Monday night, we got to go with Daddy when he played volleyball, and we got to stay until 9 o'clock! It was a fun night.
Tuesday night, Mommy didn't come home. Daddy said she had a volleyball tournament for work, so we got to choose WHATEVER WE WANTED to eat for supper! Daddy said he'd make mostaciolli (our favorite!), mac & cheese, buy pizza - whatever we wanted. We chose Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. I ate 2. Hannah had 1. They were delish! Mommy came home late from her tournament, but she was happy because her team won the tournament!
Wednesday, we had soo bahk do. I didn't want to go, but Mommy said we could have some dinosaur puzzles that she printed for us at work, and if we were really good, she had quarters for gumballs! We both tried really hard to be good (even though there was a naughty 3 year old who was running all over and yelling). But, Mommy said we were both good enough for gumballs! I got an orange one and Hannah got a pink one. It's been a while since we've gotten gumballs, so it was a good day!
Friday, Sue was closed so we played quietly in the morning while Daddy worked. Then, we went to Ron & Carol's sandbox for hooky day. A guy was building a path to the food shed, so the food was out near the fire ring. I loved watching him work on making the brick pathway. He didn't get a lot of work done since he only worked when he wasn't playing volleyball. We had fun, even though we were the only kids there. We were excited to see Mommy - she had to go to a big meeting for work, so she was late.
Saturday morning, we woke up to rain. Mommy asked us if we wanted to go to the lake, so we got in the car and drove to the cabin. Daddy stayed home with Cheyenne, so we missed him. But, Mommy said he was going to work on cleaning while we were gone.
We met Grandma, Grandpa, Angie, Dani, Jason, Lauren & Ben at Menards, then drove out to the cabin. It was a nice, sunny day at the lake. After dinner, we were ready to swim! We swam all afternoon - we tubed, rode the jet ski, relaxed on floaties, and played with fun noodles. It was awesome! When I got tired, I went to the cabin and found some "find-a-word" puzzle books that Great Grandma used to do. I found a few words in the books. I like find-a-word puzzles.

After supper, Grandpa started the fire. We had some delicious s'mores before Mommy made us go to bed.
We were so tired! We fell asleep fast.

Grandpa & Jason took us fishing for a short time, but we ran out of bait so we went back to the house to play hide & seek.
For dinner, we had chicken, corn & strawberries. What a delicious meal! We wanted to go swimming after dinner, so Mommy said we could swim for a few minutes while she did dishes. It was sunny & warm, so it was perfect day to swim. Too bad we had to leave, so we didn't get much swim time.
We were very good when Mommy said it was time to go, though. We got dressed quickly, went up to the house and got ready to go. Mommy said if we got home in time, we could meet Daddy's cousins at a restaurant for supper.
After a long drive with lots of traffic, we got home, picked up daddy and went to eat. We were hungry, but once we got food in us, we were happy to play with Daddy's cousins' kids while he talked to his aunts, uncles, and 3 of his cousins. After we had a cheese sandwich, we walked to an ice cream store! I had a mango ice cream cone - it was so delicious! Hannah had a cotton candy ice cream cone while we hung out with cousins.
By the time we got home, we were SO TIRED! I was so excited that I could hardly sit still; but when the lights went out in our bedroom, I fell asleep fast. What a fun weekend!
Have a good week!