What a busy week.
Monday, we had to find a new way to get to Sue's. The bridge we always take is going to be torn down, so we have to go a different way. It's longer and more congested, so Mommy & Daddy don't like it. We keep waiting to see the bridge torn down, but it's been up every day this week. Mommy did point out on Friday that part of it came down, but some of it is still there.
Monday was green day at school. We all wore green, watched a movie about green eggs and ham and made green crafts. When we got home, Griffin was out, so we played in the backyard (we can swing on the swings again - there were only a few inches of snow left under the swings!) while we talked to him.
Wednesday, mommy felt really bad for Noah. He went in the bathroom (when she was showering) to ask for toast, and she told him that she would help him as soon as she got done. She told him to wait outside for her. When she got out of the shower, she found him cuddled in the big chair with daddy's blankets on him. He told her that he got cold standing outside and came in to warm up and wait. Mommy felt so bad because she really meant for him to wait outside the door for her. I guess Mom learned to choose her words more carefully.
Unfortunately, Mommy came home from work on Wednesday. She took a test for strep throat and tested positive, so she had to come home from work and not play volleyball in her playoff game. But, we got to hang out with her at night, so she was happy to get to be with us.
We had a field trip Wednesday. It was so cool! We got on the bus and went to a nature center. Some of the parents were there, too. We saw a puppet show about how to make syrup and some of the animals ate the syrup and didn't share with the other animals. That wasn't very nice. We also got to see how they make maple syrup and we even got to eat some on pancakes. It was yummy!
Thursday morning, Noah asked Mommy if we could go to New York after Sue's. He told her he wanted to go to New York and see the real Statue of Liberty. He knew it was a 3 day drive, so Mommy told him we'd have to go some other time because Grandma & Grandpa were coming to babysit us the next day.
Thursday we picked out green clothes because it was St. Patrick's Day. Noah wore his leprechaun hat - we thought we might be able to catch the leprechaun this year and get his pot of gold! We even made leprechaun
hats during craft time. He came during naptime and made a BIG MESS (he danced on Sue's table and left mud & snow all over!) but got away before we could catch him. He did leave us some fruit roll ups and glow swords for us, though.
Friday when we got home from Sue's, Grandma & Grandpa pulled into our driveway! Mommy & Daddy went away for a weekend volleyball tournament and Grandma & Grandpa came to babysit. Mommy got second place with her Divas. Yay! Daddy's team didn't do as well because one of their teammates got hurt early in the tournament.
We had a good weekend with Grandpa & Grandma. We went to skating - we did really well for Grandma & Grandpa. We also got to go do lots of shopping with them! We went to Thomas Tool (Noah asked to go to Thomas Tool last weekend, too), then to Mills Fleet Farm and then to Cabelas. They had a giant hill in the middle of the store with lots of animals. It was really cool. We took the stairs up to the second floor of the store, but we got to take the elevator down. Then we came home and played outside with Grandpa.
Today, we went to Sunday School. Noah and I listened nicely to the Bible lesson, and Noah asked a question that stumped the teacher. Then we got to go do our lessons with TJ & Miss Penny. They are such fun teachers. After church, Grandma & Grandpa took us out to Burger King. It was great - I got a Ms. Beans toy, although I wanted the necklace in my Kids Meal. Noah got cards. Mommy & Daddy came home shortly after we ate. We were so happy to see them! (So was Cheyenne!) We got to hang out with Grandma & Grandpa for a little while longer before they had to go home. Then we went outside to play.

Most of the snow has melted! Our red sled is finally uncovered (it got buried under all that snow in November and we haven't seen it since!) Noah helped Mommy clean the yard with the pooper scooper for a while, but then he joined me on the swings. We are so happy to be able to play outside again, although it's wet & muddy out. I had to change my pants when I fell in the mud and got wet, but then I put on my snowpants so I could go down the slide.
It was a very busy week, and a busy weekend with Grandma & Grandpa.
Have a good week!