Sunday, November 4, 2012

Happy Halloween after a busy month!

Halloween came and went so fast because we’ve been so busy over the past few weeks!

Three weeks ago was a fun week! Even though we love school, we did enjoy a few days off school.

During the school week, we had a few nice days, so we got to go out and play with each other in the backyard and help daddy with all the leaves in our backyard. He had a big blower that blew all the leaves in a pile, and we got to jump into them and play in them! It was so much fun!

Wednesday, daddy picked us up from the bus and stopped by Sue’s house. We miss her so much! It was so good to see her. She hugged us and talked to us for a half hour before we had to go home and eat our pizza.

Thursday, we had a quiet day at home because Daddy had to work and we had a day off school. But Friday was a great day! We got ready to go to Apple Jacks Apple Orchard. We go there every year, so we look forward to playing in their playground, jumping on the giant air pillow, eating some apples and, of course, mommy has to take some pictures of us down by the river.

We got to ride ponies, play on the slides, smile for pictures by the trees and by the river, try some apples in the store, then this year we took a tractor ride around the apple orchard to see all the different kinds of trees they had. We stopped to take a ride on the cow train. We usually go in the back 2 cars, but this year, we picked a front cow and a cow in the middle of the train. It was a bumpy ride! But the driver was crazy and fun!

After the cow train, we got to jump on the giant air pillow. We had a choice between that and the corn pit (like a big ball pit but with corn, but jumping sounded more fun! When we wore ourselves out on that, we got in the car and found Daddy bought us cider in cute little pumpkins. We LOVE apple cider! And, to top off the night, we went to supper at Pizza Ranch!

On the way home, we stopped at the Hallowen store to look at all the costumes. It was such a fun day!

Saturday was a busy work day. Noah played legos, but I helped rake up the leaves and put them in bags to bring to the dump. The backyard looks really great now!

Sunday we had to go to the early church so mommy could take pictures. We were so good in church, so mommy & daddy took us to eat brunch and play with our friends Ryan, Jackson & Kendra at the church. After church, we planted some of the apple seeds from the apples we bought and ate yesterday. I hope they grow!

This week was a full week of school! We looked forward to our Fall festival party on Friday.

Tuesday was a playdate at the Maze with some of our classmates. It was a lot of fun to play in the mazes, slides and everything with our friends from school.

Thursday we tried on our costumes to make sure we had all the pieces we needed for school. Mommy made a Power Ranger costume for Noah, and I had a bumblebee costume from the store. Mommy hadn’t quite finished my costume by the time Friday rolled around. I’ve had my eye on some yellow & black striped fur fabric that mom’s had on her sewing shelf for a while, and decided it would make the PERFECT bee!

Friday morning was our Fall Festival at school. We got to wear our Halloween costumes to school, we talked about day of the dead in Spanish Class, and had a party in the morning. It was a REALLY fun DAY!

Mommy picked us up from the bus stop that night, and we got home just in time to find our best friend Grayson waiting for us at our house! His family picked us up to go to Como Zoo Boo. We got to trick-or-treat, see the animals, play games, take photos, meet Darth Vader and some Ghostbusters...It was AWESOME! Then we went to McDonald’s for supper. It was a GREAT day but we were exhausted by the time we got home. (Though, we ran around the front yard with Grayson while our parents talked when we got home.)

Saturday, we tried to be REALLY quiet when we got up so Mommy & Daddy could sleep, but I was SO excited when I found that Mommy had finished my bumblebee coat, that I had to wake her up and ask if it was done. I was SO EXCITED! It’s fuzzy and warm because she even put soft fleece on the inside to keep me really warm when I go trick-or-treating.

Later in the morning, we got to go to Toys R Us for a Lego event at noon. We even saw Griffin there, so we got to hang out with him while we bilt with Legos. It was so cool. We got to build something to add to the Lego town they had at Toys R Us, then we got a cool monster builder Lego toy for helping build the Lego town.

We wore our costumes all day so we were ready for the Halloween party that we went to with Daddy’s volleyball team. Grayson & Zachary came to our house before the party (their Mom & Dad had a party to go to) so they got to come with us.

IT was a fun party! We jumped on the trampoline, (Noah & Grayson had a light saber fight), we played lgos and cars, and had yummy food. all while a whole bunch of big kids came through the house to visit the haunted house. We didn’t go through the haunted house that Daddy helped build, but he came upstairs to show us his costume while we were playing.

After the haunted house wrapped up, we played Just Dance on the Wii. I played the cheerleader song with Grasyon once, then when Grayson left, I played with Noah & another girl. It was so fun! But, we were tired and ready to put our pajams on and ready to go home.

Sunday we sang in church. We did a really good job! Daddy heard us ALL THE WAY in the back!

Tuesday night was parent teacher conferences. Mommy & Daddy met with my teacher first. She said I was doing just fine! I’m right where I should be in my progress. After they met with her (and Noah & I sat in the quiet room and watched Ratatoulli), we went to Culvers to eat. We were so excited to see our babysitters (Rachel & Hannah) with their family on their way to conferences.

After we ate, we had to run to Walmart to pick up food for Cheyenne and some Halloween treats for trick or treaters. Then we went BACK to Beacon so Mom & Dad could meet with Noah’s teacher. She had good things to say about Noah, too. He’s doing really well and right where he should be in learning everything. Then, Mom & Dad also met Sra. Hann and talked to her about our Spanish class. We LOVE Spanish!

On Halloween, we didn’t dress up to go to school. We had already had our party the week before. But we were excited to trick-or-treat! Mommy made me a new bee costume - this one had a long dress with a ruffle at the bottom and long sleeves with a thumb hole so my hands could stay warmer. I love it! It works great with my bumblebee coat.

We got going a little late because Mommy was stuck in traffic, but we went trick-or treating with Griffin again this year. It was fun! It was so nice out that I took my coat off halfway through the night.We got lots of candy, then came home and showered. Noah washed his face twice but still had blue paint on his face! My yellow & black face paint came off right away.

Friday we finally had a chance to open the Halloween gifts that Grandma Diane and Dani sent to us. We got fun stuff! Workbooks for rhyming, glow in the dark glasses, hair ties, candy, a cauldron to drink from...Plus, Mommy & Daddy had bought us each CHAPTER books at the Book Fair at School on Tuesday! I got a pink fairy book and Noah got Captain Underpants! Mine is a little bit hard, but Mommy & Daddy are going to help me with some words I don’t know.

Saturday was a fun day to just stay home and play. We had volleyball in the afternoon. Coach Jen said I was doing really well! Yay! I had fun and loved it a lot!

Today, we had Sunday School. We love having our Mom & Dad as our Sunday School teachers.
After Sunday School, we went to Target & bought some costumes to play in, went home and ate. After that, we went to run an errand. We played with Legos in the bed store while Daddy and Mommy looked at some mattresses (I tested some of them out, too).  I build a magic wand and Noah built a HUGE tent out of legos. Then we went to the Art Supply store. They had some really cool stuff there! But we only bought some boring boards.

It’s been a busy few weeks but I wanted to be sure the blog got updated because we’ve been so busy we haven’t had a chance recently.

Hope you had a happy halloween!

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