Monday, Noah picked up Dad's hat, put it on sideways and said "I'm Junior!" (As in Junior Asparagus, one of the Veggie Tales crew.)
Today, Hannah was cuddling with Daddy in "the big chair", and Daddy told her "Hannah, you melt my heart." Hannah looked at him with serious eyes and said "I'm sorry, Daddy."
Noah likes to wear his Bob the Builder sweatshirt and say "Can we fix it? Yes, we can!" and wears Mickey Mouse pajamas or t-shirt and runs around the house saying "Hi! Can you find my clubhouse?" "Thanks for visiting my clubhouse. Bye!" It's fun to see him putting himself into a character.
They got to spend a little bit of time with Grandma S. and Aunt Angie. We did a little bit of trick or treating at the local strip mall, so they got some practice in saying "trick or treat!" and "Thank you!" (Although, Hannah puts on her shy face often when it comes time to say "thank you" to strangers.) I think they're looking forward to Halloween - they enjoy playing dress up at home, and had fun when everyone else was dressed up at the mall.
Looking forward to a fun week with Noah & Hannah. And we're looking forward to Halloween with them now that they're almost 3.