We're excited to announce the newest member of our family!
Yesterday, Daddy took us to the pet store and we picked out a fish to bring home. We named him Spike.
We have enjoyed watching him swim, and it's fun to watch him eat! It was a rainy weekend, so it was a good weekend to get to know our new fish. Of course, we still do our daily chore of feeding Cheyenne. We love our cuddly dog.
When we were watching Spike swim yesterday afternoon, we saw Mommy come home from her Moms of Multiples garage sale - she put a teeter totter in the backyard! We were excited for our new toy, so we put our shoes & coats on and tried it out! Of course, we just tried it out for a minute or two...then we decided to swing since the rain finally stopped for a short time and we were able to swing. We enjoyed being outside for just a short time, but didn't get to play with our teeter totter much. When Noah wanted to teeter totter, Hannah wanted to swing. When Hannah decided to teeter totter, Noah wanted to swing.
That night, we went to the grocery store to buy some bananas and got a super cool cart! It was a car. It was almost as cool as the store that has little carts. (The store with little carts is our favorite because we get to push our own carts through the store)
After we "drove" around the store, we went to see our friends Trevor & Dylan. We played & watched movies with them until it was time for us to go home and go to bed. What a day! We were worn out!
The past week has been fun. We had a lot of nice days, so we got to play outside at daycare every day. We love getting outside to play!
Tuesday was even so nice that Mommy put on roller blades and took us out in the stroller. When we got back, she turned on the sprinkler and we ran through it. We were wet, but it was so much fun! Then, we went in the house to find Daddy made our favorite meal - MOSTACCIOLI!
Have a great week. We'll keep busy and enjoy our lives!
Noah & Hannah
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