It started out a little bit rocky...I threw up in my bed Friday morning so I stayed home from daycare with Daddy. But, I felt better in the afternoon, so I picked up Noah then we went to Ron & Carol's. Mommy's team played volleyball against Daddy and all the Diva's husbands while we played with the other kids. I got cold at the end of the night - but Noah was running around and playing on the court when Ron lit a bonfire. Noah stopped in his tracks and said "The Bomfire is turned on!" and ran over to the fire. We had a fun night!
Saturday morning, we got up and went to meet Grandma & Angie. We stopped at Target before we went to meet them for brunch, so I sat in the car and Noah helped daddy change the taillight on his truck.
We were so excited to meet Angie at Perkins! Grandma was there, and so was great grandma and aunt Dee & June. We had yummy pancakes - Noah finished his but I wasn't very hungry.
After we had brunch, we went back home and had quiet time before we went to Grayson's party! We had been looking forward to this all week. We hoped Spiderman would be there, but he didn't make it. We had fun anyway - we had a sack race, hit a Spiderman piniata, played with Grayson's toys, had pizza, cake & ice cream, and helped him open his presents. A lot of our daycare friends were there, and we were so excited to see them! Mommy & Daddy even left us there and didn't stay with us. Daddy kept making comments on how big we are now that we're going to friends' parties without them.
Noah didn't want to go home - when Mommy told him it was time to go home, he fell down and threw a tantrum - he was so mad that Daddy had to put him in the truck.
Today, we went to church and had our first real day of Sunday School! We have a big class of 3,4 & 5 year olds. Mommy & Daddy don't come with us to our class - we go with our teachers while Mommy & Daddy wait without us. We had fun - we made bags for our Sunday School stuff.

After Sunday School, we went home and got ready for the baseball game. Mommy & Daddy took us downtown to the new baseball field to a Twins game! We got there early and saw the statues and plaza area in front of the stadium.
We had so much fun there! It was a cool place - we had hot dogs, lemonade, snacks and watched baseball!

We're exhausted after a long, busy weekend! Have a great week!