We had so much fun yesterday! It really made up for kind of a crazy week.
Hannah was home sick on Monday & Tuesday - and we even had to sit at the Minute clinic for over an hour just to get Hannah's ears checked on Tuesday. But, we tried to be good, so Daddy and Mommy took us to Burger King and let us play on the play area slides. We had so much fun.
Friday, we had our party at daycare. There has been a lot of energy and buzz around that place, and we had fun exchanging treats with our daycare friends.
Yesterday we got up and Mommy let Hannah dress in her Minnie Mouse dress and Noah in a Mickey Mouse outfit. (Normally, Mommy won't let us eat when we're wearing costumes, but we got to wear them as a special treat because it was Halloween!) Hannah took a short nap in the morning and Noah didn't want to nap, so when Daddy got home from volleyball we went out to play in the backyard. Daddy raked a big pile of leaves together and we got to jump and play in the leaves. YEAH! Then, we went down our slide and Mommy raked a big pile of leaves for us to land in when we got to the bottom of the slide.
At 5, we got our costumes on and went trick-or-treating around the block with our neighbor, Yoda. (AKA Griffin). Noah really liked trick-or-treating. He went to the door, knocked, said "Trick-Or-Treat" (whether the residents had opened the door yet or not!) and held out his bucket. He was so excited he forgot to say Thank you a lot, but Mommy reminded him and said it for him. Hannah was too cold and too shy to be a very good trick-or-treater. Mommy had to carry her around the block because she was cold, and she buried her head in mommy's shoulder when she should have said "thank you."
After we went trick-or-treating, we went to McDonalds to eat! Yummy! Then, we got in the truck and drove to a few friends that Mom & Dad play volleyball with. We got to see Anika, Piper, Dion, Ben, and we stopped to play at Trevor & Dylon's house until WAY past our bedtime! It was fun, but we were so tired that the last thing we remember is getting in the truck. The next thing we knew, we were home in our beds. We were so tired we slept until 9. We slept so late, we almost missed Sunday School!
Mommy thinks we're getting really good at manners and being polite, despite the fact that we do naughty things to each other. We are two, and just can't help but push or hit each other, or take toys away from each other. But we still have to sit in a time out, apologize or go to our room when we're naughty. But, we also say "Thank You", "Please" to mommy and Daddy, and always say excuse me when we burp. "I'm sorry" is still hard to say, but we'll work on it.
We also can recite some books and songs and videos that we hear often. Noah likes to sing the Leapfrog "Every letter makes a sound" song, so he knows what sounds every letter in the alphabet makes. Hannah knows most of the letters but sings more fun toddler songs like "take me out to the ball game".
Have a fun week!
Noah & Hannah
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