We’ve had an eventful few weeks getting ready for Christmas and our birthdays!
We have a lot to look forward to in the coming weeks.
We haven’t had a blog entry since before Thanksgiving! We had a fun week at school talking about Thanksgiving before a nice long weekend.
Thursday of Thanksgiving, we were anxious to get up and get going because we went to Aunt Angie’s for dinner. Grandma & Grandpa were there, too. We had dinner, then went to a fun park for a while in the afternoon. We’ve never been to a park like it before, so it was really cool to explore all the different activities. After supper, we went home with Grandma & Grandpa and mom & dad stayed at Angie’s for a little while. They said they were going to go shopping but would be at Grandma’s when we got up in the morning.
Friday, our cousins Ben & Lauren came to play with us.
First, we went to Santaland in Madison. It was still pretty cool! We got to sit on Santa’s lap, told him we were good and what we wanted. We went through Santaland, wrote our names on the Santa’s list (Of course, we checked “nice” not “naughty”.) Then we sat down to write a letter to Santa and mail it.
Friday night, Mommy, Dani & Grandma took us all to a movie. It was Arthur saves Christmas. It was a pretty good movie, though our favorite part was the popcorn and our own drinks! After the movie, we got to go into the projection room, though everything was so big, we really didn’t understand what was going on in there.
Saturday, we went to Great Grandma Leona’s house. Some of mom’s cousins’ kids were there, but there weren’t a lot of people there, so we had a chance to play with Ben & Lauren a lot more. After Great Grandma’s, we went to Grandma’s and decorated Grandma & Grandpa’s tree. It was fun, but we were so tired by the time we went to bed!
Sunday morning, Mom had found some of her toys that Santa had given her when she was little and laid them out for us to play with, so we got to play with some of those. Mommy had a beautiful Barbie bed and a giant Ford tractor.
We had a full week at school – the letter of the week was Q so we got to bring our quillows. A few people brought q-tips, but nobody brought quillows!
Friday night, we got to go visit daddy’s cousin while Daddy helped them move. We had so much fun! They have a whole toy room - it was awesome! We had a great time with them.
Saturday, we went to the Community Center for Winterfest. Noah did the candycane walk and won a cool sparkly slap bracelet. Then he joined Hannah to make a Christmas tree decoration by scratching off the color on a candy cane shaped paper. That was pretty cool! We also got to dance, see Santa’s reindeer, color, have a snack and pet animals in the petting zoo area. We got to wander around the pen WITH the animals – no cage between us and the animals. It was pretty cool After we petted the animals, we got to ride on a sleigh ride. It wasn’t exactly a sleigh – it was a hay trailer that went around the parking lot, but they had big horses pulling us and it was still pretty fun.
After we left there, we went out for lunch and to Home Depot to pick a tree. Noah was being naughty so he almost had to sit in the truck, but Dad and Mom let him come in and pick a tree. OF course, it was pretty cold, so we went inside the store to go potty while Daddy picked a tree. We were so excited to get home and decorate it! Daddy bought a train that goes around and around the tree – not on the ground but in the branches of the tree. He put on the lights and train, then we decorated the tree.
We had to run to Target to get something, so we went with Mom and Dad and picked out gifts for our friends at daycare. We each picked a gift for the person whose name we drew. Mommy laughed when she saw who we got – Hannah got Noah’s best friend Grayson and Noah drew Grayson’s brother Zachary!
At Sunday School, assignments for the Christmas pageant were handed out – Noah got a reading part. She asked if Hannah wanted one, but mom & dad thought Hannah would be shy onstage and wouldn’t want to read. After Sunday School, we decided to go to the VFW! An airplane even landed as we walked into the restaurant. It was pretty cool. After we got home, we finished decorating the tree. We didn’t quite finish up yesterday.
This week was a busy one.We started getting Birthday cards this week. We got some from mommy’s school, Drake. We also got one from ToysRUs and Great Grandma Leona.
Monday night, we both found our huggy Jesus dolls and sang them to sleep while we practiced “away in the manger’ . We’re singing that for our Christmas pageant at Sunday School.
Tuesday was pizza night. We went out to California Pizza kitchen with Daddy. We ate a whole pizza by ourselves! It was a fundraiser for our church, so we saw a few people who knew us.
Thursday, Mommy & Daddy picked us up together, we had corn dogs and then got ready for Hannah’s dance program. We had to be there early, so Noah had to sit in his chair and wait patiently. He was very good, though! He played iPad until the girls started to dance. You could tell they were still practicing and learning the dances so they’re ready for the spring recital, but Hannah did really well! She was one of the best dancers in her class. She followed the moves the instructors did very well. Mommy made her a new tutu skirt, so she felt like a ballerina princess in her yellow tutu and t-shirt.
After the recital, Daddy took us all to McDonalds! Noah got an eggnog shake and Hannah got apples. We were very disappointed that we couldn’t go play in the play area, but Mom and Dad said there were some big kids that didn’t belong in there and were playing too rough so we couldn’t go in there.
Saturday we just got to play at home.
After such a busy week of running all over, it was nice to stay home. We spent the morning at church for Pageant rehearsal, then came home and watched How the Grinch Stole Christmas. That’s our favorite book. We also got to watch the New Disney’s Prep & Landing show with Mommy. It was funny!
Daddy got all dressed up to go to a party with some of his old army buddies. He looked sharp! But, when he left, Noah’s tummy started to hurt, so he laid down for a little while. Unfortunately, he threw up all over the hallway and bathroom, then fell asleep on the couch. Mommy put him in bed at 6 and spent the rest of the night with Hannah. Both kids were disappointed that we didn’t have mostaccioli, but mommy wanted to wait until Noah felt better to have our favorite supper.
When Hannah went to bed, her tummy hurt, too, but she didn’t throw up. Noah threw up one more time, then sat with Daddy for a bit while Mommy changed his sheets and he had some crackers to settle his tummy.
Noah felt a little better this morning – well enough to go to Sunday School. Our lesson was about the golden calf, and at the end of class, we got to destroy a piniata of the golden calf. Unfortunately, the bigger kids rushed the candy so we didn’t get much (or else we would have been crushed!) but we got some bookmarks, a really cool little puzzle with sliding squares, coloring books and colors. We each got a little piece of chocolate – and TJ and Penney gave us fruit snacks after class, which are better, anyway.
Another day of just playing at home. Daddy didn’t feel very good. He took Noah to the minute clinic since both Daddy &Noah’s throats hurt, but found out it’s just a cold.
Hannah requested a trip to the museum – the one with the town and flower shop, so we’re going to go there next week. And, our birthday is coming close! Looking forward to that!
Noah & Hannah