Tuesday, Mommy brought home 2 toy catalogs and gave one to me and one to Noah. She wrote our names on them and told us to circle EVERYTHING we want for christmas. She said we won't get everything, but she can give a list to Grandma of what we want. I circled ALL THE DOLLS and girly things. Noah circled a lot of boy things, though he circled less things than I did. I can't wait for Christmas!
This week was "H" week at school. We each got to bring something that started with the letter "H" to school on Wednesday. Noah brought a HAMMER and I brought a HAT.
Wednesday, I started soo bahk do with Noah. The instructor thought that I had done karate before, but it was my first day! I did a good job keeping up with all the kids who had been in class longer. Noah still didn't pay attention sometimes - he was doing "extra stuff" as the instructor called it. Daddy was not happy about how he didn't pay attention.
We got to wear hats on Friday to school. Daddy sent our baseball hats. I thought it made me look like a boy so i didn't want to wear it, but Sue pulled my ponytail through the hole in the back and Mike told me I looked so pretty in my hat, so I wore it to school.
Friday when Mommy picked us up, we came home and played a little bit before Mommy & Daddy took us out to eat! We stopped at the bank and then drove around to a "surprise" restaurant. We had supper at the 50s grill. It was really good.
Then we went to Target. We had so much fun looking at Christmas stuff, sports equipment, toys and just having fun going up and down the aisles. We got to bed an hour late, but had a fun night!
Saturday we had volleyball. We worked on hard skills, but we just have to keep practicing.
After volleyball we picked up Daddy and went to Penco to pick up my prize.

I know the colors and art supplies will come in so handy! I always draw pictures at school during our free time, I color pictures in the car when we drive places. I sometimes color a picture in the time it takes to get to daycare! I also draw and color a lot at home and when I have a chance to play on the iPad.
When we left the art supply store, Daddy got a phone call that Ron & Carol had his volleyball, so we met them at Sunshine factory to eat. Then we went home to put some stuff in the truck and left to meet Daddy's cousin.
She was just moving in to her new house, so there were boxes everywhere. We got to run all over their new house - it was very nice! Hopefully we get to go back and meet her kids soon! They were gone playing with their auntie - except for one that was sick.
Then we went to the container store to look at shelves and to Best Buy to drop off our old TV and DVD player. It was a busy day, but we were happy to get home. I was very excited to use the new paper on the easel!
Today, we got up early and played quietly until church. Mommy let me have a part in the reader theater (where we read the bible story as a play in front of the Sunday School) but I was too shy to read my part. Noah was mad because he missed his line and not paying attention.

Noah told Mommy about our superhero gang at daycare. Noah is HeroGuide - Mom thinks he's the leader of our super friends. He said his sidekicks are Rex (Grayson), SuperRex (Joey), and Superflower(Ariana). Mommy asked if I was a supervillian - but Noah said I help them and I am HeroFlower. We protect the world against SpyGuy. He's the bad guy. Noah loves to play superhero, though he also likes to play with cars if he's not pretending to be heroguide. I have played with my Barbies a little lately, but still LOVE to color!
Have a good week. Tomorrow we've picked out food to bring to school because they're having a food drive for food shelves. We're looking forward to Christmas - only 6 more weeks until it's here!
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