Monday we got up early and left the house in our pajamas to go see the doctor. He took our height & weight - I am 32 lbs and Noah is 38 lbs. We were very good, showing off to the doctor how good we were when he wanted to look at us to make sure we were healthy and showing off how smart we are. We did an eye test and ear test, but just when we thought we were done, the nurse came in with shots! YUCK! I cried when they put the mist in my nose, so when she poked me with needles I REALLY screamed! Noah cried until he got to pick out his sticker & pencil. I cried, but didn't miss out on my sticker & pencil.
I was very tired all day and didn't feel very good. It was really snowing out hard, so Mommy had to stay at work until late. But, we still got to kiss her good night before we went to bed. I wasn't able to sleep, though. My ear really hurt, so Daddy sat on the couch and cuddled with me while I cried. He went and got me medicine, but it still hurt, so he took me down to watch TV. It made me feel a little bit better.
Wednesday, we had our Christmas Party at Daycare! We played games, hid candy canes and opened presents from our friends! I got a Polly Pockets set and Noah got Bumblebee, his FAVORITE transformer! It was so cool.
Thursday, we didn't go to daycare. We just stayed home with Mom. We tried to clean up a little bit, but we really just wanted to play with our toys. Noah dressed up in each of his costumes at least twice and I tried on a few of my costumes, too. We helped Mom bake some cookies and helped her make a birthday cake for Jesus. I asked if Jesus would be coming to the party, but Mom said he was pretty busy. I asked if he would be having a party with Uncle David and Uncle Adam and that other girl (Mom said her name is Natalia, but I always forget that long name!), and she said he would. We'll just have to save him a piece of cake.
Shortly after Dad came home, we got ready to go to the Diva Christmas Party. It was at Piper & Anika's house, so we were excited to go play with them and other kids. I fell asleep on the way there - Noah was tired a couple of times, but made sure to stay awake.
We played a little bit when we got there, ate some yummy food and then went back to play. We even got to play in our pajamas! (I think our Moms & Dads wanted us to lay down and watch a movie, but we built a fort, played with toys and jumped on the trampoline!) Noah had a little accident - he said a wall hit him and so he got a bloody nose. But Mom & Dad stopped it so he could come down and play. I also had an accident when I collided with Piper, but we were both OK.
We even got our own yummy cookies with our names on them! They were so cool - they were HUGE cookies as big as my HEAD that looked like little people. And, they were really yummy! When we came up to eat our cookies, we realized it was SNOWING and had been for a long time. We said goodbye to our Diva friends & their families and headed home in the snow.
I don't remember leaving their block - I just remember waking up on Christmas Eve morning in my own bed. It was still snowing when we got up.
We got to pick our dinner on Christmas eve (Daddy made NOODLES!) and ate while Daddy and our neighbor Dan used their snowblowers to clean their driveways & sidewalks. Shortly after we were done eating, Grandma Lois and Grandpa Bob came! They brought our little cousin Alex. He is little, so he got into our stuff a lot. Mom told us that we should play with him, but we just wanted to play big kid games with each other. Griffin also came over and played for a little while - he brought PRESENTS for us! YAY!
After we showed off to Grandma & Grandpa for a while, Aunt

After dinner, we opened PRESENTS! We got pillow pets - just what we wanted! I got a purple unicorn and Noah got a frog. We also got a few other things including a JUMPOLENE. Noah can't wait to set it up - it's like an inflatable trampoline.

We had to say goodbye to Angela and her family and get ready for bed - we were tired, but made sure to lay out cookies and milk for Santa!
Christmas morning, Mom & Dad woke up to find Noah laying on the couch just waiting for everyone to get up. He hadn't turned on the tree or opened any presents, he was just laying there waiting quietly. He didn't even wake me up! But, when I got up, we started opening presents. It was soo cool! Santa brought me a Barbie CRUISE SHIP and Noah got Monster Trucks. We also got a whole bunch of cool stuff from Mom & Dad! I got a Barbie, some clothes for Barbie, a car for her, books and too much stuff to name! Noah got a lot of stuff, too - Megatron (the transformer), Iron Man, a Buzz Lightyear gun (which he shot me with, so Daddy took it away from him for a whole day for shooting me!) with a belt & binoculars, a Buzz Lightyear voice changing helmet and a bunch of other cool stuff. It was such an awesome Christmas - thanks Mom & Dad! Our daycare provider gave Noah a flip over truck that was pretty cool when it ran into walls, and I got a zhu zhu pet. Yay! Mom & Dad gave me a car and Noah got a pet with a room, so we played Zhu Zhu pets in the kitchen after we opened our gifts up.
After we took an afternoon nap, Mom & Dad kind of disappeared into the basement. They said that the pipes backed up into the basement, so they wouldn't let us come down because they said it was a big mess. A guy with a BIG machine on wheels came in to help Daddy right before we went to bed, but Mommy said it was a big mess to clean up! Luckily, Grandma & Grandpa helped us get started on dinner while Mommy & Daddy worked on the basement.
Sunday was a good day to just play with more of our toys. We got so many cool things, we don't know what to do first! Mommy & Grandma went shopping for a little while, and when they got back we had Jesus' birthday cake (we forgot to sing him Happy Birthday and have cake when Angela was here, and yesterday we got too busy to remember the cake, too!) So we all had a piece of cake and sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.
Finally, we got back into our routine when we had supper, took our baths and went to bed on time. It was a busy weekend!
This morning, mom was a little scared. She went into our bedroom to make sure we had blankets, and after she covered Noah, she couldn't find me! She looked all over, and went to see if Daddy had been up with me overnight. He got up and helped look upstairs and all over, but Mom checked the couch a second time and found me under a blanket sleeping on my pillow pet on the couch! I guess she didn't know I had gotten up and was sleeping there. She hugged me and carried me back to bed. Just before she put me in bed, I asked her if Jesus had come to have birthday cake yet. I was really tired, but she asked me if I was waiting up on the couch for Jesus to come have cake. I told her yes, and cuddled back into her arms. I was tired, and fell asleep in front of the Christmas tree waiting for Jesus. I guess I missed him.
It was good to be back at daycare today. We got to be with our friends again - we missed them.
It was very fun to see Grandma & Grandpa, though. We sang songs with Grandma and showed off how we can even do math! Unfortunately, they were gone when we got home from Sue's today. Dad said they went to go see Michael & Michelle because they wanted to spend some time with them, too.
We were sad when we saw the decorations were off the tree. The lights are still on but Daddy and Mommy said we are going to have to take the tree down now that Christmas is over. Sad. We asked what the next holiday is, and they told us it's New Year. I don't know what that is, but I hope Christmas comes again very soon! It really was so much fun to decorate, have presents, see Santa, have snow and see family.
It's getting late, and it's been a very busy and fun week, so I'll stop now and maybe I'll write more next week. Until then, Happy New Year!
Love- Hannah