The week was kind of crazy because we were still getting used to all that snow we had - but our big news was that we were anticipating our birthday!
Monday night, Mommy dug in our front yard to find our penguins. Daddy finished digging them out, so we now get to turn them on again, though they look like just penguin heads from the street because our snow is so deep. It is so deep, that it's up to our swings in the backyard.
Tuesday, we asked how many days until school starts. Mommy said we could make a paper chain to count down the days to school. We started making one, but still have to finish decorating some of the links and putting them all together.
Friday, we had a party at daycare - we got cupcakes and presents from Sue!
Friday night, I had a rough night - my forehead hurt when I got home from Sue's, then my ear hurt after I went to bed, and my throat hurt when I got up at 5. I fell back asleep for a short time, but realized I felt better so I was ready to set up some toys and play!
As we ate our breakfast, the door opened and Grandma Diane and Grandpa Mark walked in! How exciting! We didn't know they were coming, so we were very happy to see them! We got to take them to ice skating class to show off how we skate. I still wasn't feeling great, so I didn't move my feet as much as last week, but I got a pink balloon, and Noah got a green balloon for moving his feet and catching his balloon really well.
After that, we had to go to church to practice the pageant. We like going to church, but this was a drag. We had to sit on stage and be quiet, then they made us put on costumes. Noah didn't want to put on an angel costume at all, and even sat in a time out for a while because he wasn't cooperative. We decided to leave early because we just weren't feeling well.
We did, however, feel better once we got home and had dinner! I wasn't very hungry, but a few bites of Mac & Cheese makes me happy. I even took a nap for about an hour. While I slept, Noah got a Christmas tree for our bedroom. He really wanted to get the big one (that's about as tall as hi

When I got up, we had a snack and got ready to go to the mall for pictures. We had to wait a little while, so we ran around with another little girl named Journey, but Mommy & Daddy said we were pretty good for pictures. We had to be! They kept telling us they would only give us treats (Mom had raisins & strawberry bars) if we were good!

Again, I wasn't really hungry, but I had fun looking at the pigs around the restaurant! Here is one of our pictures, but Mom put more in the photo album online.
We were so tired by the time we got home, but it was soooo cool to fall asleep to Christmas tree lights in our room.
This morning, we woke up to balloons in our room! Grandma bought us each a shiney balloon that floats and put it in our room while we slept. Noah cried when he got up and the Christmas lights were off, but he was excited to find a balloon!
Then we were off to the races for a busy day - we had to get to church to get ready for our pageant. We did very well. Noah said maybe he would be an angel another day, but he decided today was a good day to be an angel, so we both were good angels and sang Jesus Loves Me in front of everyone. After the program, we got treats (cookies!), then went to church. We even got to to up on stage while Mommy & Daddy read aloud and lit the candles on a high wreath. The nursery was closed, but we were pretty good in church for Mom, Dad, Grandma & Grandpa.
Unfortunately, Grandpa & Grandma had to leave after church, so they left and we got in the car. Mom & Dad bought us Happy Meals and we ate them on the road on the way to the big Mall. Daddy was awesome and found a parking spot within 10 minutes of us getting there, and we got to go in, finish our food and walk around a little bit. We waited in line for a few minutes, then got to see Santa! He was so awesome. He sang songs about what we asked for, he made us laugh, told us we were good, and took pictures with us.

When we got home, we got to talk to Grandma Lois and Grandpa Bob online, then opened the gift they gave us. We got Superhero dress up costumes, so we tried them all on and had fun! After Dad hung up the online call, we got to open the rest of our gifts. We got some fun stuff - game tub (Noah said he knew we were getting them), monster trucks & Barbies, books, lacing cards, new pajamas and money. After supper, we got to have cupcakes. I had Spiderman on my cupcake and Hannah had Tinkerbell. We had candles and Mom & dad sang Happy Birthday to us.
It was an exhausting day, so after our baths, we crashed.
Tomorrow, we have to go to the doctor. I hope they don't give us shots.
Have a Great Christmas week!
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