Friday, September 10, 2010

If my son wears a Vikings jersey to bed on NFL opening kickoff night, does that mean we're doing a good job as a parent? The kids put on their Vikings shirts for supper last night and watched part of the game. Hannah took hers off but Noah wanted to go to bed with his jersey over his pajamas.
The kids went to the neighbor's birthday party today. When they were invited, they both were adamant that they were going to get a Transformer for him. So, today we went to Target to pick out a Transformer. As much as we told them "This is a surprise. Don't tell Griffin what we got him." We got home and saw him playing in his yard. Hannah runs up to tell him "We got you a surprise!" Noah ran over and shouted "We got you a transformer at Target!"
I guess we have a little work to do on how surprises work. Though, the birthday boy was still surprised when he opened his transformer. be three again.
The kids have been doing a preschool program at daycare for 2 years now. They're starting their third year of preschool learning letters, shapes, colors and numbers. Hannah does really well on writing her letters. Noah still doesn't have a lot of interest in writing, though some days are better than others. He is, however, holding his pencil better than he used to. Both kids can spell well, though.

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