AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 21, 2009
DATE: 06/21/2009 19:18:25
STATUS: publish
Hannah had a rough end to the week. Thursday, she had a fever, so Mom & Dad took her to the nurse to make sure she didn't have an ear infection. She felt OK on Friday, so she went to daycare. After her nap, she had a 104 temp, so Daddy took her to urgent care while I stayed at daycare. She just had a virus, so we got to spend the night relaxing and watching Elmo and Thomas train. After we had chicken noodle soup for supper, Mommy bought Domino's Pizza home, so we CHOWED on pasta bowls and breadsticks. Yummy!
Hannah felt better on Saturday. We got up and played outside, then went to buy some plants at the garden center. We helped pick out a good tomato to give Grandma because she has watched us when our daycare was closed. Then, we decided to stop at the VFW for a yummy lunch. They were only serving breakfast, so we sat and watched airplanes land and take off from the window while we ate.
We had a fun day today.
We got ready and went to the airport to see airplanes. They were taking off and landing right in front of us! There were lots of different kinds of planes, even a helicopter. We went home and took a short nap after lunch, the Daddy wanted to go play volleyball. So, we all got in the truck and went to Ron & Carol's to play volleyball. It was fun to go play.
When we took our bath, we told mom all about our day. We remembered that we got to watch the airplanes, then played at Ron & Carol's and watched Mom & Dad play volleyball. We're starting to remember the fun stuff we did and tell Mom & Dad about them.
Have a nice week!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 14, 2009
DATE: 06/14/2009 21:11:24
STATUS: publish
We've made some great progress in potty training in the past month! Hannah wears underwear during the day, and goes potty and poop in the toilet. Of course, she gets her reweards (M&Ms for peeing, a mini candy bar for pooping) but we're happy with her! Noah has shown some interest in sitting on the toilet, since Hannah gets incentives, but hasn't had any success. Tonight, he sat down and peed in the toilet for the first time. We were so happy with him! Hopefully he starts to understand what's going on and makes some progress with the potty training, as well.
Noah & Hannah's speech gets clearer and clearer every day. They are really putting things together. It's also fun to hear them reciting lines from other people and DVDs, and singing songs. They sing songs from daycare (like shoo fly, don't bother me! and Old McDonald) and from the movies we watch (like Never ever ever been a show like Veggie Tales and Elmo's world). We always used to wonder what went on in their heads, now it's becoming more evident as they speak more regularly and clearly.
Last week, we went to Underwater World at the Mall. All the way there, Hannah said "Ohh! A Tunnel!" every time we passed under and overpass on the freeway. When we got there, the kids were fascinated by the fish, especially the tank that was getting fed. However, their favorite part was the open space to run! With all the rain lately, they were forced to spend several days indoors. They have been so happy to enjoy the time outside this weekend! We walked Cheyenne and got a lot of time on the swingset!
Grandma & Grandpa came to see Noah & Hannah since daycare was closed Friday. They really had a fun day with Grandma and Grandpa. They love their grandparents so much and enjoy their time together. Noah told Grandma to write "N-O-A-H" but wasn't sure what it spelled when Grandma asked. Since then, he's told Mom that "N-O-A-H is Noah" a couple of times. Hannah likes to see her name written, but is still working on putting all those letters together to spell her name.
Noah & Hannah are so used to Mom having her camera all the time, they want to be photographers, too. They recently got an old digital camera (the flash works, but the screen doesn't so we can't see what photos we take) and love to use it! They hold the camera up to their face say "Say Cheese!", click the button and smile and say "Got it!" Noah really loves the camera and taking pictures of everyone! (Although, if we could see the photos, we'd probably see lots of pictures of floor, ceiling and noah's nose!)
Aoah & Hannah love Thomas the train! A few weeks ago, Daddy bought a pack of Thomas books, and every night before the kids go to bed, they get to read one book out of the series if they brush our teeth. They get so excited to hear our Thomas book! Every time they hear the train a few blocks from our house, they make sure to tell Mom and Dad that they hear Thomas. And, we like to watch Thomas on TV.
Well, that's about it for now. Hopefully the week is nice and we can play outside and daycare and home. Noah & Hannah play so hard at daycare. They still do projects in the morning, but after naptime, they play outside. They must have a great time, because they come home with dirt all over themselves!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 17, 2009
DATE: 05/17/2009 11:41:56
STATUS: publish
Monday was our last day of ECFE class. We've had so much fun going to class, playing with new friends and doing new projects. We're sad to have to be done, but Mommy says summer will be fun. We hope that means that we get to play on our swingset more!
Tuesday we went back to the school where we have ECFE class, but there were SO many people there, that we didn't like it, so we went shopping at Sam's club.
Thursday was daddy's birthday! Happy Birthday Daddy! We got to eat supper with him and had so much fun wishing him happy birthday and singing to him. He really liked the gift we got him.
Friday night, we took him out to eat. We didn't get to eat until 7 o'clock, so we were hungry, but we were very good kids. We went to Red Lobster...we got to see and touch real live lobsters! Some nice girl got a lobster out of the tank while we were waiting to sit down. We ate all our food and some dessert. we were VERY good kids!
Saturday was cold, and Daddy had to work, so we didn't get to go out and swing until after our naps! But, Griffin came to play with us for a little while and Daddy came home while we were on the swings. Our green swing broke, so we got a new blue swing. We both wanted to play with it, but we took turns. Noah got to go first while Hannah pouted, but Noah was happy to swing in the red swing while Hanah took her turn in the blue swing.
Hannah has been doing OK with potty training. She'll do well for a few days, then have an accident the next few days. We'll get there. She gets M&Ms when she goes potty in the toilet, and then is nice enough to share with Noah. noah is still interested in sitting on the potty once every week or two, but that's OK. Mommy and Daddy say that he'll let us know when he's ready. We don't have to push him.
Gotta run - we had brunch and church this morning, so we haven't gotten to play on the swings yet today! We like to play outside whenever we can.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 3, 2009
DATE: 05/03/2009 21:33:52
STATUS: publish
What an exciting weekend!
When we got up on Saturday morning, Grandpa & Grandma were here. We had to play inside most of the morning, and when we got to go outside, there was a HUGE swingset in the backyard! It had room for 2 swings (which we helped put up) and a tire swing, a clubhouse with a door, a slide and a bar that we can swing on.
This morning, we went down to the Farmer's Market in Minneapolis. It was fun to walk around and see the flowers, plants, and Grandpa bought us fruit & popcorn. Yum!
Gotta run - we are worn out from a big weekend!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for April 12, 2009
DATE: 04/12/2009 19:48:40
STATUS: publish
I was such a good girl in the bathtub tonight! Lately, I haven't liked baths-I HATE getting my head & face wet. But, Thursday, Mommy let me wear my swimsuit, and today I wore it for part of our bath. I had fun playing with Noah in the tub and didn't even cry!
I'm also a big girl because I am going potty on the toilet like a big girl. I still wear pull ups and forget to go into the bathroom sometimes, but I'm starting to learn.
Friday, we got to go see Daddy's new work. He still works for the University, but he works in a different place. We went to eat lunch with him, then walked to his work and saw how busy he is! Then, we rode the bus back to our car. We waited with mommy, sat in the bus shelter, then got on the bus. We were the only people on the bus, so I went back to the middle of the bus, found a seat and then Noah sat near me. When we got to our stop, I got off the bus while Mommy helped Noah. I fell off (that first step is BIG!) but I was OK. I'm tough. I got right up and waited for Mommy & Noah to get off the bus.
We had a fun easter. We went to Grandma & Grandpa's house for the whole weekend. Yesterday, we went to look for easter eggs in the park (noah tried out the slide and got a wet BUTT!), then we went to see grandma at a baby shower, took a LONG nap (Noah did, I didn't) then went to great grandma's for another easter egg hunt. We actually got treats in these eggs, so it was fun!
Today, we just got to play all morning after we found our easter baskets. We even saw the Easter Bunny in grandma & grandpa's back yard. Great Grandma and our great aunt & uncle came over to eat Eater dinner. Daddy drove his motorcycle home, so we didn't have to share the backseat with Cheyenne. She sat in daddy's seat.
We got to go outside and play in our backyard and even saw our neighbors tonight. We got to play with our new sidewalk chalk, although we also played in the yard. We love going outside! We've been going out at daycare the past few days. We love to be outside...we've been looking forward to this for a long winter.
Happy Easter!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for February 14, 2009
DATE: 02/14/2009 19:54:17
STATUS: publish
What a busy weekend we've had!
Friday we had our Valentine's Party at Daycare. We got treats & stuff from all our friends & Sue. Friday night when we got home, we changed our clothes to go to a dance! There was a DJ, bubbles, decorations, pictures, lemonade and heart shaped cakes. Noah took a while to warm up to it, but Hannah started dancing right away. We had so much fun running around in all the space and dancing to the tunes!
We got up today and got all dressed up in our really nice Christmas outfits to go to church. We didn't go to the nursery, though. We went to a prince & princess party with a bunch of other kids. We got to eat brunch, decorate (and EAT!) cupcakes, play a beanbag game and do a fashion show. Then, we got to dance again. We got so worn out just running around and having fun that we took a really good nap.
After our nap, Mommy & Daddy let us open presents that Grandma & Dani sent. We read our new books then got ready to go out again. Mommy & Daddy took us on special dates alone. Daddy took Hannah to McDonalds and Mommy took Noah to Burger King. We really missed each other, but Mommy & Daddy say it's good for us to be apart sometimes.
After we ate, we decided to walk around Target. It turns out that Mommy & Daddy wanted to buy us our own pillows! Not only did we get new pillows, but we got to pick out new sheets & pillowcases. Hannah chose princesses and Noah chose Lightning McQueen. We were so excited to get them on our beds! We just laid in our beds for 45 minutes after Mom & Dad put our new sheets on our bed.
Tomorrow we are going to get back to our regular routine...Sunday School, nap and supper with Mom & Dad at home. It's been a busy couple of days and we are ready to get back to normal.
We still like to sing songs to Mom & Dad. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & Jesus Loves me are coming out clearer every day, and we still like to show off our ABC's. Mommy & Daddy have been doing "This little piggy" on our toes, so now that we know it, we do it on THEIR toes! (This piggy market, this piggy market, this piggy market, this piggy market, this piggy market...wee, wee, wee, all way home!) Mommy & Daddy LAUGH when we tickle them doing that!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Noah & Hannah
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for January 31, 2009
DATE: 01/31/2009 19:25:41
STATUS: publish
We got to go out and play in the snow today. It's the first time we remember ever playing in the snow! We had fun just walking in the snow and feeling it under our feet. Until today, it's been too cold to go outside and too dark after we get home from daycare. Mommy took us out in our boots & snowpants one day when we got a lot of snow, but we got cold after we fell in the snow. Today, it was so nice that we were out for about 20 minutes - until Mommy made us go inside and eat lunch.
We turned two over a month ago. We had a fun birthday. We spent the morning with all our daycare friends, then we went downtown. We walked through the skyway and saw the pretty lights in the Crystal Court, then we went to Macy's to see the Christmas display and Santa! It was cool to walk through "A day in the life of an elf". Those elves sure keep busy before Christmas! Then, we waited in line to see Santa. We had seen Santa twice this season, both times we were scared of him! Today, we wouldn't sit on his lap, but mommy and daddy did, so we sat on their laps. After we were done with our picture, Noah gave him a high five, and Hannah gave him a hug. I guess he's not really such a bad guy. We have been asking about him ever since the last time we saw him.
Santa brought us presents at Christmas - and a lot of other people gave us really great presents, too. We got cool toys & clothes! Last year, we didn't care much about opening any more than one present, but this year we had fun doing it.
We are getting much clearer when we speak. Mommy and Daddy and our daycare provider all understand a lot of what we say. We also sing some songs very nicely - Twinkle twinkle little star, the alphabet and Jesus Loves me are a few of our favorites, along with our ECFE songs.
We are making bedtime more difficult for mommy & daddy. We like to run around and play when we should be sleeping, so Mommy or Daddy have to sit in our bedroom to make sure we stay in bed until we're asleep at naptime and bedtime.
Speaking of bedtime, it's past our bedtime, so we're going to go. Night Night!
Noah & Hannah
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 31, 2008
DATE: 12/02/2008 10:26:08
STATUS: publish
We've really slacked at the blog thing, so this is Dad. I'm just posting some of the recent news events and activities that our family has been experiancing lateley:
Thanksgiving was met with much ill. Noah and Hannah and I all got very ill on Thanksgiving night (probably from over-eating). We all felt better by Friday night, when we to supper with Mommy's Mom, Dad, Sisters, and Our Cousins (seen here).
Grandma and Grandpa S put up the Christmas Tree and noah and Hannah got to help!
We are getting excited about the upcoming holiday ~ Christmas. We're learning about Santa and the Reindeer, and can't wait to open presents on Christmas Morning!
Noah and Hannah are both saying their ABCs and 123's. They can count to 20 unprompted and can sing along with Mommy and Daddy through most of the ABCs.
We all hope that everyone cherishes their friends and family this holiday season. We remember ours who left us this year to wait for us in a better place: David Perkins (my brother) and Bill Corneilious (family friend and fellow volleyball'aholic), we miss you guys very much and anxiously await the day when we can see you again.
AKA ~ Daddy
We've really slacked at the blog thing, so this is Dad. I'm just posting some of the recent news events and activities that our family has been experiancing lateley:
Thanksgiving was met with much ill. Noah and Hannah and I all got very ill on Thanksgiving night (probably from over-eating). We all felt better by Friday night, when we to supper with Mommy's Mom, Dad, Sisters, and Our Cousins (seen here).
Grandma and Grandpa S put up the Christmas Tree and noah and Hannah got to help!
We are getting excited about the upcoming holiday ~ Christmas. We're learning about Santa and the Reindeer, and can't wait to open presents on Christmas Morning!
Noah and Hannah are both saying their ABCs and 123's. They can count to 20 unprompted and can sing along with Mommy and Daddy through most of the ABCs.
We all hope that everyone cherishes their friends and family this holiday season. We remember ours who left us this year to wait for us in a better place: David Perkins (my brother) and Bill Corneilious (family friend and fellow volleyball'aholic), we miss you guys very much and anxiously await the day when we can see you again.
AKA ~ Daddy
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 9, 2008
DATE: 11/09/2008 20:51:47
STATUS: publish
It took us a week or two to get used to our new toddler beds, but we are really good at bedtime, now. When we are tired, we go pray and crawl in bed and fall asleep. Of course, we stay really busy every day so we are exhausted by bedtime every night!
On our 21 month birthday, Mommy and Daddy decided to take us to an apple orchard. We had so much fun! We wish we could have stayed longer, but we were getting hungry & tired. They had some animals, but we really had fun just playing in the big yard with trees, leaves, haystacks, slides and pumpkins. We even helped Mommy and Daddy pick out some apples to bring home. We LOVE apples!
The week after that, Mommy took us to a Halloween party. There were so many kids there with lots of different costumes. We were a little overwhelmed at first, but then we got comfortable and walked around, decorated our own cookies (YUM!), got Halloween rubber duckies and made ghosts out of suckies! Then, we went to see Daddy at work. He was just finishing playing volleyball, so we got to run around the gym for a little while before we went to the community center and ran some more in our costumes. We had so much fun!
We got to wear our costumes to ECFE class on Monday, too. Then the next Friday, Mommy came home early and we went around the neighborhood with our neighbors. Griffin was a dinosaur, we were a cheerleader & Tigger. People just gave us candy! That was pretty cool! Of course, we haven't really gotten to eat any of it or any candy we got from our daycare party.
We're talking so much now! Mommy and Daddy can understand a lot of what we say now, and we're learning to say "please" when we want something. We can count, identify a few letters of the alphabet and started to sing along to songs on our kid CDs.
We really like to play with each other! We have found out what a great playmate we have in each other. We sometimes fight over the same toys, but we also share pretty well. Peek-a-boo is fun to play, and we have a Little Tikes workbench that we play on since there is enough room for both of us to play with it together.
And, we got a new neighbor. Her name is Lucy. She's a puppy. Our neighbors-who already have a dog like Cheyenne-got another puppy, but she's a very little doggie. She's cute, and full of energy just like us! We love dogs.
It sure is getting cold! We had some very nice days to play outside, but now mommy is putting heavier coats and hats on us. Next thing you know, she'll probabbly expect us to wear mittens. yuck!
Have a great week!
Noah & Hannah
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 9, 2008
DATE: 11/09/2008 20:51:04
STATUS: publish
It took us a week or two to get used to our new toddler beds, but we are really good at bedtime, now. When we are tired, we go pray and crawl in bed and fall asleep. Of course, we stay really busy every day so we are exhausted by bedtime every night!
On our 21 month birthday, Mommy and Daddy decided to take us to an apple orchard. We had so much fun! We wish we could have stayed longer, but we were getting hungry & tired. They had some animals, but we really had fun just playing in the big yard with trees, leaves, haystacks, slides and pumpkins. We even helped Mommy and Daddy pick out some apples to bring home. We LOVE apples!
The week after that, Mommy took us to a Halloween party. There were so many kids there with lots of different costumes. We were a little overwhelmed at first, but then we got comfortable and walked around, decorated our own cookies (YUM!), got Halloween rubber duckies and made ghosts out of suckies! Then, we went to see Daddy at work. He was just finishing playing volleyball, so we got to run around the gym for a little while before we went to the community center and ran some more in our costumes. We had so much fun!
We got to wear our costumes to ECFE class on Monday, too. Then the next Friday, Mommy came home early and we went around the neighborhood with our neighbors. Griffin was a dinosaur, we were a cheerleader & Tigger. People just gave us candy! That was pretty cool! Of course, we haven't really gotten to eat any of it or any candy we got from our daycare party.
We're talking so much now! Mommy and Daddy can understand a lot of what we say now, and we're learning to say "please" when we want something. We can count, identify a few letters of the alphabet and started to sing along to songs on our kid CDs.
We really like to play with each other! We have found out what a great playmate we have in each other. We sometimes fight over the same toys, but we also share pretty well. Peek-a-boo is fun to play, and we have a Little Tikes workbench that we play on since there is enough room for both of us to play with it together.
And, we got a new neighbor. Her name is Lucy. She's a puppy. Our neighbors-who already have a dog like Cheyenne-got another puppy, but she's a very little doggie. She's cute, and full of energy just like us! We love dogs.
It sure is getting cold! We had some very nice days to play outside, but now mommy is putting heavier coats and hats on us. Next thing you know, she'll probabbly expect us to wear mittens. yuck!
Have a great week!
Noah & Hannah
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for October 5, 2008
DATE: 10/05/2008 20:07:22
STATUS: publish
We have had a very busy couple of weeks!
Last week (Friday), we came home and Daddy had Noah's crib taken apart! He brought in a real bed, and made Hannah's into a real bed (toddler bed) so we can crawl in and out of bed all by ourselves. Noah is really liking the freedom he has to NOT go to bed, even though I stay in bed and fall asleep really well. We've fallen out a few times, but we're getting the hang of it!
Saturday, after our naps, we got in the truck and headed to a shopping area. We went into a fun looking place and found out they do haircuts! I watched Noah got to get his hair cut. He was OK until they put the seat belt on him to stay in the chair. Daddy had to hold him down to get his hair cut, but he looks really handsome now.
Thursday after daycare, Mommy was home early. She loaded a bunch of stuff into her car. We thought she might leave us, but we got in the car with her! Daddy didn't come with us, so we missed him a lot, but when we got out of the car, we were at Aunt Angie's! Yeah! Even better: Grandma showed up! Yeah! We were having fun playing, hoping Mommy didn't realize it was almost bedtime when Mommy realized she forgot our suitcase! She quickly ran to the store to buy us some pajamas so we could go to bed. This was fine with us because we got to stay up an extra 30 minutes!
When we got up, Mommy was gone, but we had a fun weekend with Grandma & Angie! We had to go shopping to buy some more diapers and clothes Friday, then Saturday we got to go to an apple orchard! We picked out a pumpkin with our cousin Hailey, pet some farm animals and take a ride around the apple orchard. We were so excited we couldn't even nap!
Today, Mommy came back and brought us home. She said she had a fun conference, but was happy to see us. We were happy to come home and see Daddy and Cheyenne, too! Daddy cleaned up all our toys while we were gone, so we had fun messing up the living room again for him.
Now, we're getting back into our routines with ECFE class, projects and daycare and playing outside before it gets too cold.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 10, 2008
DATE: 08/10/2008 20:38:32
STATUS: publish
Wow! What a weekend!
Saturday, Mommy took Hannah out shopping at garage sales. Mommy said Hannah was a good shopper - I got impatient with her when she took me 2 weeks ago. Daddy put me in the car and drove forever! When we finally got out, we were at a big open area with airplanes! A bunch of guys there knew Daddy and tried to get him to fly their radio controlled airplanes. There were other kids for me to play with. I had so much fun, I fell asleep before daddy was ready to take me home.
After our nap, we had supper and Mommy and Daddy took us to the swimming pool. We'd walked up there before, but we got to go inside today! We were scared at first - I even cried. But, Hanah started to walk around in the water, then I got down and started to walk around in the water and had a really fun time! We were tired when the pool closed, but we had fun! It wasn't as scary as the lake - we've been to the lake a couple of times and were scared to get wet, but this was fun. I hope we go again soon!
Today, we got to spend the whole hour of church in the nursery playing. After our nap, we went out to eat by Daddy's office then went to the science museum. There were all sorts of space ships there and Daddy took lots of pictures. Then, we went to a few places where we got to run around and play. We even went outside to play this time in a grassy maze and in some water.
We're talking more and more. We can say "Elmo". He's our favorite monster. We can tell Mommy and Daddy that we want to eat or drink with sign language - and we know a few more signs for things like cat, dog, milk and bird. We know what lots of animals say, and we're learning new words all the time. Shoes, bunny, cracker, cheese...we even say "no" and we say that a lot! Hannah does a few more signs than I do - I'd rather just learn to say the word.
I'd better go. It's been such a busy weekend, I'm tired!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 29, 2008
DATE: 06/29/2008 20:45:37
STATUS: publish

My nose is healing up. On Monday, I was standing in the doorway, and fell out the door down the concrete steps outside our house. I hit my head and skinned my upper lip and nose. It was bleeding and hurting, but it's starting to feel better. We went to the library after it happened, so I had fun and forgot about it for a little while. There is a scab under my nose that bothers me a little, but I've been very good about not picking at it and letting it heal on its own. The scab on my nose broke off today and bled a little, but it stopped in time for my lunch and nap.
Daddy went to visit some cousins Friday. He took our car seats out of the truck, so we got to play in the truck (when it was parked) with no car seats! That was fun! Then, when we got ready to go in Mommy's car, Noah crawled into my carseat so he sat backwards and I got to sit forward in his carseat on the way home! We had fun with Mommy, but we were so happy to get to play with daddy again today! We missed him so much.
Noah & I are saying more and more words. We know how to say "puppy" when we see a dog. When daddy played volleyball at his friends' on Wednesday, he let us come and play in the backyard with mommy. We had so much fun - they had a horsie (toy) to ride, a slide and a treehouse, not to mention 3 big puppies who kissed us and volleyballs for us to play with.We really like to throw the volleyball around. Just like Mommy and Daddy!
We're happy to have warmer weather so we can go without our jackets. We like wearing shorts. We're even getting used to wearing our shades and sunhats.
Have a happy fourth of July if we're too busy to post next week. Mommy said Grandma is going to come see us later this week. We haven't seen her since before Grandpa took her on a 2 week motorcycle trip, so we're looking forward to seeing her!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 18, 2008
DATE: 06/18/2008 11:05:20
STATUS: publish
We get so excited when we see the stroller! We know that means we get to go out for a walk, so we run and try to crawl in the stroller as fast as we can. Dad put the bike trailer in the backyard last week, and we crawled inside and sat down to wait for him when he went to get his bike. Mom got the stroller out Saturday and we almost crawled over the fence to get to it. When she let us out of the gate, we ran to crawl in our seats. One and a half weeks ago, we walked up to a BIG swimming pool area and got to see lots of kids playing. Mommy wanted to take us to that pool this past weekend, but it was too cold for us to go. We played out in our yard and went for some walks with Cheyenne.
We understand a lot of what Mommy and Daddy tell us. Sometimes we even listen to them when they ask us to get our shoes, sit down, get a book or come eat dinner (to name a few). We're working so hard at saying the words Mommy and Daddy say. Some of our words are very clear, though. We make sure to tell Mommy every morning that we want crackers to snack on before we get to daycare and eat breakfast. And, when she has cheese, we ask for that by saying "Cheese!" and holding our hands up.
We're still working on each other's names. We call each other the same thing: "Na-na. But, we have "Ma ma" and "Dad-dee" down to a science!
We're saying more things (of course, "cracker", "cheese" and "bubble"). We also know what lots of animals say.
Ducks say "Quack." Sheep go "Baa." Dogs go "Ruff, ruff." Lions "roar!"
We also know where our body parts are. We can show you our nose, mouth, eyes, ears, head and toes. But our FAVORITE part to show off is our BUDDHA! We lift our shirts and pat our belly for you if you ask to see our buddha. :-)
Grandma and Grandpa from Arkansas came to see us Monday. We've started to show off to them and sit on their laps so they can read to us. They even brought us some new toys, books & clothes. We got a new table & chairs to sit on when we eat and color. And, we got a big tub of small colorful things. Grandma let us play with it on our outside table last night. She called it play-dough. It was really fun to play with!
We will be exactly one and a half years old tomorrow. 18 months! Mommy and Daddy are still amazed at how fast we've grown into fun little people. We love to swing, slide and run outside. We also love our little four-wheeled scooters to ride or to push. We're getting very good at throwing balls. We play with daddy's new volleyball, a big red beach ball and throw the tennis ball for Cheyenne to fetch.
Have a fun week. We're certainly having a fun week with Grandpa & Grandma here to visit with us.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 28, 2008
DATE: 05/28/2008 12:31:36
STATUS: publish

It's been a while since we've had time to blog.
Since the last entry, we learned what a zoo is! Our cousins Lauren & Ben came with their Mommy & Daddy, Angie, and Grandma & Grandpa one Friday night. The very next morning, we got up early and drove to St. Paul. There was a lot of road construction, so Daddy took a scenic route: the new 35W bridge, the new Twins stadium and the new Gopher football stadium. We saw the Como zoo, and were good kids while we were there. We saw real live animals like we see in our books! Monkeys, lions (ROAR!), giraffes, zebras, penguins, fish (we love fish - our doctor has fish at his office) and lots of other things. After seeing the animals, Lauren went on some rides while we walked around the park, and then we had a picnic. We were so exhausted, we fell asleep on the way home.
After our nap, went to Grandma & Grandpa's hotel to swim, but there were mean and nasty boys splashing and hogging the pool and being so loud our ears hurt. So, instead of swimming, we went to eat pizza and then home for Dairy Queen cake for Daddy's Birthday. What a fun weekend.
This past weekend was very busy, too! Saturday morning, we went to the farmer's market in Minneapolis. There were LOTS of people there, and we had fun riding in our stroller looking at all the people, flowers, vegetables, food and crafts. Daddy bought yummy cheese curds for us (we love cheese), and a big buffalo bone treat for Cheyenne. Then, after our naps, we helped Daddy with his new garden. He had to build a fence to keep bunnies and puppies out. (Hey - wait! we can't get in to the garden, either.) Then, he planted lots of yummy stuff from a garden center and the farmer's market in the garden. We can't wait to eat lots of fresh vegetables that Daddy said will grow. Do you think we'll be able to eat them next soon?
Sunday, our daycare provider's daughter came over to play with us while Mommy & Daddy went out for dinner and a movie.
Monday, we didn't go to daycare like we do most Mondays. We got up and played with Mommy & Daddy for a while, then we went to a house with a BIG backyard! They had a HUGE sandbox in their backyard, but all the adults were throwing a white ball around and didn't want us to play in their sand with their volleyball. We found a smaller sandbox, then climbed up into a treehouse with a big slide to slide down. We had so much fun, but we got dirty when we played, so we had to go home and take a bath.
Today, we went back to daycare to play with our friends we haven't seen since last week. We hope they had a fun weekend just like us!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 16, 2008
DATE: 05/16/2008 11:59:35
STATUS: publish

OUR First bike trip!
Dad hooked up the new 'stroller' to the back tire of his bike last night making it a pull behind trailer. We were very curious what he was doing, and since we were on the inside of the fence with Cheyenne and Dad was on the outside of the fence we were not able to 'help' him. Once complete, Dad took us inside for Macaroni and Cheese Pizza!!
After supper Mom and Dad put our coats on and strapped us into the bike trailer and brought us up to the Twin Lakes and to a park where big kids were being mean to eachother.
After we got home, Mom gave us baths while Dad went grocery shopping. We heard them talking about our cousins Lauren and Ben, Aunt Angie and Dani, and Grandma and Grandpa. We hope we get to see them this weekend.
...By the way, what is a zoo?
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 5, 2008
DATE: 05/05/2008 10:24:17
STATUS: publish
I got to visit the Emergency Room at the hospital last week. Noah got to go after our birthday, but I went last week. I woke up on Wednesday night, and I was breathing really loud. Mommy got scared and took me to daddy and they did two Nebulizer treatments. I HATE those things - I cried so hard, but they still made me breath in that vapor through the mask. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I love cuddling into Mommy or Daddy's arms to sleep at night, and my loud breathing scared mom & dad, so they held me while I slept. Daddy called a nurse at the hospital and they had him check a few things on me, then brought me in. I stayed awake the whole time. The doctor said my ears were good (yeah! No ear infections!) but I had croup. They gave me some medicine and let Daddy and me go home and see Mommy and Noah at 3.
I am feeling better, but am catching a cold. Saturday night I was coughing pretty hard, so I had a hard time sleeping. Noah had a cough Wednesday & Thursday, so I must have got it from him. I'm such a big girl, I wipe my own nose when it's runny. Then, I use the kleenex to wipe up the floor, sometimes the table or countertop. I'm so helpful! I don't know why Mommy likes to wipe the table & counter when I've done cleaned it already.
We had another busy weekend, though. We're just jet setting kids! Saturday when we got up, we went to aunt Angie's house. She had a bunch of people over looking at plastic dishes. Noah knocked over all the stacks of dishes on her table a couple of times. Naughty Noah. We ate lots of good food, and played with our cousins Lauren & Ben. Plus, Grandma & Grandpa were there, so we could play with them, too.
We were SO tired when we came home Saturday night, but Daddy's cousin from Iowa was at our house when we got there! Apparently we missed a birthday party - Daddy went with her, her husband and daughter. They also brought a little puppy for us to play with. He was really cute, but he and his family went home after we had dinner and went to take our naps yesterday.
Then, after naps, we went to visit Brooke, the new girl on the corner. They fed us dinner, but we were too excited to eat. We wanted to play!
It's been nicer out, so we've gotten to play in our sandbox more lately! We love playing outside. We played on the slide for a long time yesterday, and often, Cheyenne will play with us in the backyard! We love her so much. Noah throws the ball for her when we're outside, and we both pet her when she's in the house with us.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for April 27 2008
DATE: 04/28/2008 08:12:34
STATUS: publish
We got to go to Angie's house again last weekend! But, we were only there for a few hours - just long enough to help Grandpa build a file cabinet for her, mess up her toys and go back home. We drove up after our nap Saturday, played with Grandma & Grandpa & Angie for a couple of hours (Noah helped Grandpa with his drill) then all of us went out to eat with mommy's aunt & uncle and cousin Susan. We got our own private room, so we got to run around, play in the windowsill while everyone else talked and made us laugh.
This week has been awesome! We got to go outside for daycare for 3 days last week. We have so much fun that we don't want to come in when daddy picks us up! But, he lets us play in our backyard when we get home. Sometimes we get to play with Cheyenne! Yeah!
Tuesday night, we even went to the park when Mommy got home. Daddy bought a new stroller, so Mommy & daddy tested it out! We have to sit next to each other - we just don't like sitting still - but it was worth it to go to the park! We got to swing! Then, Mommy and Daddy let us walk around and look at the playground. There were some big boys on the big slide that Noah wanted to play with. Hannah stayed close to Daddy and watched them. But, we weren't ready go go home when we had to get back in the stroller! We hope we go back to the park soon. It has been wet and cold the past dew days, though, so we haven't got to go out at daycare or at home! We hope this doesn't last!
We've been talking more and understanding even more! We both say daddy and mama. Noah can tell you what a duck says (Quack!), what a dog says (Woof) and what the quiet old lady in "Goodnight Moon" whispers (Shh!). He also says "Cheese" because he likes to eat cheese. Hannah isn't as vocal, but she can show you her buddha when you ask (she pulls up her shirt and shows her belly), points to her nose when you ask "Where's Hannah's nose?", grabs her ears when you ask where Hannah's ears are. She's done that for about a month. Noah has been showing off his head and his buddha. We both jump up and down and turn around when Daddy asks us to! And, our favorite time to play is when Mommy & Daddy take our clothes off and let us run around in our diapers before bed.
Grandpa & Grandma came to see us this weekend. Grandpa and Daddy were outside most of the time but we got to play with them a little bit. We played with Grandma & Mommy and did some shopping at the computer store & bookstore. Mommy makes sure to tell us every time we go to to a computer store that Apples are better than Dells!
When we left for daycare today, we found our yard had a FENCE around it! Daddy and Grandpa worked all weekend in the cold and snow to put up a fence so we can play in our backyard. We can't WAIT to use it! We can play outside with Cheyenne and all three of us will get in less trouble because we'll stay where we're supposed to be. We sure hope it's nice enough to play outside today or tomorrow! We're ready to be outside!
Have a nice week and stay warm!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for April 28, 2008
DATE: 04/28/2008 08:12:24
STATUS: publish
We got to go to Angie's house again last weekend! But, we were only there for a few hours - just long enough to help Grandpa build a file cabinet for her, mess up her toys and go back home. We drove up after our nap Saturday, played with Grandma & Grandpa & Angie for a couple of hours (Noah helped Grandpa with his drill) then all of us went out to eat with mommy's aunt & uncle and cousin Susan. We got our own private room, so we got to run around, play in the windowsill while everyone else talked and made us laugh.
This week has been awesome! We got to go outside for daycare for 3 days last week. We have so much fun that we don't want to come in when daddy picks us up! But, he lets us play in our backyard when we get home. Sometimes we get to play with Cheyenne! Yeah!
Tuesday night, we even went to the park when Mommy got home. Daddy bought a new stroller, so Mommy & daddy tested it out! We have to sit next to each other - we just don't like sitting still - but it was worth it to go to the park! We got to swing! Then, Mommy and Daddy let us walk around and look at the playground. There were some big boys on the big slide that Noah wanted to play with. Hannah stayed close to Daddy and watched them. But, we weren't ready go go home when we had to get back in the stroller! We hope we go back to the park soon. It has been wet and cold the past dew days, though, so we haven't got to go out at daycare or at home! We hope this doesn't last!
We've been talking more and understanding even more! We both say daddy and mama. Noah can tell you what a duck says (Quack!), what a dog says (Woof) and what the quiet old lady in "Goodnight Moon" whispers (Shh!). He also says "Cheese" because he likes to eat cheese. Hannah isn't as vocal, but she can show you her buddha when you ask (she pulls up her shirt and shows her belly), points to her nose when you ask "Where's Hannah's nose?", grabs her ears when you ask where Hannah's ears are. She's done that for about a month. Noah has been showing off his head and his buddha. We both jump up and down and turn around when Daddy asks us to! And, our favorite time to play is when Mommy & Daddy take our clothes off and let us run around in our diapers before bed.
Grandpa & Grandma came to see us this weekend. Grandpa and Daddy were outside most of the time but we got to play with them a little bit. We played with Grandma & Mommy and did some shopping at the computer store & bookstore. Mommy makes sure to tell us every time we go to to a computer store that Apples are better than Dells!
When we left for daycare today, we found our yard had a FENCE around it! Daddy and Grandpa worked all weekend in the cold and snow to put up a fence so we can play in our backyard. We can't WAIT to use it! We can play outside with Cheyenne and all three of us will get in less trouble because we'll stay where we're supposed to be. We sure hope it's nice enough to play outside today or tomorrow! We're ready to be outside!
Have a nice week and stay warm!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for April 14, 2008
DATE: 04/28/2008 07:54:56
STATUS: publish
We sure didn't want to get in the car when mommy came to pick us up today from daycare! Hannah was happy to see mommy and gave her hugs when she showed up, but then she went to hide in the playhouse so she could keep playing! Noah got a hug and ran to the playhouse, too.
We were gone over the weekend - we went to visit Aunt Angie, so we got to sleep at her house and play all day with her and daddy. Mommy was at a volleyball tournament on Saturday. We got to see her win her semi-final match, but the A-championship game was too tough and her team lost by a few points. She played at St. Cloud State, so we got to run around their gym while we watched Mommy play. Then we went out to applebees. We were really good kids for Mommy, daddy and Angie. Maybe that's why we got to stay one more night at Angie's! Angie had snow at her house, but when we got home, we didn't have any at our house.
That's good - that means we get to play outside at daycare!
Hannah loves shoes. She likes to put on other kids' at daycare, she likes to wear Mommy & Daddy's at home, and she likes to go through the basket of our shoes at home and put on lots of different shoes. Noah, on the other hand, hates shoes! He'd rather go barefoot (and pulls his socks & shoes off regularly.) But, we've both done really well at adjusting to hard soled shoes (instead of our leather robeez) so we can go play outside!
We were gone over the weekend - we went to visit Aunt Angie, so we got to sleep at her house and play all day with her and daddy. Mommy was at a volleyball tournament on Saturday. We got to see her win her semi-final match, but the A-championship game was too tough and her team lost by a few points. She played at St. Cloud State, so we got to run around their gym while we watched Mommy play. Then we went out to applebees. We were really good kids for Mommy, daddy and Angie. Maybe that's why we got to stay one more night at Angie's! Angie had snow at her house, but when we got home, we didn't have any at our house.
That's good - that means we get to play outside at daycare!
Hannah loves shoes. She likes to put on other kids' at daycare, she likes to wear Mommy & Daddy's at home, and she likes to go through the basket of our shoes at home and put on lots of different shoes. Noah, on the other hand, hates shoes! He'd rather go barefoot (and pulls his socks & shoes off regularly.) But, we've both done really well at adjusting to hard soled shoes (instead of our leather robeez) so we can go play outside!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for April 7, 2008
DATE: 04/07/2008 16:04:25
STATUS: publish
Last Tuesday was a really long day for us. Actually, this whole week has been a long week.
After a sleepless Monday night, we got up and went to the doctor Tuesday. We both had ear infections! So, they gave us some medicine and Hannah had a nebulizer treatment. (She sure doesn't like that nebulizer!) After the doctor, we went home and got a bunch of bags and went to the airport. The airline messed up our tickets, but Daddy and Noah charmed the ticket agent into getting us on a different flight to see Grandma & Grandpa P later that day. :-)
While we waited for our plane, we took our first train ride to the Mall of America, ate lunch and walked around a little bit. Then we went back to the airport so we could get on an airplane. Our first airplane ride! (Actually, 2 airplane rides - and a layover where we got to eat biscuits and run around with another toddler at our boarding gate.) Hannah felt really icky all day, but Mommy and Daddy did their best to hold her and make her feel better. Noah was very curious about everything around him, so he didn't like sitting still!
We got to our hotel about bedtime, and fell asleep as best we could after a long day. It was hard to sleep in an unfamiliar place, but Mommy & Daddy gave us lots of hugs to let us know they love us.
We spent the week going to Grandma & Grandpa's place a lot. We tried to cheer them up since they are sad, too. But, we didn't feel good, so we had to get lots of reassuring hugs from Mommy & Daddy. We had some fun playtime, too. We also got to play on grandma's big trampoline one sunny day. For a little while one day, Daddy and Mommy brought us to a church nursery to play with Grandma's friend and all the toys she had. And, we got to meet our other aunt Angela, uncle Brent and our cousins Michael & Michelle.
Yesterday, we got up really early and got on an airplane again. Again, we didn't want to sit still because there was so much to see! But, our ears certainly felt better. We were very happy to get home to our own beds, toys & puppy. We still have to cheer Daddy up, since he's sad and he's so far away from his family. But, we're feeling much better now, so we'll be better at that job this week.
Thank you everyone for the prayers for our family. We are very sad that we won't get to play with uncle David, but know that he is in a better place and we'll see him again someday.
Have a nice week!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for March 31, 2008
DATE: 04/07/2008 15:50:57
STATUS: publish

Mommy went to a garage sale and bought us some clothes and toys Saturday. She got us life jackets for summer and puzzles to play with now.
Sunday before we got up, Daddy set up a HUGE playhouse! We only played with it for a short time because it is so big, but we are looking forward to playing with it in a couple of years. Unfortunately, then daddy got bad news during breakfast, and the rest of the day was very sad. Uncle David died when there was a fire in his apartment, so Daddy & Mommy were really sad. We tried to cheer them up with our hugs as best we could. Daddy's aunt, uncle and cousin also came over to see us and daddy.
We got to meet Uncle David once when we were born. He came all the way from Arkansas to see us in the hospital when we were newborn, and then came to see us in the morning on our first day at home. See the picture of Hannah with uncle David?
One thing we found that cheers Daddy up is to say his name. "Dad-dee!" when we see him makes him smile. Noah is really good at saying Daddy's name.
Hannah's word of choice has been "tickle" for a couple of weeks. She asks to be tickled by saying "tickle" and pretending to tickle herself (all while giving the special Hannah smile to top it off.) She also tries to tickle others. When she calls dad's name, she calls him "Da!". She woke him up one morning by walking into the bedroom, looking at him and saying "Da!" with a big smile.
Daddy and Mommy are sad and busy getting ready to go see Grandma & Grandpa P. So, they haven't put any new pictures up. Hopefully next week we'll have new photos!
On a happier note, Noah got his 8th tooth. OK, not so happy for Noah - it hurts when those little teeth pop through. Daddy noticed it today. Now he's got 4 on top and 4 on the bottom. Hannah makes it a little harder to look in her mouth, but she's usually a few days behind Noah in teeth!
DATE: 04/17/2008 01:57:01
My sincere sympathies regarding Uncle David. I know that N and H will always look up to him in their hearts. Our prayers go out to you all. Will keep in touch with you, I know a handwritten letter to you is long long overdue. Aloha.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for Mach 24, 2008
DATE: 04/07/2008 15:40:38
STATUS: publish
We went to visit Grandma & Grandpa S for Easter. Daddy drove there in a blizzard, so it was a long drive, but we took a nap and got to play with grandma & grandpa when we got there.
The next day, we went to an Easter Egg Hunt. Unfortunately, there was too much snow on the ground, so we just got to pick out Easter Eggs and prizes to play with. After a short nap, we went to Great Grandma's house for an egg hunt and to play with cousins. We were SO wiped out at the end of the day, but we had so much fun.
Easter brought fevers and misery. We didn't feel good Sunday, even though Great Grandma S, Jimmy & Cathy all came over to see us on Easter. Mommy had to stay home from work Monday because Noah threw up on her early in the morning. Fortunately, we felt better Tuesday.
oh - and Sunday brought tooth number seven for Noah! Grandma noticed his second tooth on the lower right side popping through.
Daddy talked to Grandma & Grandpa P on Easter. They are having a fun vacation at the Grand Canyon.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for March 7, 2008
DATE: 03/07/2008 10:48:22
STATUS: publish

We're so anxious to get outside. It's been cold the past couple of days, but we enjoyed getting out last weekend when it was nice out.
We had such a busy fun weekend. It sure made up for a bad week.
Last week, we took turns throwing up at night. Neither of us have felt very good, so we haven't been eating much. Thursday, Daddy took us to the doctor and found out Hannah had an ear infection and we both had a stomach bug! But, the doctor gave us some medicine so we felt better for the weekend.
Saturday morning, Mom and Dad got us dressed, fed us a yummy breakfast and we left the house for what we thought might be a fun day. After stopping at the bank, we got in the truck and drove until we fell asleep to St. Paul. We took a stroller ride through the St. Paul Skyways to the Children's Museum! There was a special room for kids like us to play - there was so much to do! We walked on hills, climbed stairs, slid down slides, walked across a bridge, played in a padded froggy pond...we played until Mommy and Daddy took us to a Sesame Street room and saw Elmo and Big Bird and all the animals from Sesame Street. What fun! Noah even got to see a snake snow. See the picture of us on TV with Elmo?
After we rode around and saw all the different rooms (we're deciding what we want to go see next time!) Mom and Dad fed us lunch. We were hungry for our sandwiches, puffcorn & milk!
We had so much fun, we could hardly fall asleep at naptime.
When we got up from our naps, we had supper and went out again. This time we went shopping at Target. Not as much fun, but we still like to get out and see the world! We got to help hold some groceries.
We were so tired from Saturday that we just hung out at home after church on Sunday. We didn't get to go to church last week because we didn't feel good.
We're looking forward to the weekend, even though it's going to be cold. Aunt Angie is going to come see us. Maybe we'll get to go play at the library or go shopping or something. We like to get out and see the world, so whatever we do, we'll have a fun time!
Happy Friday!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for February 17, 2008
DATE: 02/17/2008 15:30:58
STATUS: publish
I sure got Mommy and Daddy on Friday night! Hannah and I think we're funny. LOL.
Mommy was reading to us before bedtime when Daddy called to tell Mommy he'd be home soon. Mommy put her cell phone in her sweatshirt pocket when she was done talking to Daddy, and Daddy got home in time to help us brush our teeth and kiss us good night. We were so happy we got to see him before he went to bed.
Daddy put Hannah in her crib and Mommy put me in my crib. She didn't even see me slip her phone out of her pocket and hide it when I went to bed!
She and Daddy were talking after we went to bed when Daddy's phone rang. He was very confused becuase it was Mommy's ringtone, but he was talking to Mommy! He looked at his phone and said saw it was Mommy's phone calling him, so he asked Mommy if she knew where her phone was. She checked her pockets as Daddy tried to call the phone to see which crib started to ring...But, I turned of the phone, so it didn't ring and Daddy went to voicemail.
Unfortunately, Mommy came in our room and found me playing with her phone. Darn it! Busted! I was pretty clever to steal her phone without her knowing and make a call all by myself. Next time I should call someone other than Daddy.
We had a fun weekend. Aunt Angie came to see us. She went to visit some friends on Friday, then Saturday she hung out with us all day. Saturday night, Daddy took us out to eat with a bunch of people. We were pretty good kids, and ate some really yummy food. We also met a bunch of new people. Hannah was flirting with some guys, and walked all over the restaurant - a big maze of tables & rooms.
Today we just hung out and played all day long with Angie, Mommy and Daddy. What a fun time we've had. Tomorrow, we have the day off from daycare so we are going to stay home and hang out with Daddy.
Have a nice week!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for February 14, 2008
DATE: 02/14/2008 21:08:25
STATUS: publish
Happy Valentine's Day!
We had a party today at daycare. We got cookies at the party, and gift bags of cards & candy from all of our friends. We have so much fun at daycare. We keep so busy playing that the day just flies by!
But, we're also very excited to see Daddy come in to bring us home to play with him and Mommy at the end of the day! We really keep Mommy and Daddy hopping when we're home playing with them! Hannah likes to clean out Noah's clothing drawers and mommy's laundry basket, leaving clothes and blankets all over the house. Noah loves to climb. The higher he is, the happier he is. We both still make time to cuddle and give Mom & Dad the hugs they need. We even try blow them kisses!
Daddy got the flu last week, but is feeling better this week. Luckily, we didn't catch it (we got our flu shot) but, we've got a little cold.
Stay warm!
Love- Noah & Hannah
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for January 20, 2008
DATE: 01/20/2008 15:28:23
STATUS: publish
I've decided to walk now. I have taken a few steps here and there, but no more than a few until Friday. That was the day I walked across the room. I'm still getting my balance and sometimes I still feel like crawling, but Hannah still feels like crawling sometimes, too.
I'm still as talkative as ever. So is Hannah. We even understand a few things Mommy and Daddy tell us. Sometimes.
We're trying to stay warm. The temperatures here have been REALLY cold, but we have been playing at our warm home since Daddy picked us up from daycare on Friday. Our aunt Angie came to play with us this weekend. We like to have her come play with us! We have fun playing with someone in addition to Mommy and Daddy.
And, we love getting to eat the same food everyone else eats now. No more baby food! We get to go out to real restaurants and eat the same meals at home as Mommy and Daddy.
Have a fun week and try to stay warm. Hannah and I will be trying to stay warm.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for December 30, 2007
DATE: 12/30/2007 20:33:40
STATUS: publish

Wow. The past week has flown by.
The day after our birthday, Noah made his first visit to the emergency room. He was crying for a long time and Mommy and Daddy worried that his tummy hurt. The doctor said his ear was infected and gave him some pink medicine to make him feel better.
He definitely felt better the next day because we got to have a party for Christmas at daycare! Then when Mommy & Daddy picked us up from daycare, we ate supper and drove to Grandma & Grandpa's house.
Saturday, we went to see Grandma's side of the family. There were lots of people there, so we thought we'd get away with not taking naps until Mommy & Daddy took us for a drive and we just couldn't keep our eyes open. Hannah woke up in time to go into a little Christmas village that was just our size! Santa was there, and Hannah was still scared of him but she had fun walking around and looking in some of the buildings. Noah was so tired, he slept through most of the exploration. When we went back to Mommy's aunt's house, there were presents for us! We had fun playing with all the presents and fun people there.
Sunday, after dinner, Grandma & Grandpa gave us oreo cookies. Noah really made a mess with his - he stuck the whole thing in his mouth! Hannah tried to cut hers up with a knife (with Grandpa's help, of course), so she didn't make as big a mess. Aunt Dani, uncle Jason, cousins Lauren & Ben came over to Grandma's to celebrate our birthday. We had supper and then we had cake!
Check out our photo album to see how much fun we had with the cake! Noah kept himself very clean when he ate his cake, but Hannah really dug in! We weren't excited about taking baths after that, but then we got to open more presents. We got lots of nice stuff, including a couch our very own size!
Monday morning, Grandma took us to the banks to show us off. Then we went back to the little Christmas village that was our own size. Santa wasn't there so we got to walk around and look. Unfortunately, we got tired so we didn't get to see the whole village. Maybe next year. After our nap, we got to open MORE presents. In fact, EVERYONE got to open presents. There was nothing left under the tree when everyone was done! We got lots MORE fun toys to play with! What a fun time. After supper, we played with aunt Angie. She had us laughing SO HARD!
Before we went to bed, Noah had an accident that left him with his first black eye. It's not a whole black eye, but his eye is cut & bruised around his eyebrow. A toy accidentally fell on him when he was laying down so Mommy could change his jammies. Poor Noah.
Tuesday, we went to a DIFFERENT aunt's house for more presents and new people! There was a tall man there with funny hair that was fun to play with. And, there was lots of GOOD FOOD there! We have had really good food since we came to Grandma's house.
Now we're back into our own routine. We're sleeping in our own little cribs, eating in our own high chairs and going to play with our daycare friends.
Though, Mommy and Daddy keep pulling out our new Christmas toys for us to play with. See the picture on today’s blog to see one big toy we can actually play with and share.
We went to the doctor on Friday. He checked us out and said we're growing really well. Noah is almost 23 lb and 31 inches long, Hannah is 17 lb and 29 inches tall. We've almost grown a whole FOOT since we were born! But, at the end, they surprised us with shots. Ouch! The doctor also found an infection in Hannah's ears, so Hannah is taking medicine to feel better.
Happy New Year!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for December 19, 2007
DATE: 12/19/2007 21:03:56
STATUS: publish

We're one today!
We had a fun day. All the kids at daycare pretended to give us presents: toys wrapped in blankets. Then Mommy & Daddy picked us up a little early to go to the Mall. We stood in line for a short time, but once we got to see Santa, we were a little scared! Hannah cried. She was afraid of him. Noah wasn't too sure of him, but once he got off Santa's lap, he kept trying to walk back to him and see him again! Mommy took pictures, and will post one in our photo album.
After we got home from the Mall, Daddy and Mommy just played with us - they forgot to put us down for naps! YEAH! then, they brought out birthday presents. We opened presents from our daycare provider. We had so much fun playing with those (and the toys we already have), that Mommy had to coax us to open the other 2 presents they bought for us. We got a Little People airplane, Noah's Ark, a new book and a new phone!
And Grandma called and Aunt Angie called to wish us a happy birthday. What a fun day!
And, we're big kids now. We stopped drinking formula today and now drink milk. It's taking us a little bit to adjust to it - it's cold! But, we'll drink it if we're thirsty. Plus, now we're both in big kid car seats! No more infant carriers for us. Noah has had a big boy car seat for a few months, but Hannah got hers today.
Christmas is coming soon. We're looking forward to a fun holiday playing with our cousins!
Merry Christmas everyone.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for December 17, 2007
DATE: 12/17/2007 16:06:10
STATUS: publish
These past couple of weeks have been a little rough for us.
Two weeks ago, we had tummy aches at night when we went to bed. Sometimes we would even throw up, which didn't feel very good. We weren't really hungry, either, although we were still happy when we could play.
Last week, we felt better, but night time still hurt because we realized that our teeth were hurting us. We had our pictures taken again on Saturday. We looked very cute, but only smiled for a few pictures before our teeth hurt so bad that we cried. Mommy and Daddy can see four top teeth in Hannah's mouth, and Noah is getting the top two in the middle. Mommy said that our Christmas song should be "All I want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" but now we have them, so now we want a cell phone. (Mommy and Daddy get jumpy when we play with their phones and start calling people.)
We are very good eaters again for Mom and Dad! They can't believe how big we've gotten already! We'll be one on Wednesday, and we overheard Mommy talking about Santa Clause. We met him when we were born - even before we got to meet Grandma & Grandpa! I guess he's coming around to meet good little boys & girls again on our birthday.
Merry Christmas if we don't log on before Christmas. We're looking forward to Christmas this year. Last year, we came home on Christmas Eve and were just getting used to our new home on Christmas Day, so we didn't get to enjoy the holiday. This year, we can walk, play with toys (and the boxes the toys come in) and stay awake for more than a few hours!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 25, 2007
DATE: 11/25/2007 21:41:21
STATUS: publish

Happy Thanksgiving!
We just got home from a long weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
Wednesday night, we got to play with Mommy & Daddy all night. Mommy put us in her laundry basket and pushed us around the living room. That was so much fun! When we were done with our laundry basket ride, daddy bounced us on the bed until we giggled.
Thursday morning, Mom and Dad drove us to Grandma & Grandpa's, and we played with them and Aunt Angie all day. We like Grandma's house because she brings out all sorts of new toys that we don't have at home. She has a whole room of toys with two toy horsies and a toy tractor!
Friday, we got to play most of the day, and Grandma took us to the bank and grocery store. Then Great Grandma S came over to see us. She was there when we got up from our naps, so she watched how good we are when we eat lunch, then she got to play with us for a while.
Saturday, Aunt Dani brought over our cousins to play with us. It was a big day of playing - Lauren is fun to follow and play with, and Ben likes to play with the same toys as we do. Saturday night when we got up from our nap, a big tree was in Grandma's living room! It had lights and angels and decorations on it. It was pretty, and Noah was really fascinated by it.
Sunday we went to a big meal with Grandma's family. There were sure lots of babies there! There was another girl Lauren's age, and three other babies our own age. We were so worn out that we slept almost all the way home. Check out our photo album. There are lots of new photos of us playing!
Have a Happy Week!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 18, 2007
DATE: 11/18/2007 15:32:46
STATUS: publish
Despite Hannah's best efforts to hide her new tooth from mommy and daddy, mommy found Hannah has a new tooth on top. Daddy found my new tooth the other day, too. That makes five for me and three for Hannah.
Friday our aunt Angie game to visit us. Saturday morning, mommy and daddy got a babysitter to play with us. We get to see Megan almost every day at daycare, but she got to come over to our house and play with us.
We hardly ever eat baby food in a jar anymore. We're getting to be big enough to eat the same things mom, dad and all the kids at daycare eat now! Carrots taste much better when they're not pureed into a liquid! We're not good at using spoons yet, but our fingers are great utensils. Hannah gets pretty messy when she eats. I try to stay clean because I hate when mommy cleans my face, but she insists on washing my face with a cloth anyway. :-(
Have a good week and Happy Thanksgiving. Mommy keeps saying that we're going to have yummy food at Grandma's, so I can't wait!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for November 8, 2007
DATE: 11/08/2007 21:12:54
STATUS: publish

Sorry we've taken some time off from writing in our blog. We've been so busy playing, we haven't made time to update you all!
We got to dress up in our Halloween costumes last week for a short party at daycare. Then, after we had supper, mommy and daddy took us to say hi to neighbors in our costumes. Noah was a bat and Hannah was a bunny rabbit. We got some Halloween candy, but Mommy & Daddy put it away and haven't shared with us yet. :-(
We're really on the move now. Noah is crawling fast, and Hannah is taking a few steps and standing on her own now. We've become little climbers - anything we can climb on is fair game! We love to climb on the furniture and use the coffee table as a tunnel to crawl through. We also love to roll around and play on the couch and daddy's big chair, but for some reason, mommy and daddy seem nervous when we do that and don't let us play on the furniture much. Sometimes mommy or daddy will take all the pillows in the house and put them on the floor for us to play on a plushy surface.
We like to talk to each other, too. We screech and babble when we see each other most mornings and when we're playing before supper. We like having someone to talk to, although it's a bummer having to share your toys with someone else!
Noah has four teeth in his mouth and Hannah has two, although mommy thinks we'll be getting more really soon! We're getting big enough that we don't use bottles anymore. We drink from sippy cups all the time except for our bedtime snack. Pretty soon we won't need baby bottles any more because we're getting to be big kids!
And, food tastes so much better now that we get to feed ourselves. We get pretty messy, so mommy sometimes gets nervous, but we love to feed ourselves chicken and potatoes. And, Cheyenne is happy when we eat, too!
We have to go now, but we'll try to keep you updated more often as to what we're doing.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for October 22, 2007
DATE: 10/22/2007 10:02:43
STATUS: publish

What a busy weekend!
Friday night, Grandpa Mark and Grandma Diane came just in time to rescue us from having to go to bed! We got to stay up a little extra to play with them.
Saturday, our Grandpa Robert and Grandma Lois came to play with us, too! Grandpa hurt his knee, so he could only cuddle with us. we were happy to see them. Then Auntie Angie came, and Aunt Dani came with uncle Jason, cousin Lauren and cousin Ben. We had a house full! Saturday afternoon we left to go get pictures taken at JC Penney. We had a lot of pictures taken! We were good until we got to the pictures with mommy and daddy, but we felt much better after we had some snacks!
After supper on Saturday, mommy, Angie, Grandpa Mark and Grandma Diane took us to a hotel where cousins Lauren & Ben were and we swam in the pool. It was pretty cold, so we didn’t like it, but then we tried the hot tub and that was more fun!
Sunday morning, we all got dressed up and went to church. We got to go up in the front of the church and the pastor poured water on our head. That water messed up our hair, but everyone said we were still cute. Everyone came over to our house to eat after that, but we were so tired from the weekend that we slept until they were all gone.
Sunday night, daddy made macaroni and cheese for us. We loved it! We don’t like plain noodles very much but the cheesy ones were really good! Aunt Angie stayed to play with us Sunday night, so she helped give us baths and bedtime snacks. This morning, she helped us get dressed and eat breakfast so we got to play with her even more.
We had a fun weekend, and were ready to go see all our friends at daycare and play with them again.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for October 9, 2007
DATE: 10/09/2007 21:07:54
STATUS: publish

Tonight, mommy and daddy got out some funny clothes and put them on us. We looked like a bat and fuzzy bunny rabbit. Mommy and daddy also brought in a big orange thing that has been outside and let us play with it. They took pictures and one is here on the blog.
Over the weekend, Daddy's cousin was in Minnesota from Spain, so we went to see her and daddy's aunt, uncle and another of his cousins. We had fun with relatives that we haven't seen since April! On the way to daddy's aunt's, we drove past lots of pumpkin patches and apple orchards. Maybe mommy and daddy will take us there next year, but this year we're too young. We just got to see the pretty colors on the trees as we rode in the truck.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 30, 2007
DATE: 09/30/2007 17:09:04
STATUS: publish

Saturday Morning Mom went to a REALLY BIG GARAGE SALE put on by her Mothers of Multiples Group, and when she came home she had lots of new toys and clothes for us! Later that afternoon our Aunt Angie came to play with us while Dad took Mom to a Football Game and watch the Minnesota Golden Gophers Lose to Ohio State, but Mom and Dad got to sit 13 rows from the field on the 20 yard line!
Sunday Aunt Angie came to church with us and then we all watched the Minnesota Vikings lose to some football team from Wisconsin.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 28, 2007
DATE: 09/28/2007 07:56:57
STATUS: publish

We are now 9 months old, and according to our doctor we are growing well. Today we had our 9 month well visit and got our flu shots. Flu Shots hurt, but Mommy and Daddy were there to hold us and comfort us through the pain. We are still getting over our ear infections, but we are sleeping well at night so Mommy and Daddy can sleep too.
We have to go back next month for Ear Checks and another Flu Shot, but we're good kids and we don't want to get the flu this winter.
Talk to you all later!
DATE: 09/29/2007 18:24:33
cute pitures,it reminds me of my grandchidren .
DATE: 09/30/2007 08:28:48
Total cuteness!!!!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 17, 2007
DATE: 09/17/2007 11:08:32
STATUS: publish

CONGRATULATIONS to Mom and Dad, because Friday was their 5th Wedding Anniversary!
Daddy took Mommy out for dinner on Thursday to celebrate! And on Saturday we all got to go to the Science Museum of Minnesota to see the Pompeii exhibit as well as the rest of the museum. We took pictures of our trip and you should go see them. They're all in our photo album right here on this website.
On Sunday afternoon we went to a lady's house who takes pictures of cute kids like us. We spent all afternoon being cute for her so she could take our picture over and over again. Mom and Dad kept trying to keep us smiling, but in the end we were just too tired and we slept the whole way home.
That's all for now,
N & H
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 12, 2007
DATE: 09/12/2007 20:42:01
STATUS: publish

Noah is feeling better. Both babies are back to their cheerful selves (most of the time). Daddy has taken them for walks around the neighborhood the past few days. And, they sit up like big kids in the stroller - no infant carriers in the stroller for Noah & Hannah!
Unfortunately, Hannah fell last night as she tried to pull herself up on Noah's exersaucer and got a cut under her eye. I guess that's going to happen as she learns to walk and move around. Hopefully, it heals before we have their 9-month pictures taken this weekend.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 9, 2007
DATE: 09/09/2007 19:08:18
STATUS: publish
I'm feeling better now after my new medicine. I'm smiling a lot again, but not when I have to take the medicine!
Friday night we got to go to volleyball party where Mommy's and her friends played against Daddy and his friends. Daddy won, but not by much! There were two other babies in pack & plays there, so we all got to watch from our row of pack & plays.
Saturday, Daddy took Noah to the doctor and found out he got the same ear infection I had last week! But, he had an infection in BOTH EARS! He now has to take the same icky medicine I do. He's starting to feel better, but sometimes he cries because he doesn't feel good yet.
Sunday morning, we were downstairs playing with Daddy and Noah crawled around the media room. He didn't go very far or fast, but I bet he will soon. He'll be crawling as fast as me soon! Then we'll be able to get into twice as much trouble!
Friday night we got to go to volleyball party where Mommy's and her friends played against Daddy and his friends. Daddy won, but not by much! There were two other babies in pack & plays there, so we all got to watch from our row of pack & plays.
Saturday, Daddy took Noah to the doctor and found out he got the same ear infection I had last week! But, he had an infection in BOTH EARS! He now has to take the same icky medicine I do. He's starting to feel better, but sometimes he cries because he doesn't feel good yet.
Sunday morning, we were downstairs playing with Daddy and Noah crawled around the media room. He didn't go very far or fast, but I bet he will soon. He'll be crawling as fast as me soon! Then we'll be able to get into twice as much trouble!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for September 5, 2007
DATE: 09/05/2007 20:45:33
STATUS: publish
We've been busy little babies!
Thursday, Hannah and Daddy went to urgent care together and found out Daddy had bronchitus and Hannah had another ear infection. So, they went to get medicine, including that pink medicine Hannah doesn't like much.
Friday morning, mommy found that Noah had a tooth popping out of his gums! At first, he wouldn't let her see it, but now people can see it when Noah smiles.
We went to a volleyball party on Monday. Boy, it was hot! We were so busy watching all the people and meeting people that we didn't even take naps, so we were really tired when we got home!
Hannah is finally feeling better after a second trip to see the doctor and a new (even yuckier!) medicine.
Daycare has almost been boring lately! We're so used to lots of kids around, and lots of our friends went off to school this week so there are only a few kids at Sue's. We get to see some of them after school - and while they're gone, there are more toys for us to play with!! :-)
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 28, 2007
DATE: 08/28/2007 20:08:50
STATUS: publish
What a busy weekend we had!
Friday, we played all day with daddy, and he took us with him to play volleyball! OK, we didn't play volleyball, but we got to play with some of the volleyball players and play in the sand.
Saturday we rode in the truck to a lake cabin. It was too chilly to swim, but we kept busy. We hardly even took a nap, but we were sure tired that night!
Sunday we got to play with mommy & daddy all day, then they took us to another house where we got to play with a two year old.
We kept so busy but we were ready to go back to daycare and play with our friends Monday.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 21, 2007
DATE: 08/21/2007 06:15:59
STATUS: publish

We've Turned 8 Months Old!!
This last weekend marked 8 months on this Earthly Plane. We celebrated it with Grandma and Grandpa S. who took care of us while Mom and Dad played in an outdoor volleyball tournament (in the rain). We got to go to church on Sunday and just pretty much played all weekend.
Next weekend we are going to a lake cabin up north. Maybe we will get to swim in the lake!?
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 14, 2007
DATE: 08/14/2007 12:32:43
STATUS: publish
What a busy weekend!
Saturday, we drove to Grandma & Grandpa's and they took us to a wedding. Then we came home and played with Aunt Angie until bedtime.
Sunday, we got up and went to our cousin Ben's baptism, then we went to play at aunt Dani's house. We got to play with cousin Lauren's toys, including her swingset! Mom took lots of pictures and Dad posted them in our photo album. We were so worn out, we slept all the way home. Then, Mom and Dad brought us to a party with volleyball friends at night. We were so tired after we got home and took baths that we fell right asleep.
We had to get our rest. We had appointments to get our eyes checked Monday morning. We passed all the eye tests and charmed the doctor. :-)
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 6, 2007
DATE: 08/06/2007 09:43:54
STATUS: publish

Last weekend we got to go to our Great Grandma's Cabin up North! We saw some of our Grandparents, lots of our Aunts and an Uncle, some cousins, Mommy's Cousins, and Mommy's Aunts and Uncles. It rained most of the weekend so again we didn't get to go swimming, but we got to visit with ALL Kinds of relatives that made us laugh and fed us watermelon. (Dad fed us Onions and Beer ~ YUM!!)
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for August 1, 2007
DATE: 08/01/2007 19:39:50
STATUS: publish
Thank you for all of your concern for our welfare. Noah & Hannah were snuggled in their crib for their afternoon nap when the bridge disaster happened here tonight. We are all safe and sound at home, and pray for the victims of this disaster.
The Perkins
DATE: 08/02/2007 01:09:49
Aloha Shari! I realized I haven't had a recent email addy for you and was worried today about how you and your family were doing. Luckily I had enough sense to try and Goggle you and looks like I found you. We will keep everyone in your area in our prayers. YFR, MEL
DATE: 08/02/2007 01:13:03
P.S. Hannah and Noah are adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 26, 2007
DATE: 07/26/2007 11:09:27
STATUS: publish
Noah & Hannah are mobile!
Yesterday, Hannah started to crawl. She's not up on all fours yet, but she's snaking along with her army crawl.
Noah finds it easier to roll across the room when he sees something he wants, but he never stays in one place for long!
DATE: 07/27/2007 16:10:10
I love the army crawl!!!! I've watched it over and over.
--Grandma P
DATE: 07/28/2007 19:24:02
What great pictures! Now that the twins are "mobile" you are really going to be busy, but it will be a fun type of busy. Enjoy. Love, Aunt Carolyn
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 23, 2007
DATE: 07/23/2007 06:26:51
STATUS: publish

Last night we got baths! We just love bath time. Now that we are able to sit up on our own, we are able to splash and play in the water. Mom always helps us get all clean while Dad puts us in clean clothes when we get out and fixes us our bedtime snack.
Don't you just LOVE us in our robes that our Aunt Angela got us!?
DATE: 07/25/2007 21:28:53
I loved seeing the pictures and reading the diary. Yes they are growing so fast. And they are still as cute as ever. I'm sorry about the ear infection but otherwise they are so healthy looking.
--Virginia Gray
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 21, 2007
DATE: 07/21/2007 20:36:00
STATUS: publish

Hannah's ear infection held on from Tuesday until Thursday, but really turned around Friday. She's feeling much better today. Her infectious smile has returned!
Noah has been such a patient little boy while mom & dad had to spend so much time comforting Hannah. He's been such a trooper! Hopefully he remains healthy and doesn't have an ear infection around the corner!
Now, we just have to work on getting both babies back on the same sleep schedule!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 17, 2007
DATE: 07/17/2007 12:20:44
STATUS: publish
We're almost seven months now and just got the first ear infection. Poor Hannah was pretty miserable all night last night and this morning, so Daddy took her in to the doctor and got the diagnosis. She is on medicine and will hopefully be feeling better soon!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 15, 2007
DATE: 07/15/2007 21:23:28
STATUS: publish

We went to another wedding Saturday. We're getting to be pros at this!
This was our third wedding of our lives, and we were pretty good for mommy and daddy. We got to meet more relatives that we haven't met yet, and of course, we saw our cousins Lauren & Ben again.
DATE: 07/27/2007 11:47:46
Hi Stephen and Shari
Someone in your family is certainly talented to be able to put together such a unique presentation of the twins in both pictures and videos. I'm empressed. Thanks for sharing. I loved seeing how they are growning. Our Trevor just started walking on July 12th Larry's birthday.
Love ya
Aunt Thel
--Thelma Slocum
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 4, 2007
DATE: 07/04/2007 15:30:04
STATUS: publish

We got to meet our Grandma and Grandpa Perkins yesterday. They drove all the way here to meet us, so we're busy having fun and getting to know them while they visit this week.
Happy Fourth of July! We probably won't get to stay up for the fireworks - maybe we will next year.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for July 2, 2007
DATE: 07/04/2007 15:25:46
STATUS: publish

We had a busy weekend. We took Grandma home on Friday night and stayed the whole weekend. Saturday was a big day! We went to a wedding in South Dakota. There were a lot of cousins, aunts & uncles there! Hannah even got a couple of dances on the dancefloor. Noah usually loves to dance, but he was tired and ready for a nap during the dance.
Then, Sunday, we came home and got to see Daddy! We missed him so much since we hadn't seen him for a whole week! (That's 1/28th of our lifetime!) We're happy to have Daddy home again.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 27th, 2007
DATE: 07/01/2007 20:28:44
STATUS: publish
It is a very busy week at our house.
Daddy had to travel to Houston on business for the week. We miss daddy, but grandma Schuelke came to stay with us and help Mommy while daddy was gone. On Monday Grandma Schuelke and Aunt Angie stayed with us and played with us all day.
On Tuesday Noah went to daycare and Hannah stayed home with Grandma.
On Wednesday Noah stayed home with Grandma and got to go for a walk down the the Supermarket, while Hannah went to daycare all by herself.
Daddy is coming home on Friday, but we will not be here when he gets home because we are going to Mommy's Cousin's wedding in South Dakota. We look forward to seeing Daddy on Sunday when we come home.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 24, 2007
DATE: 06/27/2007 08:45:32
STATUS: publish

Today we said good-bye to daddy. He left for Houston for the week to go to a programmer's conference. We will miss him, but we get to spend the week with Grandma S.
Daddy We Love You!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 19, 2007
DATE: 06/19/2007 12:48:47
STATUS: publish

Happy Birthday to us!
We are SIX MONTHS OLD today, and mommy and daddy celebrated by taking us out to have our pictures taken last night. We were pretty good for the photographers, so mom and dad have lots of nice proofs to choose from.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 13, 2007
DATE: 06/13/2007 21:48:46
STATUS: publish
yes, we're still here and growing!
We just got home yesterday after spending 10 days with Grandma and Grandpa S. We were sure busy! We got to hang out with our cousins, Mommy's aunts, uncles and cousins and some of Grandpa & Grandma's friends.
But, Mommy and Daddy were so happy to have us home again. They will post more photos soon!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for June 4, 2007
DATE: 06/04/2007 12:35:19
STATUS: publish

It was an exciting weekend!
Daddy went to Arkansas to be with his family for our aunt Angela's wedding.
Mommy took us to Grandpa & Grandma's to meet our newest cousin Benjamin. This is us with our cousins Lauren and Benjamin on Saturday.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 31, 2007
DATE: 05/31/2007 09:01:03
STATUS: publish

We have a new cousin! Benjamin was born this morning to aunt Dani and uncle Jason. Mommy is going to bring us out to Grandma & Grandpa's this weekend so we can meet our new cousin.
Welcome Benjamin Adam Dehne!
Daddy took us out to see Mommy at her volleyball playoffs last night. We didn't get to stay long since it started to rain on us, but we got to smile for a bunch of new people for a short time.
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 29, 2007
DATE: 05/31/2007 07:02:04
STATUS: publish
We’re almost six months old and, on Monday, we finally got to attend one of the holiday volleyball parties mommy and daddy attend every year. We got to meet a lot of people, and were very good kids – we smiled and hardly cried all day. But, at the end of the day, we were sure tired. We could hardly keep our eyes open for our bedtime snacks!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 22, 2007
DATE: 05/22/2007 05:42:53
STATUS: publish

Hannah and Noah tricked all the kids yesterday at day care with these outfits that Grandma and Grandpa S. bought for them while on vacation last year in Wyoming. The kids are used to Hannah wearing pink or yellow, so when she wears blue the other kids get confused! (Especially when Noah is wearing the same blue outfit.)
Funny story about these outfits: Grandma bought a Yellowstone sleeper last summer for the baby 15 minutes before we called to let her know that we were having TWINS! She had to turn around and go back to the store to buy ANOTHER SLEEPER!!
DATE: 05/22/2007 14:23:44
Such Absolute Cuties!!! Grandma Perkins
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 18, 2007
DATE: 05/18/2007 06:29:46
STATUS: publish

Hannah and Noah are growing so fast! Last night we ate 'Solid' food!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 18, 2007
DATE: 05/18/2007 06:29:20
STATUS: publish

Hannah and Noah are growing so fast! Last night we ate 'Solid' food!
AUTHOR: stephenandshari
TITLE: Entry for May 14, 2007
DATE: 05/14/2007 10:07:38
STATUS: publish

Happy Birthday Daddy!
Today is Dad's Birthday, and like they did for Mommy yeasterday, the Twins BOTH slept through the entire night last night!! That's TWO in a row!!! POP the Champagne!
DATE: 05/26/2007 12:07:51
I can't think of a better way to cellebrate, then to have your own children help you eat the cake and ice cream... Happy Birthday Stephen!
--Grandpa P
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