Monday night, Mommy told us that both she & Dad had volleyball tournaments on Saturday. I asked her who would take care of us, and she told me that Grandpa & Grandma would. We were excited all week for that!
We've been learning lots of different nursery rhymes at school. We also have been learning about shapes. Friday night, we told Mom & Dad what a Rhombus is. They thought that was pretty cool.
Friday after we took quick baths, we found Grandma & Grandpa in our living room.We thought we wouldn't see them until Saturday morning, so we were excited when they came Friday!
I was so excited about spending the day with Grandma & Grandpa that I got up early (before everyone in the house) and waited quietly in the big chair until Daddy got up. Grandma & Grandpa got up shortly after daddy.
Grandma & Grandpa took us to skating on Saturday and we did so great! Noah was starting to glide and I was getting up quickly and moving faster.

After we ate, we got to go see Mommy. We hung out with the Divas' kids that were there, then watched the Divas play a game. After volleyball, Grandpa bought us treats from Dairy Queen before we went home for supper. Mom & Dad came home after supper and said they both had fun and did really well at their tournaments.
After Sunday School on Sunday, Daddy made a yummy steak dinner then Mommy, Grandpa and Grandma took us skating. The ice was in really bad shape so it was hard to skate, but I was cruising around the ice until we decided it was time to go home. Noah was very sad when Grandma & Grandpa had to go home. Daddy let us watch Sprout for a little while to rest and relax after they left. It was a fun weekend, so we're worn out.
Noah has been dressing up in his doctor costume all weekend. He's worn his costume, glasses, used his stethoscope and given everyone a checkup. I've also given people checkups with my doctor kit, so our whole house has passed the health test.
Have a good week!
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