It has been nice enough this week to bring out a lighter coat. Mom said my green coat is too small for me, so she got out one that I wore last spring - she says it's thinner but still warm enough for the weather we've had this week.
Friday night, Daddy got Candyland out and taught us how to play a board game. We had fun! We asked about it (especially Noah) all day Saturday.
Saturday, we got to go out and play in the backyard. We went sledding - Cheyenne even gave me a sled ride when she stole the sled rope from

It was sunny and nice - I love playing outside and can't wait for it to get warm again so we can put up our swings and play in our clubhouse again!
Then when we came in, we started making cards with markers, stickers and fun stuff. When Mommy made dinner, she set up our kids table in the living room and we all ate in the living room - Noah and I ate our noodles on the table and Mom & Dad sat on the couch next to us. That was pretty cool - like a picnic in the living room.
We went to Sunday School today and painted with stampers made out of potatoes. They were hearts, so I made a pretty picture while Noah played.
After church, we played Candyland, but Dad wasn't there telling us rules so we skipped straight to the castle and let our gingerbread people play in the castle.
When we were supposed to be napping, I laid all my stuffed animals out for their nap, turned on the music on my crib toy, put on some of my dress-up clothes and laid down to listen to the music. I wasn't tired because I got to sleep until almost 8:30! Of course, Noah was up at 6:30, so he was tired by 1:00 and ready to nap.
While Noah was napping, I asked Mom if I could make brownies so we made brownies. They were delicious!
Mom and Dad told us to get ready to go, so we got in the car and drove to a pharmacy...The minute we pulled up, I said "I don't want a shot!" Mom and Dad don't know how I knew it but I'm a smart cookie! Luckily, the nurse was busy and couldn't see us, so we came home to eat supper.
Have a great week! I'm hoping to see more sun and grass this week so I can go out and play more, but Mom and Dad say they're expecting more snow before we get nice weather.
We're gearing up to catch the leprechaun at daycare this week - the last 2 years, we've missed him but maybe we can catch him this year, since we're older and wiser!
Have a good week!
PS-Props to Noah in his potty training! He has not had an accident where he peed his pants in a long time, and only pooped his pants once in the past week. Mom and Dad are proud of him, and I'm very happy for him!
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