Soon enough, we might be reading our own books! We are starting to spell words - "Mom" & "Dad" are our favorites but we're learning new ones like "mop", "dog" "yes" and "no." We (especially Noah) constantly ask"how do you spell ...?" whether the words are big words (like "towel" or "curtains") or small words (like "we".)
Friday night, Mommy & Daddy told us we were going to go to Menards to buy a new hammer for Daddy, then we were going to a fun surprise. We put our pajamas in a bag and set off in the truck. We helped Daddy pick out a new hammer, burned off some energy in the lumber section, then drove around a short time before we parked in a shopping mall and put on our pajamas. Daddy told us we were going to see fireworks - pretty lights, but they were very loud. They are not dangerous, but if we were scared, we could watch from inside the truck. We sat in the back of the truck in our chairs and waited...
WOW! It was so cool! Hannah watched with her fingers in her ears (she has to put her fingers in her ears when toilets flush, so she was very scared this would hurt her ears.) Noah watched for a minute before deciding he wanted to watch from inside the truck. Though he was scared the fireworks could hurt him, he kept shouting "more! more!" from the truck. We talked about it all the way home, and all day Saturday!
Saturday morning, Mom & Dad said they had a surprise for us. We went up to the community center to see the Vehicle Fair - we had a fun time last year, but this year it started to rain on us. :-(

We got to sit in a NASCAR racecar (the seat is so much lower than Mommy's car!), a police car, a police truck, Army truck, a tractor and a school bus. We saw only a few things before the people in charge decided the thunderstorm was too bad and we had to go. We got to see a few things, but were bummed we didn't see more. We did, however, get to use our umbrellas! We LOVE playing with our umbrellas, but it wasn't as cool to hold them all the time when it really was pouring rain. It's more fun to pretend it's raining in our house and open them.
Today, Mommy took us to a restaurant while Dad stayed home to work. We drove for a while, but she didn't tell us that we were going to meet Angie! We were so happy to see her when we drove up and saw her standing by her truck! Yeah! We had brunch with her, then headed home. We hoped Angie would come to our house, but Mommy said she had to go to her house. We wanted to go to our cousins' house after we saw Angie, but we just went home. Mom said we get to see Lauren & Ben in three weeks. I hope three weeks is soon!

It's been a long weekend - we're tired & crabby and ready for a new week to start with our regular routine. Mom & Dad say they're looking forward to next weekend when they have an extra day to hang out with us. Maybe we'll get to see fireworks somewhere again?!
N0ah & Hannah
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