We had a good day on our birthday. We got up and went to the Mall of America to see Santa. He knew it was our birthday!
We can't wait until Christmas. After we saw Santa, we walked around the mall a little bit while Daddy waited for our pictures. We picked out some lotion for Hannah at Bath & Body Works. Hannah smelled and bunch of different lotions for after her bath. Mom said she'd buy me some if I liked it, but I told her Dad and I already have man lotion that we use. Unfortunately, we couldn't stay long at the mall because we had to get home and get ready for school! Too bad, because it would have been really cool to ride some of the rides and check out some of the toy stores.
Mom came to school with us, so she helped out the teachers while we had class. We brought our teachers gifts - we gave them little plants as Christmas gifts. I got to be the helper in class (it was my turn) and Hannah and I BOTH got to wear birthday crowns and be the special birthday kids. It was awesome. After class, Mrs. Hanks and Mrs. Bodin gave everyone special gifts (for Christmas) and we gave all our friends playdough. We were so excited to be picker-uppers.
After school, Mom decided to stop at Kmart and pick up some toys, then we drove down to a TV station where there were marines collecting the toys for kids whose parents can't afford to buy them toys for Christmas. We picked out some good toys and got to hand them directly to the marines taking the toys.
After supper, we got to open presents. We wore our birthday crowns and had cake leftover from our birthday party. We got some great stuff! We opened gifts from Sue, our friend Madison, Dad's aunt, cards from Great Grandma, and gifts from Mom and Dad. We both got the movies we wanted - I got Cars 2 and Hannah got Tangled. She got a wedding dress - that was her favorite. My favorite was the remote control Monster truck.
Wednesday at school, we had our teddy bear party. We all brought teddy bears to sing and do a little performance for our parents. Mommy and Daddy both came to see us sing. Then, we did a little project and had a snack that we shared with Mom & Dad. We were sad that Mommy had to go back to work after school, but we went home and had fun with Daddy!
Thursday, Daddy picked us up with Grandma & Grandpa Perkins. They came to stay with us for a couple of days. Grandma brought us some books and new songs to sing. Pete the Cat was my favorite! Grandma played it over and over for me. After supper, we got to open our birthday presents from Grandma & Grandpa. (They've been sitting at our house for weeks, but mom and dad thought it would be nice if we could wait for Grandma & Grandpa to be here when we opened them.) We got pillow pets! I got TC Bear - which is exactly what I wanted - and Hannah got Goldie Gopher.
Friday, we were supposed to have our pictures taken but Hannah got sick. She puked in the night and didn't feel well all day long. So, we hung out at home all day. I got to watch PBS in the afternoon while Hannah slept, Mommy worked on the secret project in Daddy's workshop and Daddy took Grandma shopping. Hannah felt better by supper and was even able to eat a little bit. But, because she was sick, we didn't get any Christmas baking done.
Saturday morning was Christmas eve. Mommy put an app on her iPad that tracked Santa as he delivered presents around the world, so we started tracking Santa right away in the morning. We tracked him at different times throughout the day to find out where he was and when he was getting closer to Minnesota!
At 10, we went to the store for our birthday pictures. We tried to be good and give good smiles, but we were a little bit rushed. After we were done, Mommy was waiting for the pictures and we were watching Word World. Daddy decided he would take us for a walk around the mall to look at all the Christmas decorations, so he told us to get our boots and coats on to walk around. Well, I didn't go fast enough so he left me and only took Hannah. I was so sad! I even tried to go look for him, but I couldn't find him (Mommy was very scared when I went looking for him by myself, but I came back to the studio where Mommy was and she was happy to see me.) I had to wait at the photo studio with Mommy, and cried because I wanted to walk with Daddy. After we got our pictures, we walked around a little and picked out a few things, but I was still sad I couldn't go with Daddy. I felt better when we got to the car and went home.
We got to have pizza for lunch on Christmas eve with Grandma & Grandpa. After lunch, we opened presents from Grandma Lois and Grandpa Bob. I got a whole bunch of lego things and Hannah got a bunch of Barbie things. Mommy got out the pretty Christmas china and Daddy made delicious tuna steaks for Christmas Eve Dinner. It was pretty good! Grandma & Grandpa had to go after dinner, so we cleaned up, said goodbye and got ready for Santa's visit. We put out our magic reindeer food, put on our jammies, laid out cookies & milk, and went to bed.

We got to spend all day Christmas playing with our new toys, and Mom and Dad decided to make a space to play with my stuff. Mom spent the day clearing out the closet at the top of the stairs so I can keep my car stuff and legos in there to play with. It's so great!

The day after Christmas, we went to Aunt Angela's house to celebrate Christmas with our cousins and Grandma & Grandpa. Hannah got a big doll and little baby doll and I got a spy guy gear set. It had a whole bunch of cool spy stuff - I'll be able to defeat Spy Guy now with all my spy gear!
Tuesday, we went back to Sue's with all our friends. School is out so we got to play with all our friends, since nobody had to go to school.
Friday, Mom and Daddy picked us up and we drove to Grandma Diane's & Grandpa Mark's house. It was a long drive, but we watched Cars 2 the whole time. We stopped at Burger King for dinner and in the car -we just had to make sure to keep our food away from Cheyenne. We saw an accident on the way, too. There were fire trucks, police and ambulances, too.
We were so happy to get to Grandma & Grandpa's! Angie was there, too.
Saturday, we got up and went to Great Grandma Leona's.

Sunday, Great Grandma Marita came over for dinner, then stuck around for a little while while we got to open presents.

Daddy had to help a friend with some computer stuff Monday, so we hung out at home all day Monday. We played with our new Dr. Drill & Fill toy, as well as many of the other ones. I got a bunch of new Lego sets, so I built Lego cars in my new rompus room for a long time.
Monday night, we got to go out to eat at Broadway Pizza. After that, we drove up to Barnes & Noble to pick out books. Angie had given us a giftcard to buy books, so we checked out a bunch of books and bought some Llama Llama books that Grandma Lois had introduced us to. (She bought us Llama Llama Holiday Drama, so we bought Llama Llama misses Mama and Llama Llama mad at mama). Mommy also had a coupon for birthday cupcakes for us, so we each got a GIANT birthday cupcake! We had to take them home and eat them the next day, but they were good! I got a chocolate cupcake with chocolate frosting and Hannah got a vanilla cupcake with white frosting.
Wednesday was Mommy's birthday. We went to Best Buy on Tuesday to buy her presents, wrapped them up and she opened them up Wednesday after supper.
Thursday, we made a special meal - we made meatballs for the spaghetti Daddy made.
Friday, we stopped at Target on the way home from Sue's. Mommy just wanted to look at a few things, and we ended up helping her do a bunch of shopping for Christmas gifts for our cousins! We got birthday gifts for Ben, Alex & Lauren already. I LOVE the cool car we got for Ben. it's Finn McMissile from Cars 2. When we got home from Target, Daddy made us a delicious chicken dinner. It was great!
Saturday, we got to go watch Mommy and the Divas play volleyball. We had lunch at the gym, then watched them play 2 games. They won when we watched. I gave them power, and Mommy's friend Nicole and Hannah helped give them power to win by holding out our fingers and making an energy sound. Mommy said they made it all the way to the championships, but lost and came in 2nd place.
Today was surprise Sunday at church. It was a bunch of games all over the church basement, so it was fun. There was a balloon popping game where we each got a balloon tied to our food and we had to pop the other kids' balloons. I did really good at it! I was one of the last 4 kids in the game - me and 3 big kids. Then, we went to church (not the nursery) after all the fun. Mom and Dad were impressed at how good we were in church.
We went grocery shopping with Daddy this afternoon. We got to ride in the airplane cart, then on our way home, we couldn't get home because there was a big accident in our way! We had to go back to Cub and come home a different way because of the accident. But, all the heroes were there helping the people in the accident - the police, the tow truck, the fire department and the ambulance.
It's been a busy, eventful few weeks. Tomorrow, we're ready to go back to school. We will be sad to leave behind the excitement of our birthday, Christmas and New Year, though.
Happy New Year!
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