Sunday, March 21, 2010

Yeah! We finally got to go OUTSIDE this week. Daddy put up both of our new BIG KID swings so we got to swing at home, and got to play outside at daycare. We got to see our neighbors again - it's been a long time since we got to play at Griffin's and have him over to our backyard to play.
Daddy told us we had a surprise waiting for us when we got home Tuesday - it was ANGIE! We were SO EXCITED to get to see our auntie! She could only stay for dinner, but we love to play with her!
Wednesday, we got to go outside to play because it was so nice. It was St. Patricks Day so we made ourselves look like leprechauns, and I really liked being a leprechaun! We tried to catch the REAL leprechaun, but we just missed him. Maybe next year.
Saturday, Mommy was gone ALL DAY playing volleyball. We got to hang out with Daddy, so we had fun playing outside, playing games inside and eating yummy pizza!
Today we went to Sunday School and had fun there, then after I napped (Hannah slept a little later than me this morning, so she just laid quietly for quiet time while I napped this afternoon), we went to a bookstore. It was so fun! A WHOLE BOOKSTORE for kids books. They had kitties and a chicken running around the store - Noah wanted to catch that chicken! They also had a rat, a lot of different birdies, a tarantula, chinchillas and a big lizard in cages. We loved to look at the animals! There was a dark cave with scary books. Mommy went in the cave (that's where the rat lived) and stuck a snake out at us. We were apprehensive, but Mommy told us it was OK. Hannah realized it was "dolly" snake, so she pet it and played with it, but I just wanted Mom to pick me up so I could see the real birds in their cage.
When we got home, we told our neighbor all about it - Hannah told him they had bunnies (she thought the chinchillas were bunnies) and I said that we saw "LOTS of animals!"
And, I was a good boy tonight. When I was in the bathtub, I let Mommy cut my hair. I didn't sit very still for her, but for a long time, I have told her NO and not let her cut my hair at all. It feels shorter & cooler now, so hopefully that means warm weather will stick around. Unfortunately, when it's short, it sticks up everywhere! I don't care and don't like Mom to comb it, but it seems to bother her. Whatever.
I really hope we can go back to the bookstore soon. But, we're just hoping for nice weather so we can go outside and play again tomorrow.
Have a nice week!

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