Sunday, July 12, 2015

The Works - April 17th

On April 17th, we had a day off school, so Mom took us to The Works Museum. It was so much fun!
And, it was nearly empty (most other kids are still in school - we were off school for a teacher workshop), so we had a chance to try everything.

Building a wall - teamwork!

funny mirror!

Hannah used the foam blocks to build herself a throne.

Dancing in the colored lights

playing with magnets

building a marble maze

mobile - built by Hannah

learning about pulleys. 8 pulleys makes it easier to lift his sister than 1 pulley.

dancing on the furniture. every step makes a different sound

checking out the K'nex tower 
programming a path into the Bee Bot

Noah built himself a bed out of the foam blocks

playing with magnets

building a marble coaster

lifting each other up with pulleys 
playing music on a stringless harp
What a fun time we had! Unfortunately, we had to leave early.

We picked up a movie on the way home, then Mom made plans for Hannah's best friend Payton to come stay the night. It was her first sleepover. We made popcorn, watched Newsies (that's the play that we're performing an abridged version for Park & Rec) and then the girls sat & talked for a little while.

It was a fun day, and a fun night.