Monday night after supper, Mom & Dad made us decide what we want to do our Minnesota reports on, and made us sign a contract because they said we change our minds too much. So, then we went to the library to find books on Paul Bunyan for Hannah and Minnesota apples for me. We found a few things, then we plan on checking the internet for more things to help us with our presentations. We are really looking forward to doing our Minnesota reports!
Wednesday, a girl who had been picking on Hannah on the bus apologized to her. The girl had been calling Hannah "her baby" and pulling her hair but Hannah was too shy to stand up to a big kid. Mom and Dad told her to tell the girl she's NOT her baby and to leave her alone. Well, apparently the girl got called to the principal's office for what she did to Hannah and felt bad, so she told Hannah she was sorry. I hope she is nice to Hannah the rest of the school year. We like riding the bus with our daycare friends from Northport, but don't like when kids are mean or naughty.
We've been looking forward to Thursday for a long time! We knew that February 9th was the day we got to go look at a kindergarten that we might go to. Mike teaches at that school, so it would be so AWESOME to go to that school!
Finally, after weeks of waiting, Thursday came. After Hannah's dance class, Daddy took us to the school (which we've been to many times because Mommy & Daddy played volleyball there in the past and it's across the street from our church!) We ate peanut butter sandwiches in the truck before Daddy brought us inside. Mommy came in shortly after we got there. We knew SO MANY people! Abby and another girl from Hannah's dance class were there; Jacob & Ava, Sophia from church were there. And, about 4 or 5 of our friends from Creative Play preschool were there. It was so great. We got to go up in front of the gym and talk to the teachers, they gave us a book of letters to have, and we got to check out the classrooms, library & music room. We are very excited about kindergarten!
Friday after daycare & school, mommy brought us home to find

Saturday morning, I got up and found GRANDPA sitting on the couch in our living room! I was surprised to see him, and Hannah was even MORE surprised to see them! Mommy told us we would have a surprise Saturday. I kind of guessed Grandma, and it really was!
We got to go shopping with them, came home to eat, open valentine gifts from Grandma & Grandpa, Dani & Jason and Angie, then we went to look at carpet stores with Grandma & Grandpa. The first store was really boring. Grandpa & Grandma looked around, and mommy made us sit on a couch and wouldn't let us run around. I almost had to sit in the car at the next store, but I'm glad I didn't because we stayed there for a really long time! They had a kids corner with toys and books, so Hannah and I played and read while Grandma & Grandma & Mommy & Daddy looked at carpets for Grandma & Grandpa's lake house.
After that, mommy made us sign our valentines while Grandpa put new lights in the laundry room. It's SO MUCH LIGHTER in there! It's really cool. Once we got our valentines signed, we got to play until supper. I got to show Grandma & Grandpa my rompus room and Hannah showed off her Barbie house. Grandma told Hannah that the Barbies kept her up all night Friday partying, so they cleaned up the Barbie house and told the Barbies to freeze on Saturday before bed.
We took Grandma & Grandpa to Sunday School and church today. I went to the nursery while Grandma, Grandpa & Mommy went to church (daddy went home to make dinner). Hannah came in halfway through church. When Mommy came to get me from the nursery, I showed her that I had thrown a ball up and it got caught in the light! The girls who run the nursery said it was a one-in-a-million chance to get it stuck where I did, but it wouldn't come down. They thought I was funny.
We were sad when Grandma & Grandpa had to leave. But, hopefully we'll see them soon. Mommy said we might be able to go stay with them for a week in the summer, which would be really cool.
Have a good week! Mommy said we get to go see a new kindergarten tomorrow, so we're looking forward to that.
Tomorrow, we have a friendship party at Creative play preschool (I think we're having COOKIES because Hannah brought cookies and I brought frosting to class on Friday!). Then Tuesday we get to have a party at daycare with our friends.
Happy Valentine's Day!
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