Monday, I got the writing briefcase at school. It was full of papers, crayons & markers to make pictures & stories. Mommy pulled out some of her ribbons, stamps, punches, as well as some of our crafts so we could do something fun and cool.
Unfortunately, I didn't get to do my project on Monday because Hannah's ear hurt so we had to drive around to Minute Clinics to find one that was open for us to go to! Luckily we found one that was open and found out Hannah had an ear infection! Before we went to the Minute Clinic, Mommy made us Mac & Cheese, so we ate our Mac & Cheese while we waited for Hannah's medicine.
Tuesday, we got to work on the writing briefcase project. Hannah did a project while I made a person. I gave him a head, arms and legs with different types of papers and craft materials, then I made him a cape and wrote "This is a silly person" on the cape. He looked silly!
Wednesday, Hannah brought home the briefcase. Mommy kept her ribbons & fun scissors out so that we could do another project. Hannah made a picture of a lady while I used stickers to make my own art project and write on it.
We're both getting really good at writing our letters. We're working on spelling things now. We don't always spell them right, but we sound out the letters as best we can.
Thursday, Daddy had volleyball after Hannah's dance class, so we went to the gym where he played volleyball. We got to run around a little and saw Reid, as well as a bunch of other people Mommy & Daddy play volleyball with.

Saturday, we had our last day of volleyball. One kid budged in line again and I pushed him. That made Daddy mad, so I have to remember not to get physical with kids even if they're doing something naughty. After volleyball, it started to snow! It was so awesome. We've been waiting for snow for a long time. We got to talk to Aunt Angie on the computer, too. We found out we're going to her house on Thursday! We're excited to go to her house for Thanksgiving. Yay!
After lunch, I was going to play transformers, but Daddy told me Grayson was coming to pick me up so we could go play! We went to see a bunch of bouncy houses and bounce in one. His mom bought us sodas with ice cream in them! They were root beer floats and they were really good. While I was gone, Daddy was going to take Hannah grocery shopping but the store was too busy so she got to go dress shopping. She said they didn't find any dresses but got some new leotards for dance class. When Grayson dropped me off, Daddy and Hannah came outside and we had a snowball fight! Daddy didn't fight back - Grayson's mom did, but us kids still beat the adults.
Today, we woke up early and played quietly so Mommy & Daddy could sleep

When we finally got home, we took baths and ate a late supper.
We're looking forward to the week because we get to see our family!
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.