Tuesday, we had the best surprise! We went to daycare, then at naptime, Grandma Diane and Grandpa Mark came to Sue's to pick us up. We were so excited to see them that we forgot to put on our socks and shoes before we came upstairs. They took us to a hotel where Great Grandma Marita was staying. She had surgery on her eyes, so she didn't feel very good. But, Grandma & Grandpa had our swimsuits and took us swimming in the hotel pool. It was so awesome! We swam for a long time, then went to the room, took baths, put on our pajamas and played games. (We had Go Fish and Crazy 8). When we went to eat, Mommy met us in the lobby of the hotel. We thought we would just stay with Grandma & Grandpa, but Mommy said we had to come home with her. Daddy got a phone call from the doctor telling him that the test came back from Sunday and Noah had strep throat. So, Noah had to come home and have medicine and we both had to be ready to go to school the next day. I told Mom that was the best surprise! We didn't know Grandma and Grandpa were coming to get us at all.
All week, we looked forward to our birthday party. I told Mom I wanted to go to that museum with the fun town and water to play in. She told me we could go on the weekend. It's going to be a busy weekend with the museum and a birthday party!
Friday night, Angie came. We got to hang out with her, Dr. Whose (Noah) examined her eyes, ears, nose and teeth while I, the fairy, flitted around her. Grandpa & Grandma weren't there when we went to bed.
Saturday morning, I woke up and saw Grandma & Grandpa's coats, so I knew they were here! I went in to tell Mom that Grandma & Grandpa were here and she asked me how I knew. I told her "Cuz I saw their coats". She told me I was one smart cookie. I said "I'm not a cookie, I'm a woman!"
We had practice for our Christmas pageant in the morning. Dad took us and Grandma & Grandpa came to watch us, too.
We got home and had lunch with Grandma, Grandpa, Angie, Mom and Dad then left for the Children's museum. We got to ride with Grandma, Grandpa and Angie.
When we got there, there was a big bin with our name on it. It was for our party! So we put our presents and coats in it just when our friends Joey & Grace walked in. We played in some of the exhibits with them for about an hour while friends showed up - Grayson, Zachary, Michael, Lauren, Ben, Corwin - it was so cool!
At 2, Mom & Dad made us go downstairs to a private room where there was a stage, and tables with place settings on them.

Sunday we got up early for our Christmas pageant. I had a small reading part with my class of 3-5 year olds. Mommy was so proud of me because Ms. Penny had to tell all the kids what to say except for me - I read my part all by myself. Noah had a bigger part to read in the bigger kids part of the program. He did a really good job, too. He was a little bit nervous, but Mom & Dad were really proud because he did a better job than a lot of the bigger kids.
We got to go out to Perkins for dinner, but ate fast and went home. We opened our gifts from Angie - she gave us funny poem books - and played with our new birthday toys.
It was a fun weekend. We're looking forward to our birthday when we get to see Santa and Mommy is going to bring us to school.
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