Wednesday was an eventful night for the kids. Tuesday, Dad had tried to cook pizza for them, but the oven would not heat up and smelled like gas, so they got to be treated to McDonalds. Wednesday, Dad called a repairman, who told them to get out of the house immediately (since there was a gas odor the night before). So, Dad piled Noah & Hannah into the truck, bought Mac & Cheese at Burger King and brought it home to have a picnic in the bed of the truck while the gas company checked our house for leaks. We came out with no leaks, but Noah really enjoyed the picnic in the truck!
Saturday, they were very excited to put on their swimsuits and swim in our little pool! Noah immediately drug the slide over to the pool and put it in, while Hannah got the hose and started replacing the 4" of water that they splashed out of the pool in the first 3 minutes.
After swimming, they enjoyed just getting to play with each other and with their toys outside and inside. It's nice to just let them play and not have things scheduled for them every minute of the day! Hannah played paper dolls (for the first time!) and Noah really wanted to play Crayola BINGO, so he took the Bingo game and went downstairs. I came down to find he had set up the kids' size folding table and chairs, laid out the game and was ready for Hannah and me to play BINGO with him!
About 5 o'clock, the kids wanted to take a walk in the stroller (which had not been used for about a year!), so we walked to the grocery store to buy some chicken & mashed potatoes, then convinced Dad to take a break from laying deck boards and come to Fleet Farm to buy tomatoes with us.
As Hannah went to sleep Saturday night, she told us that she wanted to go to Target on Sunday...
She got her way - after we all got up, we decided to go to Target for some groceries. And, since Hannah's crib (which has been converted to her toddler bed) was recalled by the government a few weeks ago, we decided today was a good day to take the crib apart and take it back to Target.

Hannah and Noah helped Daddy take down the crib. Noah & Hannah were very confused as to why Hannah's bed had to go away. We told them her bed broke or could break, so we had to take it back to the store so she didn't get hurt. When we got to Target, we were very impressed that they gave us a gift card for more than we paid for the crib (we had a receipt to prove what we'd paid for it when it was on sale). We were very happy to have a "free" grocery shopping spree!
We have twin beds that can bunk (thanks to my uncle & aunt!) but don't have twin mattresses, so Hannah's crib mattress is currently laying on the floor where her bed used to be...Of course, Noah wanted to sleep on the mattress on the floor, so we had to take his mattress off his bed, too. Hannah diligently made each bed, covering them with every blanket she could reach. They seem to be having fun with the mattresses on the floor, so it's nice that we don't have to rush to get into a new bed right away.
It's been a fun weekend, and we're looking forward to one more day away from work & daycare to hang out as a family. (That's the phrase Hannah is using - when you ask what she wants to do, she says "Let's just hang out.")
Happy Memorial Day!
Mom (Shari)
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