Of course, our big news is that we started school this week!
After a busy couple of holiday weeks, we got into a new routine: preschool.
We went to Sue's house Monday, then after we ate, we went downstairs, went potty, and when everyone else had naps, we went up to wait in the kitchen for the bus. Joey, our friend from daycare, goes to preschool too.

He gets to take the bus to school.
Mom & Dad came to pick us up, since the bus wasn't ready for us on our first day. We got to the school and found our classroom and teachers. Noah got shy and wanted Mom to pick him up, but our teacher told Mom that she had to put him down because we're big kids now. He pouted about it until the bus came, and we were both excited to see Joey (and he was excited to see us!) and that cheered Noah up. We got right to work on learning the preschool routine! It's going to take some getting used to - Noah and I each had a point where we wanted Mom to pick us up and hold us. We were tired from such a busy weekend. But, we're going to try to be good at school and prove we're big enough to be here!
Our teachers are Mrs. Bodin & Mrs. Hanks. They're strict, but we're going to learn how preschool works very quickly.
After preschool, we went home to play for a while. Then, we got to go to a restaurant to celebrate Mommy's birthday. We love restaurants! We gave her some pretty jewelry that the Divas helped Daddy pick out. She loved it. Noah was so hungry, he ate TWO meals - he ate his corndog & applesauce then wanted a grilled cheese, so he ate half a grilled cheese sandwich after that.
Tuesday was Mommy's birthday. We sang happy birthday to her. Unfortunately, she had to go to work, so we only got to see her a short time after work before she went to play volleyball.

Wednesday went better at school. We got to ride the bus with Joey. Noah and I both got the sharing bag, so we got to bring something to show and tell on Friday. After school, we got to ride the bus home - and we picked up some of our schoolkid friends at their school before going back to Sue's.
We were so excited to ride the bus, when Daddy picked us up, he asked what we did, and we said "We rode the bus to school, then we rode it back to Sue's!" Dad asked Noah about riding the bus to school, and he said "Dad, we didn't ride the bus home. We rode it to Sue's." That silly Dad - asking crazy questions. I guess he wanted to hear more about school, but we were too excited about the bus!
We also started skating again on Saturday. I really don't like it - they won't help me up like they did in the fall. They said I know how to do it, so I have to try harder. I don't want to fall down, so I'm not so sure if I want to try. Daddy is disappointed, though, so maybe I'll try harder for Daddy. Noah almost got moved up to the next class, but they decided to keep him with me. He likes to skate and tried really hard to do what the teachers asked. He wants to play hockey, and daddy said I can, too, if I try hard.
I had an early morning Saturday, so I actually fell asleep at naptime. I was tired! When I got up Daddy had brought the big chair back to the living room and we got to cuddle in the big chair for a while.
We were happy to see Mommy when she got home from her volleyball tournament. We played with her, and even made a campfire. (Mom has a basket of Christmas tree branches with pinecones and lights. We turned off the living room lights, plugged in the basket behind the big chair and had a campfire.) We roasted pretend marshmallows and laid next to our campfire. It was fun.
Today, we got to go back to Sunday School. I love Sunday school! Noah didn't want to go, but once we got there, TJ & Penny were there and cheered Noah up. We got to do camp activities in big group - we made cool cross necklaces and ICE CREAM in plastic bags! I fell down and got a rug burn on my elbow when Daddy was helping me with my ice cream, so I only had a couple of bites. Noah and Mommy shook his up and he had chocolate ice cream! I didn't like his, but he ate it all! He loved it!
It was a fun day to just play at home - we have been so busy we haven't been able to play with all our Christmas toys. I played princess, Barbies, Zhu Zhu pets with Noah, and he played with his transformers, read books and dressed up in costumes.
Looking forward to another day of school tomorrow! Have a good week. Stay warm.