to Grandma's. She said "OK." On our way home, she said maybe we should go tonight so we're just there tomorrow. When we pulled up to the front of the house, our suitcases were waiting on the step! Hannah was so impressed. She asked Mommy how she got our stuff ready so fast! Mom and Dad are GOOD. So, we packed up and drove out to Grandma & Grandpa's house. We even got to stop at the Pizza Ranch for pizza on the way there. It was delicious, but Daddy is still having a hard time eating most foods. Poor Daddy.

Saturday, we got to drive Grandpa's skid steer. It's just like a bobcat. We were excited just to get a ride, but getting to drive it was awesome! We've been admiring those since they re-did the road in front of our house a couple of years ago. I loved driving it.
Daddy had to take his bike to be fixed, so we stayed home with Grandma, Grandpa & Mommy. After we had quiet time, Grandpa took us into town in his cool car. We got to roll down the windows, feel the wind in our hair (it was a little too windy for us - especially Hannah) and ride through town. It was so fun. Mommy even drove us back home in Grandpa's Mustang.
Great Grandma Marita came for supper, then when grandpa brought her home, we got to see her new apartment. She lives really close to Grandma & Grandpa now. Her apartment is really small, but she really likes it there. She even took us to see her friend down the hall to show us off and say hi to her.

This morning, Hannah and I both got up early so we could have breakfast with grandpa, then I put on my shoes and told Grandpa I wanted to drive the skid-steer again. Daddy asked Grandpa if he was going to let me do that to him, but Grandpa just laughed and said "yes." So, I got to drive the skid steer again! Hannah drove for a little while, but it was cold, so she went in the house and had Mommy do her nails.
Great Grandma Marita, Great Grandma Leona & Great Aunt Dee came for dinner, so we had a lot of people at dinner! Mommy's uncle Roger & Aunt Trish stopped to say hi but they didn't stay to eat.
It was a long drive home. We were tired and getting crabby. We were very ready to go to bed when it was bedtime. We're looking forward to catching up on our sleep this week. It's spring break, though we will still be going to Sue's and keeping busy with everything we have going on.
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