Thursday morning, Noah had preschool screening. They told me last year that I passed and could start kindergarten when I'm 5. But, Noah didn't quite cooperate last year for all the tests, so the tester wanted him to go back. This time he did all the tests and aced them! They were very impressed with how hard he's trying to enunciate his "l"s, and he's working hard on his "th" sound (and so am I!), so they said he's ready for kindergarten when he's 5, too. There was another girl being tested at the same time who is a few days older than us. She didn't do very well on her test. Daddy was very proud when he heard how well Noah did, and how smart he and I are. Now Mom is anxious about what school we will go to...
We had a short week at daycare. Thursday was our last day. Sue gave us each Easter baskets with candy & toys. Sue watches twin girls named Mollie & Ellie and I love them. The last few babies have been boys, so I love helping entertain the baby girls! I helped Sue pick out which baby got the white bunny and which baby got a pink bunny in their baskets.
Friday, Dad had to work so we hung out with Mom at home. We played in our pet shop, packed our bags and went to Target to help Mom get treats for an egg hunt at Great Grandma's house. Daddy had to work late, so we got a late start to Grandma's. We got there way past our bedtime, but were so excited to see Grandma, Grandpa & Angie!
Saturday morning, we got up and played with Grandma & Grandpa a short time before Lauren & Ben came. Then we opened some Easter gifts from Dani, Angie & Grandma.

After that we went to Great Grandma Leona's house. As usual, there were lots of mom's cousins & their kids there to play with. After dinner, we went out to a HUGE Easter Egg Hunt! There were eggs and stuff ALL OVER the backyard. Mommy said it looked like the Easter Bunny puked everywhere because there were so many eggs in the grass.

We got a lot of fun stuff - candy, juice, books, toys. Noah's favorite was the magnifying glass.
We spent the afternoon playing with our cousins - I colored with the girl cousins and Noah ran around playing with the boys, chasing each other with empty water guns. We had a really fun time, and later, we got to go outside. We ran in the backyard, rolled down the big hill, then went up the driveway to play on the tractors. It was cool to get to go into the tractors (Daddy & Grandma were with us, so it was OK.) Noah took Mommy way up the driveway to see more tractors and old machinery that didn't work. He said it was pretty cool!
We went to bed a little bit late again. I got to use one of Mommy's favorite blankets from when she was a kid - a blanket with a doll on it. Noah got to use her Crayon sleeping bag. I was a little jealous, but I'll get to use it next time. I did get to sleep with her doll that Grandma made for her while Noah slept with her Mickey Mouse.
We like getting to read Mommy's old books from when she was our age. She has Cabbage Patch Kids, Berenstein Bears and Pac-Man books. Mommy thinks it's cool how we are interested in her old books as much as we are interested in our new books at home.
Today, we got up and played for a long time before we realized that the Easter Bunny had been to Grandma's house. He hid our Easter buckets, so we got to find them to claim our Easter presents. We got some cool stuff - candy, stampers, socks - but our favorite was masks that we get to make! I got a butterfly and Noah got a lion. We can't wait to make our foam masks!

After we got dressed, Cathy & Jim came, and Great Grandma came with Grandpa. Great Grandma fell down a couple of weeks ago so she's been in the hospital to get stronger and better balance. Grandpa took her to church then brought her here to get away from the hospital and enjoy some family time. We got to show Great Grandma how to work Daddy's iPad. We had a yummy meal, then played with Grandma's Woody, Jesse and Buzz toys before we went home. We were so exhausted we actually fell asleep on the drive home! It was a really fun weekend!
Happy Easter!