Happy Birthday to Grandma!
We had a fun week - and today was Grandma's birthday, so we got to end the week with birthday cake.
Last week, our aunt Angela came to see us for a few days.
Tuesday, we got new toothbrushes. Mommy took us to Target over the weekend and bought us SpongeBob toothbrushes that tickle our tongues when we turn them on. They are so cool! We love brushing our teeth again.
Thursday, Grandma came with Daddy to pick us up from daycare. We were so happy to see her! She stayed with us while Daddy played volleyball, then stayed with us all day Friday while Mommy & Daddy worked.
Saturday, Angie & Grandpa came, too, so we got to hang out with them all day while Mom & Dad played volleyball. We drove out to an airport where we watched people jump out of airplanes - we even got to see Angie, Great Grandma, Aunt Dee and some of mom's cousins jump out of the plane! It was so cool to see the parachute open up and watch them fall from the sky. We want to go skydiving - we can't wait until we're big enough to jump!
We even got to stay up WAY past our bedtime! They jumped out of the plane 5 hours late, and Grandma said we were so good when we waited, so they took us to Subway for supper. Yummy!
Today was Grandma's birthday, so we helped decorate a cake for her, and told her Happy Birthday! We even got to eat a couple of pieces of birthday cake.
Grandma is going to stay with us again tomorrow, so we're looking forward to playing with her again tomorrow.
We've really enjoyed playing with each other lately. Yes, we still fight but we like to play together. When we take baths, we play with 4 ducks - a mommy, daddy and 2 babies (we each pick a baby from our collection of 10 little ducks!). Our duck families have conversations, the babies get in trouble and the Mom and Dad show the babies how to do stuff. We have so much fun together, we are sad when we have to get out of the bathtub. We also play house, build buildings with Noah's tools and, of course, playing outside on the swings.
Have a fun week - and Happy Birthday to Grandma and her twin Deanna!
Noah & Hannah
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