Monday, we brought our Valentine's to school and to daycare.
We brought Valentines gifts for Sue & Megan. We cut out our handprints for Sue, Megan, Mrs. Bodin & Mrs Hanks with a note that said "You deserve a hand. Happy Valentine's Day" and put them on little bottles of lotion. Sue thought it was so nice that we brought her a present, and she said she'd give Megan her present. When we gave the presents to our teachers, they were surprised and happy that we brought presents for THEM! Sue told us the next day that Megan even tweeted "Noah & Hannah love me" so she loved the present, too.

Mommy came home early that night so we could have supper as a family and go to a meeting. We went to look at a new school that we might go to next year. We all got in the truck and followed the school buses down to the new school. The parking lot was so full we had to walk a little ways to get there. We waited in line down a hall, up some stairs and when we got to the top of the stairs they told us that the meeting was full and we couldn't come in. We were SO bummed! But, Daddy & mommy let us look around, and we found the classrooms were open. So, we checked out the kindergarten classrooms, 1st grade and the cafeteria. It was a pretty nice school, but on the way home, I told Mom & Dad that I choose Forest. I liked that school better. Daddy said there are a lot of things that go into where we go to school next year and we don't know where we'll go yet.
Tuesday was Valentine's Day! We had a party at Sue's house, then we waited for mom to come home. Daddy took Hannah on a date night, and Mommy took me. But, Hannah and I both chose the same restaurant so we went on our date together. I chose Broadway Pizza, and Hannah decided to go to the same place. They didn't have a buffet, so I ate grilled cheese & applesauce, Hannah ate chicken strips & applesauce. We didn't get in the room with the train, though, so I was pretty disappointed that I could hardly see the train from where I was sitting.
When we got home, we got to open our Valentine's Day gifts from Mom & Dad, and Daddy opened one from us. Hannah and I got La La Loopsy dolls - I was excited to get my own little boy doll (he's Patch the Pirate, dressed up like a skeleton) so Hannah & I can play in her treehouse together. She got a cheerleader doll with pompoms and a megaphone. We gave Daddy a Darth Vader M&M dispenser, so he shared his M&Ms with us. We also gave him a card. Mommy had a card with our picture on it, and we signed it all by ourselves (we both wrote how much we love him).
Wednesday we got a double orange stripe on our soo bahk do belts. We were so proud, we had to wear our gis until Mommy came home so we could show her.
Saturday, Hannah went to the library to pick up books for our Minnesota reports. I decided to stay home and play with my legos instead. While she was there, Hannah got to read to a bunny! There was a bunny & puppy there and a line to get to read to the animals. Since we have a dog, Hannah chose to read Scooby Do to the Bunny. She was so excited! She was bouncing up and down and so proud of her sticker that said "I read to Honey".
After quiet time, Daddy told us we had a special surprise. We got in the car and went through the car wash. Not the best surprise, but then we went down to the movie theater so see the muppets. It was SOO good! I was cheering, singing and dancing through the whole movie. We got a big popcorn and pitcher of lemonade. I drank 3 lemonades, but OH BOY did I have to pee when the movie was over!
Hannah worked on her Minnesota report for a little while. She's going to do her report on Paul Bunyan. I'll work on my report about apples later.
Mommy & Daddy got a letter from a school who wants us to come be in their kindergarten. They said it's a place called Beacon. I don't know where that is, but they said we might look at it in April.
Today we had Sunday School. Once again, I spent half of our class in a timeout because I didn't want to participate. The class even got to put on funny hats and take pictures, but I just sat with my nose in the corner instead. When I did decide to go to class, we ate popcorn and talked about the story. It was fun. After Sunday School, we went to church. Mom and Dad told me that I couldn't go to the nursery if I was going to be naughty in Sunday School. So, I was a pretty good boy in church. I read my new book from the church library, then colored and prayed with the rest of the people.
This afternoon, daddy went bowling with the church, so we hung out at home and just played. I worked a little bit on my Minnesota report. We read some books and looked on the iPad for some pictures.
We don't have school tomorrow, so we get to stay home with Daddy. He's working from home, so Hannah and I will just play together or I'll focus on building things with Legos in the Rompus room.
Have a good week!
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