Saturday, December 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!

We've had a lot of snow in the past couple of days!
Tuesday we had a big party at daycare. We got to open presents from our friends and have Christmas cookies!
Wednesday, we stayed home with Mommy. We had a fun day, then we got to go out to eat while it started to snow. It was so pretty!
Thursday we wanted to play in the snow, so we put on our snowpants, boots and coats and went out to play for a very long time. We played in the backyard, with the sled and on big snowbanks that daddy made when he shoveled the driveway. It was so much fun! We were sad to go inside, but we didn't realize we were hungry until Daddy made us some food. We got to open some of our presents in the afternoon and it snowed all day while we played with our new things.
That night, we laid out milk and cookies for Santa because Mom & Dad said he liked cookies.
Friday, our stockings were missing, and we went down by the tree and they were filled with little toys next to big gifts by the Christmas tree. We opened our big gifts from Santa (Noah got a train set and Hannah got a stroller, high chair & swing for her baby) and played with them while Mom & Dad got ready. But, Noah was naughty - while Mom & Dad were getting ready, Noah opened up another present under the tree! Mommy & Daddy didn't tell him it was OK but luckily, he happened to open a gift for Hannah & Noah. After everyone got ready and Daddy blew snow off the sidewalk (AGAIN!) we were so excited to see Grandpa & Grandma at Angie's house that Daddy drove on some scary roads to get to Angie's. It was so great to see them! We only got to stay a short time, but we got to open a couple of presents from Grandma & Grandpa.
Today, Daddy set up the present that Noah opened when he wasn't supposed to - a new clubhouse! It's a pet shop tent, so we have a door, walls & windows to have our own fort. It was fun, but Noah snuck downstairs again and opened ANOTHER present. Naughty! Again, he opened one that was for Hannah & Noah, so at least Mom doesn't have to wrap up gifts for our family again!
It's nap time now - we're not sleeping. We haven't napped in a very long time - but Mom & Dad hope that we will rest.
Merry Christmas!
Noah & Hannah

Sunday, December 20, 2009

We're THREE!!!

Happy Birthday to us!
We had a full week and a really full birthday!
The night before our birthday, Megan came over and played with us while Mommy & Daddy went to a Christmas party. We love when Megan comes to see us, so we were good for her.
On our birthday, we got up, went to the mall to get our picture taken. (Hannah had fun hamming it up for the camera, but Noah didn't want to be in front of the camera - he just wanted to run around and cause trouble in the studio!) Then we went to see Santa. Santa was in the nursery when we were born, and he got to hold us before Mommy did! So, we've seen Santa on our birthday for 4 years now. The line was REALLY long, but Daddy is awesome. He waited in line for an hour while we got to ride the escalator with Mommy, then went to buy Daddy some coffee (another long line, but Mommy bought us yogurt to eat because we were very good in line.). We were so excited to see Santa! We sat on his lap and took a picture. We're excited for him to come to our house.
After we saw Santa, we drove up to see our cousins Michael & Michelle (and their Mom & Dad). We had fun running around with them and Daddy said he had fun talking with his sister. (How boring! We had so much more fun RUNNING and getting TICKLED by our cousins.) We wore ourselves out so much that Noah fell asleep on the way home! On the way home, we stopped to give toys to the Marines so they could share them with kids who don't have as many toys as we do. Noah was asleep so he missed it, but Hannah saw the marine and he wished her a Merry Christmas.
When we got home, we got to open presents! Mom & Dad let us open one this morning and we were anxious to open the rest. We got some fun new toys to play with.

Today we went to Sunday school, then after we ate lunch, we went back to church for the Sunday school program. Hannah stood in front of everyone pretty well during most of the program, but Noah didn't want to wear his angel costume for more than 3 minutes at a time, so he sat on Mom's or Dad's lap most of the program.

We'll only be at daycare 2 days this week - and we get to have a party one of those days! YEAH! Then, we'll hang out with Mom & Dad for a couple of days, then we get to spend Christmas at our aunt Angie's house! We are looking forward to seeing Grandma & Grandpa & Angie.

Merry Christmas!
Noah & Hannah

Monday, December 14, 2009

Busy weekend.

We miss Daddy! Not only are we excited to see our Daddy again, Mommy wears us out!
Saturday, we went to a Christmas party so we got to have snacks, see Santa, make a Christmas project, and decorate Gingerbread cookies (not to mention run around with other twins!). Then we came home and Mom tried to make us nap. Of course, we just talked in our room until she told us we could help her bake cookies. We made 2 different kinds - ones with chocolate kisses and cookies that we got to cut out and put lots of sugar on them before they went in the oven!
Sunday, we went to Sunday school, sang Christmas songs and saw all the animals on the altar, then to Target, then home to eat Mac & Cheese. Once again, we did not nap and so we watched a Christmas show and Sesame Street while Mommy wrapped presents. We really love Big Bird and Elmo!
Noah was funny on Sunday. Mommy asked him if he wanted more green beans (We both LOVE green beans!) and Noah said "YES!", so Mommy gave him more beans. He was swinging his fork, and said "Mommy, my fork is shaking his head no, but I said yes!" So Mommy told us that we are the boss of our forks, so we can tell our forks "YES! I want to eat green beans, and I'm the boss of you, fork!"
We were so busy, we hardly had time to play with our toys all weekend. It's OK, though because Hannah's toys were taken away for a day when she didn't pick them up. We're very anxious to see Daddy - Mommy said he'll be back tomorrow, so we can't wait for him to pick us up from daycare!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Hannah got her first haircut yesterday. She was very good. She sat in the chair, looked up and down when the stylist asked her to. It looks very nice, although her baby curls are now gone.
Noah, on the other hand, screamed and squirmed and had to be held down by 2 people when he got his hair cut...We wish we knew why he won't let anyone touch his hair. He told us he didn't want his hair cut and tried to avoid a haircut. The stylist was supposed to trim it a little, but she cut A LOT off. Hopefully it grows out and looks better by the time he gets his three year pictures taken on his birthday!
Noah and Hannah loved the snow we have now. But, they aren't used to the cold yet, so they haven't had a chance to play in the snow because the wind is too cold for all of us.
We hope it warms up soon so we can sled in the snow!