We got snow! When we got Mommy & Daddy up this morning, they told us to look out the window and there was snow all over! Snow on our yard, on our swings, on our clubhouse, on our picnic table...everything. There was just a little bit, but we were so excited that we didn't even finish our cereal, we just wanted to get out to play. We put our rainboots on, our mittens, hats and coats and went out in our pajamas to play in the snow. We played in the snow a little last year, but this is the first year we really remember getting our first snow and being so excited about it. We had to check out the snow in the swimming pool, on our slides, and especially on the picnic table. Some snow even snuck through the trap door to get in our clubhouse! Hanna made a snow angel, as you can see in the pictures. She had beautiful wings, though her legs didn't quite make a full skirt.
We had fun playing in the snow, then went in the house to play legos for the rest of the morning. We built a castle with really tall walls so princess ariel and her fishy could get inside the castle.
Mom asked Noah if he wanted to wear underwear today. Hannah is a big girl who has been wearing underwear all summer, and for the past couple of weeks, she's been sleeping in her underwear, not a diaper. Noah said he wanted to wear his Thomas the Train underwear, so Mom let him. But, within a half hour, he had wet pants. So, mom told him that he had to make SURE to go potty in the toilet next time he had to go potty because he didn't want to get his Bob the Builder underwear wet. Within an hour, he had wet his pants again. Apparently, Noah isn't ready for underwear yet, but as long as he tries to go potty when he's asked, he's making progress.
Have a fun weekend!
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