Sunday, November 2, 2014

October 1-14

No, we HAVEN'T fallen off the face of the earth. But, life just gets so busy that blogging falls off of mom's "to do" list.
However, since our page has been having some issues, we'll try posting photos to our blog to kind of fill you in on the latest in our lives:

We saw the coolest rainbow we've ever seen! October 2nd
As the weather gets colder, we've enjoyed some nice warm fires (and some s'mores) in our fireplace.
We both enjoyed a season of soccer. For the first time, we played on different teams! We missed each other, but it was fun to play on teams and make our own friends.
Hannah lost her first top tooth before soccer picture day, and her second tooth AFTER soccer pictures. Good thing sweet corn season is over! Too bad apple season isn't...

Hannah loved to play defense on her soccer team, though she did a pretty good job of dribbling the ball downfield & scored a couple of times. Coincidentally, Hannah & Noah each scored a goal on the SAME DAY about 5 minutes apart from each other!

Just kids being a box.

Thanks Great Grandma for the Bingo Game. We found it in her things when we went through her games & puzzles last year, and the kids LOVE to play Bingo.
Noah started a challenging puzzle (found in Great Grandma's things) that challenged the whole family.
Fun with jellybeans

Fun with jellybeans

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