A couple of weeks ago on a Monday, there was a big storm and the power went out at our place. So, Daddy said we could go to a restaurant. I love restaurants. I wanted McDonald's, but he said there was a new pizza place so we tried it. It was so awesome! There was a train that went around the restaurant above people's heads. It went around the restaurant, into the kitchen and back out into the dining area. We loved watching it! It was so cool that we had a hard time sitting still and eating our pizza.
Last weekend, we stayed home with Daddy on Friday, then picked up mommy for lunch and a mexican restaurant. After lunch, we got to go to Ron & Carol's Sandbox to play. Mom & Dad played volleyball (it was the first time Daddy could play since before his surgery in May, so he was very excited) while we played in the yard with 2 boys who were there. Our favorite part is playing on the court when the adults take a break between games.
Saturday, we got up and drove a long ways to Great Grandma's lake cabin.

Sunday, we got up and got ready for another party. Mommy's work had a picnic, so we went to play games, bounce in the bounce house, run the inflatable obstacle course, and eat picnic food. We even got cotton candy. I loved it. It was so delicious! Noah got a blue sno-cone. He loved it, but spilled blue all over his shirt. We had a fun day, but were tired and ready to go home after a couple of hours.
Monday we didn't have daycare, so we stayed home and hung out with Mommy. We got to visit Daddy's office for lunch - he took us to a yummy place that had grilled cheese, fries, burgers and awesome shakes. After we got home and played a while, we decided we wanted to go to the pool. We hadn't been to the pool (except for lessons) all year, so it was really fun! Mommy ran into a friend of ours from ECFE class that we used to go to when we were little, so we got to stay a little later while she talked. But we got home, showered and got to bed quickly because we were tired kids!

It was a nice week - we finally got to go outside a lot this week. We were looking forward to our family's visit all week. We knew they were going to come Friday.
Saturday morning, we got up and woke up Grandma and Grandpa. We were so happy to see them! Angie was at our house, too. And, Ben, Lauren, Dani & Jason came to our place while we were getting ready for pictures.

Lauren got to ride home for supper with us and Noah rode home with Ben. After supper, we put on a talent show (we each did a flip on our gymnastics bar with Lauren's help) and had a bonfire. We had marshmallows, s'mores and hung out with our whole family. It got crazy because after we had s'mores,

Today, Lauren & Ben came over again and we just played all day. We dressed up like superheros, princesses and transformers. (OK, the boys were transformers - Lauren & I were princesses and superheros). We played in the tents, on the swings, with our zhu zhu pets...it was a full day! We were sad to see them go, but they had to get home. We had such a fun weekend!
We're ready to get to Sue's again tomorrow.
We'll get back to our regular schedule again.
Noah will be a superhero (he always says "When there's trouble, I begin to heroguide!" He fights against the badguy, spy guy.) And I will be a mommy to my babies. Mom said the pool is closed now. That's such a bummer. We'll just have to fill our own little pool back up.
We can't wait for school to start! Mom said it will start in 3 weeks. We can't wait!
Have a good week.
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