We got to go to Grandma's this weekend! We were so very excited!

It started out really hot - we helped Mommy water all the plants around the yard. We have strawberries, beans, peas, tomatos and peppers all in pots around the yard. We have a raspberry bush and a pumpkin planted in the ground, so we have to help water them all so they can grow!
Tuesday, Noah told daddy he was going to be sick when he got up. Daddy asked him what he could do to feel better, and Noah told him "I need a healfy snack!" He had his healthy snack of yogurt and went to Sue's, but when it was cleanup time, he started to cry and told Sue he was going to be sick. He let her take his temperature and it was 102.5! So, he slept while we had lunch and waited for Daddy to pick us up. He picked us both up and went home. Noah slept all afternoon while I helped Daddy.
He even had a temperature on Wednesday, so Mommy had to stay home with him. I went to daycare without him, so I missed him. I was happy to see that Noah came with Mommy to pick me up! I missed him so much that I played with him a lot when we got home!
By Wednesday and Thursday, it got cooler, but that meant we could go out to play at Sue's.
Friday, we got to stay home with Mommy because Sue was closed. We got to pack our bags because Mom & Dad told us we were going to go to Grandma's house! We also got to help Mommy pick out birthday gifts for Lauren & Ben and wrap them up. We only picked out small gifts because we also got them a fold-out camping bench seat like the one Mommy & Daddy got for us. We love our bench and are excited to give it to them.
On our way to Grandma's, we ran into a little rain but we lucked out and the luggage in the back of the truck didn't get too wet. The weather cleared just long enough for us to stop at the Pizza Ranch to eat some yummy pizza. Noah was so excited that he told 3 pre-teen girls all about how he's going to his Grandma's house. It was pizza buffet night, so they were busy. We got to pick out whatever pizza & salad we wanted. We even got to drink lemonade.

What a yummy meal!

Saturday was a big day. First, Grandpa took us for a ride on his scissor lift. We rode up and down and up and down. We each got to run the controls to bring us HIGH in the air. It was soo cool! We could see above Grandpa's big shed and the trees around it!
After dinner, we played and painted, then Grandma, Grandpa & Angie went to Lauren's dance recital. Grandma bought flowers for Lauren at her recital, so she bought flowers for each of us, too.

But, when they got back, they brought Ben and Angie took us on a 4-wheeler ride. That was fun, too! She took us each for a ride down the road and back TWO TIMES! We picked out our favorite book (Mommy's pacman book) to read before bed and fell asleep quite quickly. It was a great day!

Today, we got up and showed Grandma & Grandpa around our favorite website - pbskids.org - when we got up. Then, we packed up and went to Lauren & Ben's birthday party. We had fun playing at their house. Unfortunately, we couldn't stay long and had to go home.
Mommy & Daddy are so random. We took a different way home, and they pulled over in some small town and asked us if we wanted to see the world's largest ball of twine. We don't even know what twine is - some type of string. So we got out to see the big ball of twine. It was cool, but the building it was by had lots of cool train signs. We had been sitting for a while, so it was good to run around, stretch our legs and see the big ball of string.

We watched
Cars on our way home, then fell asleep when it was over. It was such a fun weekend, we were just worn out!
When we got home, Noah asked Daddy to get out the baseball set we bought at Target on Thursday. Daddy showed us how to hit the ball off the tee a few times before we had to take a bath and go to bed. What a busy weekend! We're very excited to tell our friends all about our trip to Grandma's & Grandpa's house when we go to back to Sue's house.
Mom & Dad have been so impressed with us reading so many things around us. We read simple words in books, Noah read some words on TV at Pizza Ranch and he even read "Sunkist" from an upside down box at the party today. We're so hungry to learn!
Well, it's getting late. I'm good at stalling when it's bedtime, but I really have to get some sleep now. Happy Birthday to Lauren & Ben, and have a good week!